Gardening English Quiz 2
Gardening English Quiz 2 | Sprachschule Münster
1. What type of bird feeder reduces the spread of diseases?
Tube feeder
a) Platform feeder (Plattform-Futterstelle)
b) Tube feeder (Röhren-Futterstelle)
c) Mesh feeder (Netz-Futterstelle)
2. What should you clean bird feeders with to keep them safe?
Hot water and mild soap
a) Vinegar (Essig)
b) Hot water and mild soap (Heißes Wasser und milde Seife)
c) Cooking oil (Speiseöl)
3. Which food is best for feeding winter birds?
Sunflower seeds
a) Sunflower seeds (Sonnenblumenkerne)
b) Bread crumbs (Brotkrumen)
c) Rice (Reis)
4. What kind of water source can help birds in winter?
Heated birdbath
a) Heated birdbath (Beheiztes Vogelbad)
b) Cold fountain (Kalter Brunnen)
c) Frozen pond (Gefrorener Teich)
5. Why is it important to provide food for hedgehogs in winter?
They need to build fat reserves
a) They cannot find food (Sie finden kein Futter)
b) They need to build fat reserves (Sie müssen Fettreserven aufbauen)
c) They are awake all winter (Sie sind den ganzen Winter wach)
6. What is a safe way to feed squirrels in winter?
Provide nuts and seeds
a) Provide nuts and seeds (Nüsse und Samen bereitstellen)
b) Give bread (Brot geben)
c) Feed them milk (Milch füttern)
7. How can you help bees during the winter?
Provide bee hotels
a) Leave flowers uncovered (Blumen unbedeckt lassen)
b) Provide bee hotels (Bienenhotels aufstellen)
c) Feed them honey (Mit Honig füttern)
8. What is the purpose of leaving leaf piles in the garden?
They provide shelter for insects
a) They keep plants warm (Sie halten Pflanzen warm)
b) They provide shelter for insects (Sie bieten Insekten Schutz)
c) They fertilize soil quickly (Sie düngen den Boden schnell)
9. What food is NOT safe for birds in winter?
a) Suet (Fettfutter)
b) Bread (Brot)
c) Peanuts (Erdnüsse)
10. Why is it important to avoid overcrowding at bird feeders?
To reduce the spread of disease
a) To reduce noise (Um Lärm zu reduzieren)
b) To reduce the spread of disease (Um die Ausbreitung von Krankheiten zu verringern)
c) To save food (Um Futter zu sparen)
11. How can you help foxes during the winter?
Provide meat scraps safely
a) Provide meat scraps safely (Fleischreste sicher bereitstellen)
b) Offer fruit (Obst anbieten)
c) Leave out milk (Milch bereitstellen)
12. Why do birds need fat-rich foods in winter?
To generate energy and heat
a) To store water (Um Wasser zu speichern)
b) To generate energy and heat (Um Energie und Wärme zu erzeugen)
c) To build nests (Um Nester zu bauen)
13. What material is ideal for building a bee hotel?
Hollow bamboo sticks
a) Hollow bamboo sticks (Hohle Bambusstäbe)
b) Metal pipes (Metallrohre)
c) Plastic bottles (Plastikflaschen)
14. How can water sources be kept from freezing for animals?
Place a floating ball in the water
a) Add sugar (Zucker hinzufügen)
b) Place a floating ball in the water (Einen schwimmenden Ball platzieren)
c) Add salt (Salz hinzufügen)
15. Which type of shelter helps insects survive winter?
Insect hotels
a) Insect hotels (Insektenhotels)
b) Birdhouses (Vogelhäuser)
c) Compost piles (Komposthaufen)
16. How can you help bats in winter?
Provide bat boxes
a) Feed them sugar (Zucker füttern)
b) Provide bat boxes (Fledermauskästen bereitstellen)
c) Leave lights on (Lichter anlassen)
17. Why should you avoid using salt near bird feeding areas?
It can harm birds' feet
a) It attracts predators (Es zieht Raubtiere an)
b) It can harm birds' feet (Es kann die Füße der Vögel verletzen)
c) It scares birds away (Es vertreibt die Vögel)
18. What type of bird feeder prevents overcrowding?
Tube feeder
a) Platform feeder (Plattform-Futterstelle)
b) Tube feeder (Röhren-Futterstelle)
c) Ground feeder (Boden-Futterstelle)
19. Which food is ideal for hedgehogs preparing for hibernation?
Meaty cat food
a) Bread and milk (Brot und Milch)
b) Meaty cat food (Fleischiges Katzenfutter)
c) Sugar water (Zuckerwasser)
20. How can you provide shelter for frogs in winter?
Create a log pile
a) Leave water bowls outside (Wasserschalen draußen lassen)
b) Create a log pile (Einen Holzstapel errichten)
c) Feed them fruit (Mit Obst füttern)
21. Why should you not disturb hibernating animals?
It uses their energy reserves
a) It wakes them permanently (Es weckt sie dauerhaft)
b) It uses their energy reserves (Es verbraucht ihre Energiereserven)
c) It makes them aggressive (Es macht sie aggressiv)
22. Which material is safe for creating bird nests in winter?
Natural twigs and grass
a) Plastic strips (Plastikstreifen)
b) Natural twigs and grass (Natürliche Zweige und Gras)
c) Cotton wool (Baumwolle)
23. How do log piles help insects in winter?
They provide warmth and shelter
a) They attract predators (Sie ziehen Raubtiere an)
b) They provide warmth and shelter (Sie bieten Wärme und Schutz)
c) They grow food (Sie lassen Futter wachsen)
24. What is an appropriate winter food for deer?
Hay and twigs
a) Meat (Fleisch)
b) Hay and twigs (Heu und Zweige)
c) Bread (Brot)
25. Why are fat balls useful for winter birds?
They provide high energy
a) They provide water (Sie liefern Wasser)
b) They provide high energy (Sie liefern viel Energie)
c) They attract insects (Sie ziehen Insekten an)
26. How can you protect bees overwintering in beehives?
Insulate the hive
a) Move the hive indoors (Den Bienenstock ins Haus stellen)
b) Insulate the hive (Den Bienenstock isolieren)
c) Feed them sugar water (Mit Zuckerwasser füttern)
27. Which bird prefers suet feeders during winter?
a) Sparrows (Spatzen)
b) Robins (Rotkehlchen)
c) Woodpeckers (Spechte)
28. What can you plant to help wildlife find food in winter?
Berry bushes
a) Roses (Rosen)
b) Berry bushes (Beerensträucher)
c) Lavender (Lavendel)
29. Why should water for birds be refreshed daily in winter?
To prevent it from freezing
a) To attract more birds (Um mehr Vögel anzulocken)
b) To keep it clean (Um es sauber zu halten)
c) To prevent it from freezing (Damit es nicht gefriert)
30. Why is it important to leave garden borders untrimmed in winter?
They provide shelter for insects
a) They look pretty (Sie sehen hübsch aus)
b) They provide shelter for insects (Sie bieten Insekten Schutz)
c) They keep the soil warm (Sie halten den Boden warm)