Gardening English Quiz 1
Gardening English Quiz 1 | Sprachschule Münster
1. What type of plants can survive the winter and bloom again in spring?
a) Annuals (Einjährige Pflanzen)
b) Perennials (Stauden)
c) Succulents (Sukkulenten)
2. What should you do to protect delicate plants in winter?
Cover them with mulch
a) Water them daily (Täglich gießen)
b) Cover them with mulch (Mit Mulch bedecken)
c) Prune heavily (Stark zurückschneiden)
3. Which plant thrives in winter and is often used in decorations?
a) Holly (Stechpalme)
b) Sunflower (Sonnenblume)
c) Tulip (Tulpe)
4. What garden tool is best for removing snow from pathways?
a) Rake (Rechen)
b) Shovel (Schaufel)
c) Hoe (Hacke)
5. What type of bird feed is popular in winter?
Sunflower seeds
a) Grass seeds (Grassamen)
b) Sunflower seeds (Sonnenblumenkerne)
c) Fruit slices (Obstscheiben)
6. Which winter vegetable grows underground?
a) Lettuce (Salat)
b) Carrots (Karotten)
c) Broccoli (Brokkoli)
7. What do you call plants that lose their leaves in winter?
a) Evergreen (Immergrün)
b) Deciduous (Laubabwerfend)
c) Frost-tolerant (Frostbeständig)
8. What can you spread on icy garden paths to prevent slipping?
a) Mulch (Mulch)
b) Sand (Sand)
c) Fertilizer (Dünger)
9. Which tool is used to cut back plants in winter?
a) Pruners (Gartenschere)
b) Spade (Spaten)
c) Hoe (Hacke)
10. What is the purpose of composting garden waste in winter?
Enrich soil for spring
a) Enrich soil for spring (Den Boden im Frühling verbessern)
b) Keep plants warm (Pflanzen warm halten)
c) Attract wildlife (Wildtiere anziehen)
11. What is a greenhouse primarily used for in winter?
Protecting plants
a) Growing plants (Pflanzen anbauen)
b) Protecting plants (Pflanzen schützen)
c) Storing tools (Werkzeuge lagern)
12. What winter flower is known for blooming in snow?
a) Snowdrop (Schneeglöckchen)
b) Rose (Rose)
c) Daisy (Gänseblümchen)
13. Why is it important to water evergreens during a mild winter?
Prevent dehydration
a) Prevent dehydration (Austrocknung verhindern)
b) Promote growth (Wachstum fördern)
c) Protect roots (Wurzeln schützen)
14. Which winter vegetable is frost-tolerant?
a) Kale (Grünkohl)
b) Tomatoes (Tomaten)
c) Peppers (Paprika)
15. What should you use to insulate garden pots in winter?
Bubble wrap
a) Mulch (Mulch)
b) Bubble wrap (Luftpolsterfolie)
c) Plastic bags (Plastiktüten)
16. What helps snow-covered branches avoid breaking?
Shaking off snow
a) Watering (Gießen)
b) Shaking off snow (Schnee abschütteln)
c) Pruning (Zurückschneiden)
17. What type of mulch is best for protecting plants from frost?
a) Sand (Sand)
b) Straw (Stroh)
c) Stones (Steine)
18. What should you do to garden tools before storing them for winter?
Clean and oil them
a) Clean and oil them (Reinigen und ölen)
b) Leave them outside (Draußen lassen)
c) Paint them (Anstreichen)
19. Which winter bird is commonly seen in gardens?
a) Sparrow (Spatz)
b) Robin (Rotkehlchen)
c) Swallow (Schwalbe)
20. What plant is often associated with Christmas decorations?
a) Poinsettia (Weihnachtsstern)
b) Tulip (Tulpe)
c) Marigold (Ringelblume)
21. What is the best way to protect garden ponds from freezing completely?
Place a floating object in the water
a) Drain the pond (Den Teich entleeren)
b) Place a floating object in the water (Einen schwimmenden Gegenstand platzieren)
c) Cover with tarp (Mit einer Plane abdecken)
22. Which evergreen shrub is commonly grown for winter color?
a) Lavender (Lavendel)
b) Boxwood (Buchsbaum)
c) Rose (Rose)
23. What is one benefit of snow in a garden?
It insulates plants
a) It dries soil (Es trocknet den Boden aus)
b) It insulates plants (Es isoliert Pflanzen)
c) It promotes pests (Es fördert Schädlinge)
24. Which tool helps you spread salt or sand on icy paths?
a) Spreader (Streuwagen)
b) Hoe (Hacke)
c) Pruners (Gartenschere)
25. What type of tree is commonly cut and decorated for Christmas?
a) Fir (Tanne)
b) Oak (Eiche)
c) Birch (Birke)
26. How can you encourage birds to visit your garden in winter?
Provide food and water
a) Leave lights on (Lichter anlassen)
b) Provide food and water (Futter und Wasser bereitstellen)
c) Trim trees (Bäume beschneiden)
27. Which garden pest often hides in plants during winter?
a) Ladybugs (Marienkäfer)
b) Aphids (Blattläuse)
c) Bees (Bienen)
28. Which part of the plant is most vulnerable to frost?
a) Leaves (Blätter)
b) Roots (Wurzeln)
c) Stems (Stängel)
29. What do you call the act of cutting back dead plants in winter?
a) Fertilizing (Düngen)
b) Pruning (Beschneiden)
c) Sowing (Aussäen)
30. Which vegetable can be harvested in winter if grown in late summer?
Brussels sprouts
a) Brussels sprouts (Rosenkohl)
b) Tomatoes (Tomaten)
c) Peppers (Paprika)