Have Something Done

Have Something Done

Have Something Done | Sprachschule Münster

The Body 4

Practice Exercise: Have Something Done & Have Someone Do Something

1. I had my car ______.
a) repaired
b) washed
c) painted

2. I had my assistant ______ the flights.
a) book
b) delay
c) cancel

3. I had my house ______.
a) cleaned
b) demolished
c) painted

4. I had my secretary ______ the meetings.
a) ignore
b) schedule
c) cancel

5. I had my bike ______.
a) repaired
b) sold
c) painted

6. I had my lawyer ______ the contract.
a) sign
b) review
c) shred

7. I had my suit ______.
a) tailored
b) burned
c) donated

8. I had my mechanic ______ the engine.
a) check
b) remove
c) ignore

9. I had my phone ______.
a) thrown away
b) fixed
c) broken

10. I had my assistant ______ the emails.
a) delete
b) ignore
c) send

The Body 4

Practice Exercise: Have Something Done & Have Someone Do Something

1. I had my car ______.
a) painted
b) repaired
c) washed

2. I had my assistant ______ the flights.
a) cancel
b) book
c) delay

3. I had my house ______.
a) painted
b) cleaned
c) demolished

4. I had my secretary ______ the meetings.
a) schedule
b) ignore
c) cancel

5. I had my bike ______.
a) sold
b) painted
c) repaired

6. I had my lawyer ______ the contract.
a) review
b) shred
c) sign

7. I had my suit ______.
a) burned
b) tailored
c) donated

8. I had my mechanic ______ the engine.
a) remove
b) check
c) ignore

9. I had my phone ______.
a) broken
b) thrown away
c) fixed

10. I had my assistant ______ the emails.
a) send
b) delete
c) ignore

The Body 4

Practice Exercise: Have Something Done & Have Someone Do Something

1. I had my car ______.
a) painted
b) repaired
c) washed

2. I had my assistant ______ the flights.
a) cancel
b) book
c) delay

3. I had my house ______.
a) painted
b) cleaned
c) demolished

4. I had my secretary ______ the meetings.
a) schedule
b) ignore
c) cancel

5. I had my bike ______.
a) sold
b) painted
c) repaired

6. I had my assistant ______ the emails.
a) send
b) delete
c) ignore

7. I had my laptop ______.
a) updated
b) broken
c) erased

8. I had my friend ______ my website.
a) delete
b) design
c) hack

9. I had my hair ______.
a) dyed
b) shaved
c) tangled

10. I had my trainer ______ a new workout plan.
a) ignore
b) create
c) cancel

11. I had my photographer ______ new headshots.
a) destroy
b) take
c) ignore