Münster Quiz-1-Advanced

Münster Quiz-1-Advanced

Münster Quiz-1-Advanced | Sprachschule Münster

Advanced 1

Münster Quiz

1. What type of architecture is the Prinzipalmarkt known for? ______.
a) Baroque and Rococo (Barock und Rokoko)
b) Gothic and Renaissance (Gotik und Renaissance)
c) Modern (Modern)

2. Which major treaty was signed in Münster in 1648? ______.
a) Treaty of Versailles (Vertrag von Versailles)
b) The Treaty of Westphalia (Der Westfälische Friede)
c) Treaty of Paris (Vertrag von Paris)

3. Which is the only museum in Germany dedicated solely to Picasso’s graphic works? ______.
a) Kunsthalle Hamburg
b) Pablo Picasso Museum of Graphic Art
c) Berlin National Gallery (Nationalgalerie Berlin)

4. How many kilometers of bike lanes are in Münster? ______.
a) 300 kilometers
b) 450 kilometers
c) 200 kilometers

5. What historic artifact hangs on St. Lambert's Church in Münster? ______.
a) A statue of Charlemagne
b) The cages of the executed Anabaptist leaders
c) A bell tower from the Middle Ages

6. What is Münster's nickname due to its high bicycle usage? ______.
a) Bicycle Paradise (Fahrradparadies)
b) Pedal City (Pedalstadt)
c) Bicycle Capital (Fahrradhauptstadt)

7. What is unique about Münster's Promenade? ______.
a) It’s lined with cafes (Es ist mit Cafés gesäumt)
b) It’s a circular pathway only for pedestrians and cyclists (Es ist ein kreisförmiger Weg nur für Fußgänger und Radfahrer)
c) It has a river flowing through it (Es hat einen Fluss, der hindurchfließt)

8. How often is the Skulptur Projekte exhibition held in Münster? ______.
a) Every 5 years (Alle 5 Jahre)
b) Every 10 years (Alle 10 Jahre)
c) Every 20 years (Alle 20 Jahre)

9. What is the name of the artificial lake in Münster? ______.
a) Lake Rhine (Rheinsee)
b) Lake Aasee (Aasee)
c) Lake Westphalia (Westfälischer See)

10. What historic event heavily damaged Münster's Altstadt? ______.
a) World War I (Erster Weltkrieg)
b) World War II (Zweiter Weltkrieg)
c) The Napoleonic Wars (Die Napoleonischen Kriege)

11. What is the oldest Gothic secular building in Münster? ______.
a) The Town Hall (Rathaus)
b) The Cathedral (Dom)
c) The Castle (Schloss)

12. What clock from 1540 is still operational in St. Paulus Dom? ______.
a) A sun clock (Eine Sonnenuhr)
b) The astronomical clock (Die astronomische Uhr)
c) A church bell timer (Eine Glockentimer)

13. What area near Münster is known for its picturesque countryside and castles? ______.
a) The Ruhr Valley (Ruhrtal)
b) Münsterland
c) The Black Forest (Schwarzwald)

14. What is the name of Münster’s famous meat stew? ______.
a) Westphalian Goulash (Westfälisches Gulasch)
b) Münsterländer Töttchen
c) Münster Sausage (Münsterwurst)

15. Which river flows through Münster? ______.
a) The Rhine (Rhein)
b) The Ems (Ems)
c) The Elbe (Elbe)

16. What major diplomatic concept emerged from the Treaty of Westphalia? ______.
a) United Nations formation (Gründung der Vereinten Nationen)
b) The concept of sovereign states (Das Konzept der souveränen Staaten)
c) European Union origins (Ursprünge der Europäischen Union)

17. How many plant species are in Münster’s Botanical Garden? ______.
a) 5,000
b) Over 8,000 (Über 8.000)
c) 10,000

18. In which building can you find the armory collection in Münster? ______.
a) The town hall (Das Rathaus)
b) The castle (Das Schloss)
c) St. Paulus Dom

19. Where can you find the old Jewish Quarter commemorated in Münster? ______.
a) In the historic city center (Im historischen Stadtzentrum)
b) Near the train station (In der Nähe des Bahnhofs)
c) On the university campus (Auf dem Universitätscampus)

20. How many students study at the University of Münster? ______.
a) 30,000
b) Over 45,000 (Über 45.000)
c) 50,000

Münster Quiz-1-Advanced

Münster Quiz-1-Advanced

Münster Quiz-1-Advanced | Sprachschule Münster