Medical Instruments 1
Medical Instruments 1 | Sprachschule Münster
Medical Instruments 1
Diese Übungen sind dazu gedacht, Lernenden dabei zu helfen, ihre Grammatik und ihren Wortschatz zu verbessern. Während der Großteil des Inhalts korrekt ist, kann es gelegentlich Fehler geben. Ich übernehme jedoch keine Verantwortung für etwaige Ungenauigkeiten. Wie bereits erwähnt, dienen diese Übungen ausschließlich dem Erlernen der englischen Grammatik und des Wortschatzes.
These exercises are designed to help learners improve their grammar and vocabulary. While most of the content is correct, there may be occasional errors. However, I assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies. As stated, these exercises are intended solely for learning English grammar and vocabulary.
1. Surgeons need various ______ for operations.
surgical instruments
a) Surgical instruments (Chirurgische Instrumente)
b) Diagnostic instruments (Diagnostische Instrumente)
2. A ______ is a small knife used in surgeries.
a) Scalpel (Skalpell)
b) Scissors (Schere)
3. ______ are used for cutting tissues.
a) Scissors (Schere)
b) Forceps (Pinzette)
4. ______ are special scissors for soft tissue.
Metzenbaum scissors
a) Metzenbaum scissors (Metzenbaum-Schere)
b) Mayo scissors (Mayo-Schere)
5. ______ are heavy-duty scissors used in surgery.
Mayo scissors
a) Mayo scissors (Mayo-Schere)
b) Iris scissors (Iris-Schere)
6. ______ are small and sharp for precise cuts.
Iris scissors
a) Iris scissors (Iris-Schere)
b) Forceps (Pinzette)
7. ______ are used to grip tissues during surgery.
a) Forceps (Pinzette)
b) Scissors (Schere)
8. ______ help control bleeding by clamping vessels.
hemostatic forceps
a) Hemostatic forceps (Hämostatische Pinzette)
b) Tissue forceps (Gewebepinzette)
9. ______ are forceps specifically for tissue.
tissue forceps
a) Tissue forceps (Gewebepinzette)
b) Adson forceps (Adson-Pinzette)
10. ______ are fine-tipped for grasping delicate tissues.
Adson forceps
a) Adson forceps (Adson-Pinzette)
b) Mayo scissors (Mayo-Schere)
11. Surgeons use ______ to secure blood vessels.
a) Clamps (Klemmen)
b) Forceps (Pinzette)
12. A ______ is a type of clamp for medium vessels.
Kelly clamp
a) Kelly clamp (Kelly-Klemme)
b) Mosquito clamp (Moskitoklemme)
13. ______ are small clamps used for fine blood vessels.
mosquito clamps
a) Mosquito clamps (Moskitoklemme)
b) Pean clamps (Pean-Klemme)
14. ______ are large clamps for thicker tissues.
Pean clamps
a) Pean clamps (Pean-Klemme)
b) Kelly clamps (Kelly-Klemme)
15. ______ are used to hold needles during suturing.
needle holders
a) Needle holders (Nadelhalter)
b) Hemostatic forceps (Hämostatische Pinzette)
16. Different types of ______ are used for various cuts.
a) Scissors (Scheren)
b) Clamps (Klemmen)
17. A ______ is used to cut and coagulate tissues.
a) Bovie (Bovie)
b) Scalpel (Skalpell)
18. ______ help clear blood from the surgical site.
suction devices
a) Suction devices (Absauggeräte)
b) Hemostatic agents (Hämostatika)
19. Various ______ are designed for suture cutting.
a) Scissors (Scheren)
b) Forceps (Pinzette)
20. ______ are used to control bleeding.
hemostatic agents
a) Hemostatic agents (Hämostatika)
b) Clamps (Klemmen)
21. Doctors rely on ______ to assess health.
diagnostic instruments
a) Diagnostic instruments (Diagnostische Instrumente)
b) Surgical instruments (Chirurgische Instrumente)
22. A ______ is used to listen to heart sounds.
a) Stethoscope (Stethoskop)
b) Otoscope (Otoskop)
23. A ______ measures blood pressure.
a) Sphygmomanometer (Blutdruckmessgerät)
b) Thermometer (Thermometer)
24. ______ are used to examine ears.
