Polite questions: Blood Pressure
Polite questions: Blood Pressure | Sprachschule Münster
Here are the 20 polite questions with simple answers related to blood pressure.
Could I take your blood pressure now, please?
Yes, that’s fine.
May I ask if you’ve been monitoring your blood pressure at home?
Yes, I check it every morning.
Would you mind sharing your last recorded blood pressure reading?
It was 120/80 yesterday.
Could you let me know if you’re feeling dizzy or lightheaded?
No, I feel fine.
Do you mind if I adjust the cuff for better accuracy?
Not at all, go ahead.
May I ask if you’ve taken your blood pressure medication today?
Yes, I took it this morning.
Would you like me to explain what your blood pressure numbers mean?
Yes, that would be helpful.
Could I check your blood pressure again in a few minutes?
Sure, that’s okay.
May I confirm if you’ve had any changes in your blood pressure recently?
No, it’s been stable.
Would it be okay to ask about your diet and salt intake?
Yes, I try to eat healthy and limit salt.
Could you share if you’ve experienced headaches or blurred vision lately?
No, I haven’t noticed anything like that.
May I know if you’ve felt more stressed than usual recently?
Yes, I’ve been under some stress at work.
Would you prefer to sit or lie down while I take your blood pressure?
I’ll sit, thanks.
Could you tell me if you’ve ever been diagnosed with hypertension?
Yes, about two years ago.
May I ask if you’re experiencing any shortness of breath?
No, my breathing feels normal.
Would you like to know tips for maintaining a healthy blood pressure?
Yes, I’d like to hear them.
Could you share if you’ve been exercising regularly?
I try to walk three times a week.
May I ask if you’ve noticed any swelling in your hands or feet?
No, I haven’t seen any swelling.
Would you like me to explain how to use a home blood pressure monitor?
Yes, that would be great.
Could I record your blood pressure now to check for any changes?
Yes, please go ahead.