Wild Garden January | February | March
Wild Garden January | February | March | Sprachschule Münster
1. What should you avoid cutting back in a wild garden during winter?
Seed heads
a) Flowers (Blumen)
b) Seed heads (Samenstände)
c) Grass (Gras)
2. Why are seed heads important in winter gardens?
They provide food for birds
a) They add color (Sie geben Farbe)
b) They provide food for birds (Sie bieten Vögeln Nahrung)
c) They grow quickly (Sie wachsen schnell)
3. Why should you leave leaf piles in a wild garden?
They shelter insects and hedgehogs
a) They fertilize soil (Sie düngen den Boden)
b) They shelter insects and hedgehogs (Sie bieten Insekten und Igeln Schutz)
c) They stop weeds (Sie verhindern Unkraut)
4. Which animals benefit from untrimmed grass in winter?
Insects and small mammals
a) Birds (Vögel)
b) Insects and small mammals (Insekten und kleine Säugetiere)
c) Frogs (Frösche)
5. What type of plants attract wildlife to wild gardens?
Native plants
a) Exotic plants (Exotische Pflanzen)
b) Native plants (Heimische Pflanzen)
c) Indoor plants (Zimmerpflanzen)
6. Why are berry-producing plants valuable in winter?
They provide food for birds
a) They look colorful (Sie sehen farbenfroh aus)
b) They provide food for birds (Sie bieten Vögeln Nahrung)
c) They shelter insects (Sie schützen Insekten)
7. How do wild garden ponds help wildlife in winter?
They provide water for animals
a) They attract fish (Sie ziehen Fische an)
b) They provide water for animals (Sie bieten Tieren Wasser)
c) They freeze solid (Sie frieren vollständig ein)
8. Which feature provides shelter for amphibians in winter?
Rock piles
a) Lawn (Rasen)
b) Rock piles (Steinhaufen)
c) Flower beds (Blumenbeete)
9. Why is it important to leave wildflowers uncut in winter?
They provide shelter for insects
a) They grow faster (Sie wachsen schneller)
b) They provide shelter for insects (Sie bieten Insekten Schutz)
c) They look neat (Sie sehen ordentlich aus)
10. How do brambles benefit wildlife in winter?
They provide berries and shelter
a) They grow flowers (Sie wachsen Blumen)
b) They provide berries and shelter (Sie bieten Beeren und Schutz)
c) They repel birds (Sie vertreiben Vögel)
11. What structure can help solitary bees overwinter?
Bee hotels
a) Birdhouses (Vogelhäuser)
b) Bee hotels (Bienenhotels)
c) Rock shelters (Steinschutz)
12. Why should you leave dead wood in a wild garden?
It provides shelter for insects
a) It looks natural (Es sieht natürlich aus)
b) It provides shelter for insects (Es bietet Insekten Schutz)
c) It attracts birds (Es zieht Vögel an)
13. What food is most important for winter birds in a wild garden?
Berries and seeds
a) Bread (Brot)
b) Berries and seeds (Beeren und Samen)
c) Grass (Gras)
14. Which plant is often left to grow wild and helps pollinators in winter?
a) Clover (Klee)
b) Lavender (Lavendel)
c) Roses (Rosen)
15. Why are hedgerows valuable for wildlife in winter?
They provide food and shelter
a) They look tidy (Sie sehen ordentlich aus)
b) They provide food and shelter (Sie bieten Nahrung und Schutz)
c) They grow faster (Sie wachsen schneller)
16. Why is it helpful to let ivy grow in a wild garden during winter?
It provides shelter and berries
a) It looks beautiful (Es sieht schön aus)
b) It provides shelter and berries (Es bietet Schutz und Beeren)
c) It repels insects (Es vertreibt Insekten)
17. What is the purpose of leaving hollow stems in the garden?
They provide shelter for insects
a) They improve soil (Sie verbessern den Boden)
b) They provide shelter for insects (Sie bieten Insekten Schutz)
c) They attract birds (Sie ziehen Vögel an)
18. Which plant provides nectar for pollinators in late winter?
a) Daffodils (Narzissen)
b) Snowdrops (Schneeglöckchen)
c) Roses (Rosen)
19. Why are wild gardens better for winter wildlife than tidy gardens?
They offer natural shelter and food
a) They look nicer (Sie sehen schöner aus)
b) They offer natural shelter and food (Sie bieten natürlichen Schutz und Nahrung)
c) They grow faster (Sie wachsen schneller)
20. Why should you avoid disturbing compost heaps in winter?
They shelter insects and animals
a) They shelter insects and animals (Sie bieten Insekten und Tieren Schutz)
b) They stop weeds (Sie verhindern Unkraut)
c) They fertilize faster (Sie düngen schneller)
21. What feature in a wild garden helps birds find shelter in winter?
a) Ponds (Teiche)
b) Hedgerows (Hecken)
c) Flower beds (Blumenbeete)
22. How do rock piles help reptiles in a wild garden during winter?
They provide a warm shelter
a) They provide water (Sie bieten Wasser)
b) They provide a warm shelter (Sie bieten einen warmen Unterschlupf)
c) They attract birds (Sie ziehen Vögel an)
23. Why is it important to avoid raking all the leaves in a wild garden?
They provide insulation for plants
a) They keep insects warm (Sie halten Insekten warm)
b) They fertilize soil (Sie düngen den Boden)
c) They provide insulation for plants (Sie bieten Pflanzen Schutz vor Kälte)
24. Why are native grasses useful in a wild garden during winter?
They shelter small mammals
a) They shelter small mammals (Sie schützen kleine Säugetiere)
b) They attract deer (Sie ziehen Hirsche an)
c) They repel birds (Sie vertreiben Vögel)
25. What do fallen logs provide for wildlife in winter?
Shelter and food for insects
a) Heat (Wärme)
b) Shelter and food for insects (Schutz und Nahrung für Insekten)
c) Nesting areas for birds (Nistplätze für Vögel)
26. Why are evergreen shrubs valuable in wild gardens during winter?
They provide year-round shelter
a) They look green (Sie sehen grün aus)
b) They provide year-round shelter (Sie bieten ganzjährig Schutz)
c) They grow berries (Sie wachsen Beeren)
27. How do compost piles benefit wild gardens in winter?
They generate heat for wildlife
a) They generate heat for wildlife (Sie erzeugen Wärme für Wildtiere)
b) They fertilize quickly (Sie düngen schnell)
c) They attract predators (Sie ziehen Raubtiere an)
28. Which animal benefits most from wild hedges in winter?
a) Frogs (Frösche)
b) Birds (Vögel)
c) Fish (Fische)
29. What role do brambles play in a wild garden?
They provide food and shelter
a) They stop weeds (Sie verhindern Unkraut)
b) They provide food and shelter (Sie bieten Nahrung und Schutz)
c) They block sunlight (Sie blockieren Sonnenlicht)
30. Why are wild gardens important for biodiversity in winter?
They support many species
a) They support many species (Sie unterstützen viele Arten)
b) They look wild (Sie sehen wild aus)
c) They stop growth (Sie stoppen Wachstum)