a) Otoscopes (Otoskope)
b) Stethoscopes (Stethoskope)
25. An ______ allows for eye examination.
a) Ophthalmoscope (Ophthalmoskop)
b) Otoscope (Otoskop)
26. A ______ measures body temperature.
a) Thermometer (Thermometer)
b) Glucose meter (Blutzuckermessgerät)
27. A ______ measures blood glucose levels.
glucose meter
a) Glucose meter (Blutzuckermessgerät)
b) Sphygmomanometer (Blutdruckmessgerät)
28. A ______ assesses lung function.
a) Spirometer (Spirometer)
b) Stethoscope (Stethoskop)
29. The ______ measures heart electrical activity.
a) Electrocardiogram (EKG-Maschine)
b) Thermometer (Thermometer)
30. An ______ provides images of internal structures.
X-ray machine
a) X-ray machine (Röntgengerät)
b) Glucose meter (Blutzuckermessgerät)
31. ______ are essential for anesthesia administration.
anesthesia instruments
a) Anesthesia instruments (Anästhesieinstrumente)
b) Diagnostic instruments (Diagnostische Instrumente)
32. An ______ delivers anesthetic gases.
anesthesia machine
a) Anesthesia machine (Anästhesiegerät)
b) Spirometer (Spirometer)
33. An ______ is used to secure the airway.
endotracheal tube
a) Endotracheal tube (Endotrachealtubus)
b) Laryngoscope (Laryngoskop)
34. The ______ helps view vocal cords for intubation.
a) Laryngoscope (Laryngoskop)
b) Otoscope (Otoskop)
35. A ______ administers anesthesia at a steady rate.
syringe pump
a) Syringe pump (Spritzenpumpe)
b) Infusion pump (Infusionspumpe)
36. A ______ measures blood oxygen and carbon dioxide.
blood gas analyzer
a) Blood gas analyzer (Blutgasanalysegerät)
b) Thermometer (Thermometer)
37. ______ are essential for patient vitals monitoring.
monitoring instruments
a) Monitoring instruments (Überwachungsgeräte)
b) Laboratory instruments (Laborinstrumente)
38. A ______ measures blood oxygen saturation.
pulse oximeter
a) Pulse oximeter (Pulsoximeter)
b) Capnometer (Kapnometer)
39. A ______ continuously monitors heart activity.
cardiac monitor
a) Cardiac monitor (Herzmonitor)
b) Glucose meter (Blutzuckermessgerät)
40. An ______ delivers fluids during surgery.
infusion pump
a) Infusion pump (Infusionspumpe)
b) Blood gas analyzer (Blutgasanalysegerät)
41. A ______ measures exhaled carbon dioxide.
a) Capnometer (Kapnometer)
b) Pulse oximeter (Pulsoximeter)
42. ______ are used for analyzing lab samples.
laboratory instruments
a) Laboratory instruments (Laborinstrumente)
b) Monitoring instruments (Überwachungsgeräte)
43. A ______ helps examine small specimens.
a) Microscope (Mikroskop)
b) Incubator (Inkubator)
44. A ______ separates blood components.
a) Centrifuge (Zentrifuge)
b) Chemistry analyzer (Chemie-Analysator)
45. A ______ is used for storing biological samples.
a) Refrigerator (Kühlschrank)
b) Incubator (Inkubator)
46. An ______ is used for culturing specimens.
a) Incubator (Inkubator)
b) Microscope (Mikroskop)
47. A ______ measures hemoglobin levels in blood.
a) Hemoglobinometer (Hämoglobinometer)
b) Glucose meter (Blutzuckermessgerät)
48. A ______ performs blood chemistry tests.
chemistry analyzer
a) Chemistry analyzer (Chemie-Analysator)
b) Centrifuge (Zentrifuge)
49. ______ are used in wound treatment.
wound care instruments
a) Wound care instruments (Wundversorgungsinstrumente)
b) Monitoring instruments (Überwachungsgeräte)
50. ______ are used to apply dressings to wounds.
dressing forceps
a) Dressing forceps (Verbandszange)
b) Scalpel (Skalpell)