Pferde Englisch Quiz 1

Pferde Englisch Quiz 1

Pferde Englisch Quiz 1 | Sprachschule Münster

Horse-Themed Quiz

Horse-Themed English Exercises

1. What is the name for the fastest gait of a horse? ______.
a) Trot (Trab)
b) Canter (Galopp im moderaten Tempo)
c) Gallop (Galopp)

Exercise 2 -->

2. What tool is used to clean a horse's hooves? ______.
a) Brush (Bürste)
b) Hoof pick (Hufkratzer)
c) Comb (Kamm)

3. What is a young horse called? ______.
a) Colt (junger Hengst)
b) Stallion (Hengst)
c) Foal (Fohlen)

4. What do you call a female horse? ______.
a) Filly (junges Weibchen)
b) Mare (Stute)
c) Gelding (Wallach)

5. Which breed of horse is known for racing? ______.
a) Mustang (Mustang)
b) Shire (Shire-Pferd)
c) Thoroughbred (Vollblut)

6. What is a horse's diet primarily composed of? ______.
a) Fish (Fisch)
b) Grass and hay (Gras und Heu)
c) Meat (Fleisch)

7. What is a horse’s body temperature on average? ______.
a) 38°C (100,4°F)
b) 36°C (36°C)
c) 40°C (40°C)

8. What is the term for a horse's caretaker? ______.
a) Trainer (Trainer)
b) Groom (Pferdepfleger)
c) Handler (Betreuer)

9. Which part of the horse is referred to as the "withers"? ______.
a) Back (Rücken)
b) Hooves (Hufe)
c) Top of the shoulders (Schulterhöhe)

10. How many beats are in a horse’s walk? ______.
a) Two beats (Zwei Takte)
b) Three beats (Drei Takte)
c) Four beats (Vier Takte)

11. What is a male horse under four years old called? ______.
a) Gelding (Wallach)
b) Colt (junger Hengst)
c) Stallion (Hengst)

12. How many hooves does a horse have? ______.
a) Two (Zwei)
b) Four (Vier)
c) Six (Sechs)

13. What is a group of horses called? ______.
a) Herd (Herde)
b) Flock (Schwarm)
c) Pack (Rudel)

14. What is a foal's primary food? ______.
a) Grass (Gras)
b) Milk (Milch)
c) Hay (Heu)

15. What is the term for brushing a horse? ______.
a) Grooming (Pflegen)
b) Feeding (Füttern)
c) Training (Trainieren)

16. What is the term for a horse's hair along its neck? ______.
a) Tail
b) Mane
c) Crest

17. How many teeth does an adult male horse typically have? ______.
a) 36
b) 40
c) 44

18. Which country is famous for the "Lipizzaner" horse breed? ______.
a) Spain
b) Austria
c) France

19. What do horses primarily use their tails for? ______.
a) Balance
b) To swat flies
c) Communication

20. How long is a horse's pregnancy (gestation period)? ______.
a) 9 months
b) 11 months
c) 12 months

21. What is the color of a horse with a golden coat and white mane/tail? ______.
a) Bay
b) Palomino
c) Chestnut

22. Which piece of equipment is placed on a horse’s head for riding? ______.
a) Saddle
b) Halter
c) Bridle

23. What is the primary purpose of horseshoes? ______.
a) Decoration
b) To protect the hooves
c) Improve speed

24. What are horses known for in terms of vision? ______.
a) Poor eyesight
b) Wide field of vision
c) Night vision

25. How do horses typically sleep? ______.
a) Lying down
b) Standing up
c) Sitting

26. Which horse breed is known for its spotted coat pattern? ______.
a) Andalusian
b) Clydesdale
c) Appaloosa

27. What is the term for a horse’s sound? ______.
a) Bark
b) Neigh
c) Moo

28. At what age does a horse generally stop growing? ______.
a) 4 years
b) 6 years
c) 8 years

29. Which part of the saddle do riders sit on? ______.
a) Stirrup
b) Cantle
c) Seat

30. What is a horse’s natural lifespan? ______.
a) 15-20 years
b) 25-30 years
c) 40-50 years

Pferde Englisch Quiz 1w

Pferde Englisch Quiz 1

Pferde Englisch Quiz 1 | Sprachschule Münster