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These exercises are designed to help learners improve their grammar and vocabulary. While most of the content is correct, there may be occasional errors. However, I assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies. As stated, these exercises are intended solely for learning English grammar and vocabulary.
Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 6
Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 6 | Sprachschule Münster
Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 6
1. Which baskets are used for storing instruments before sterilization?
Sterilization baskets
a) Sterilization baskets (Sterilisationskörbe)
b) Surgical trays (Operationsschalen)
c) Face shields (Gesichtsschutz)
2. What equipment is used to sterilize instruments with high heat and pressure?
a) Autoclave (Autoklav)
b) Packing tables (Packtische)
c) Sterilization wraps (Sterilisationsverpackungen)
3. What protective wear is often used to prevent fluid splashes in surgeries?
Face shields
a) Glove dispensers (Handschuhspender)
b) Face shields (Gesichtsschutz)
c) Disposable scalpels (Einwegskalpell)
4. What item is used to cover and protect surgical equipment during storage?
Sterilization wraps
a) Surgical drapes (Operationsabdeckungen)
b) Sterilization wraps (Sterilisationsverpackungen)
c) Indicator tape (Indikatorband)
5. What device inspects small instrument details under magnification?
Inspection microscope
a) Instrument washer (Instrumentenwaschmaschine)
b) Inspection microscope (Inspektionsmikroskop)
c) Face shields (Gesichtsschutz)
6. What is used to seal sterilized equipment packs?
Indicator tape
a) Indicator tape (Indikatorband)
b) Sterile gauze (sterile Mullbinden)
c) Sterilization baskets (Sterilisationskörbe)
7. Which device cleans instruments using sound waves?
Ultrasonic cleaner
a) Autoclave (Autoklav)
b) Ultrasonic cleaner (Ultraschallreiniger)
c) Biological indicators (biologische Indikatoren)
8. What can sterilize instruments quickly in emergencies?
Flash sterilizers
a) Flash sterilizers (Schnellsterilisatoren)
b) Self-sealing pouches (selbstverschließende Sterilisationsbeutel)
c) Sterile containers (sterile Behälter)
9. What machine cleans and disinfects instruments?
a) Washer-disinfector (Wasch-Desinfektor)
b) Packing tables (Packtische)
c) Sharps containers (Behälter für scharfe Gegenstände)
10. What protective clothing is often used in sterile environments?
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
a) Face shields (Gesichtsschutz)
b) Personal protective equipment (PPE) (PSA)
c) Indicator tape (Indikatorband)
11. Which pouches are sealed after sterilization to maintain sterility?
Self-sealing sterilization pouches
a) Self-sealing sterilization pouches (selbstverschließende Sterilisationsbeutel)
b) Ultrasonic cleaner (Ultraschallreiniger)
c) Washer-disinfector (Wasch-Desinfektor)
12. What do we use for cleaning instruments immediately after procedures?
Decontamination workstations
a) Decontamination workstations (Dekontaminationsarbeitsplätze)
b) Sterile containers (sterile Behälter)
c) Instrument washers (Instrumentenwaschmaschinen)
13. Where do we store clean, sterilized instruments before use?
Sterile supply cabinets
a) Decontamination workstations (Dekontaminationsarbeitsplätze)
b) Sterile supply cabinets (Sterilversorgungsschränke)
c) Glove dispensers (Handschuhspender)
14. Which tables are designed to facilitate the assembly of sterile items?
Packing tables
a) Packing tables (Packtische)
b) Face shields (Gesichtsschutz)
c) Sterile gauze (sterile Mullbinden)
15. What holds instruments securely during a surgical procedure?
Surgical trays
a) Packing tables (Packtische)
b) Surgical trays (Operationsschalen)
c) Sterile forceps (sterile Pinzetten)
16. What type of protective clothing prevents fluid exposure in the OR?
Glove dispensers
a) Glove dispensers (Handschuhspender)
b) Instrument organization racks (Instrumenten-Organisationsregale)
c) Ultrasonic cleaner (Ultraschallreiniger)
17. Which type of indicators ensure sterilization with high temperatures is complete?
Biological indicators
a) Biological indicators (biologische Indikatoren)
b) Sterilization wraps (Sterilisationsverpackungen)
c) Sharps containers (Behälter für scharfe Gegenstände)
18. What do we use to remove small foreign materials from surgical wounds?
Sterile forceps
a) Surgical drapes (Operationsabdeckungen)
b) Sterile forceps (sterile Pinzetten)
c) Face shields (Gesichtsschutz)
19. Which carts help in transporting sterilized instruments within the hospital?
Transport trolleys
a) Transport trolleys (Transportwagen)
b) Decontamination carts (Dekontaminationswagen)
c) Face shields (Gesichtsschutz)
20. What device holds gauze and other sterile items during procedures?
Sterile containers
a) Packing tables (Packtische)
b) Sterile containers (sterile Behälter)
c) Personal protective equipment (PSA)
21. What is the main tool used for clamping blood vessels during surgery?
a) Hemostats (Klemmen)
b) Ultrasonic cleaner (Ultraschallreiniger)
c) Flash sterilizers (Schnellsterilisatoren)
22. What type of sinks are essential for deep cleaning of instruments?
Scrub sinks
a) Packing tables (Packtische)
b) Scrub sinks (Chirurgische Waschbecken)
c) Sterile gauze (sterile Mullbinden)
23. What piece of equipment is commonly used to organize surgical instruments for quick access?
Instrument organization racks
a) Instrument organization racks (Instrumenten-Organisationsregale)
b) Flash sterilizers (Schnellsterilisatoren)
c) Decontamination carts (Dekontaminationswagen)
24. What container is used for safe disposal of needles and other sharp objects?
Sharps containers
a) Packing tables (Packtische)
b) Sharps containers (Behälter für scharfe Gegenstände)
c) Sterilization wraps (Sterilisationsverpackungen)
25. What item is used to hold additional surgical tools in the operating room?
Surgical trays
a) Surgical trays (Operationsschalen)
b) Packing tables (Packtische)
c) Indicator tape (Indikatorband)
26. What is often used in hospitals to dispose of hazardous biological waste?
Biohazard bags
a) Biohazard bags (Biogefährdungsbeutel)
b) Glove dispensers (Handschuhspender)
c) Instrument washers (Instrumentenwaschmaschinen)
27. Which medical item is commonly used to soak up blood during surgery?
Sterile gauze
a) Packing tables (Packtische)
b) Sterile gauze (sterile Mullbinden)
c) Face shields (Gesichtsschutz)