Impro Dance 1

Impro Dance 1

Impro Dance 1 | Sprachschule Münster

Present Past Perfect Mixed Exercises 1

1. Create movement ______ without planning and thinking.
a) unspontaneously (Nicht spontan)
b) spontaneously (spontan)

2. Move ______ to the rhythm of any music.
a) freely (frei)
b) stiffly (steif)

3. Let your body ______ your movements.
a) stop (anhalten)
b) guide (leiten)

4. Express ______ through your dance.
a) emotions (Emotionen)
b) distractions (Ablenkungen)

5. Breathe ______ and let your body move naturally.
a) deeply (tief)
b) shallowly (flach)

6. Trust your ______ to decide your next step.
a) instincts (Instinkte)
b) doubts (Zweifel)

7. Use both large and small ______.
a) movements (Bewegungen)
b) pauses (Pausen)

8. Change ______ from fast to slow as you dance.
a) speed (Geschwindigkeit)
b) direction (Richtung)

9. Let your hands ______ your movement across the space.
a) guide (leiten)
b) resist (widerstehen)

10. Feel the floor ______ your feet as you move.
a) above (über)
b) beneath (unter)

11. Spin ______ and find your balance.
a) freely (frei)
b) rigidly (steif)

12. Stretch your arms ______ the ceiling and release.
a) toward (Richtung)
b) away from (weg von)

13. Dance with your eyes ______ to increase focus.
a) closed (geschlossen)
b) open (offen)

14. Balance on one leg and ______ your weight.
a) shift (verlagern)
b) freeze (einfrieren)

15. Imagine moving through thick ______.
a) water (Wasser)
b) air (Luft)

16. Explore dancing ______ music to focus on your inner rhythm.
a) without (ohne)
b) with (mit)

17. Glide ______ the floor like a skater.
a) across (über)
b) above (über)

18. React ______ to sudden changes in music.
a) instantly (sofort)
b) slowly (langsam)

19. Move in ______ motion to feel every part of your body.
a) slow (langsam)
b) fast (schnell)

20. Freeze ______ and resume movement suddenly.
a) suddenly (plötzlich)
b) gradually (allmählich)

21. Move ______ like a feather floating in the wind.
a) lightly (leicht)
b) heavily (schwer)

22. Stretch your arms and ______ your body upward.
a) extend (strecken)
b) shorten (verkürzen)

23. Pretend you are ______ on the surface of the water.
a) floating (schwimmen)
b) sinking (sinken)

24. Glide your feet ______ the floor like a dancer.
a) along (entlang)
b) against (gegen)

25. Follow the beat of the ______ and create movement.
a) silence (Stille)
b) music (Musik)

26. Imagine you are ______ like a bird.
a) flying (fliegen)
b) crawling (kriechen)

27. Use your hands as if they are ______ the air.
a) painting (malen)
b) erasing (löschen)

28. Dance with ______ by being playful and free.
a) boredom (Langeweile)
b) joy (Freude)

29. Dance using only your ______ for a few moments.
a) legs (Beine)
b) fingers (Finger)

30. Imagine you are moving through ______ air.
a) thick (dicht)
b) thin (dünn)

31. Walk in a straight ______ and then back.
a) line (Linie)
b) circle (Kreis)

32. Pretend you are moving through heavy ______.
a) mud (Schlamm)
b) clouds (Wolken)

33. Jump lightly as if you’re on a ______.
a) trampoline (Trampolin)
b) bridge (Brücke)

34. Explore ______ and sharp movements during your dance.
a) quick (schnell)
b) slow (langsam)

35. Move ______ as if you’re telling a silent story.
a) awkwardly (unbeholfen)
b) gracefully (anmutig)

36. Freeze in place, and then continue your movement ______.
a) suddenly (plötzlich)
b) gradually (allmählich)

37. Use your ______ to lead your motion.
a) shoulders (Schultern)
b) toes (Zehen)

38. Shake your body to release ______.
a) tension (Spannung)
b) relaxation (Entspannung)

39. Transition from low, grounded positions to ______ movements.
a) low (niedrig)
b) high (hoch)

40. Stretch your arms to the ______ and hold.
a) ceiling (Decke)
b) floor (Boden)

41. Imagine you are ______ like a cloud in the wind.
a) floating (schweben)
b) sinking (sinken)

42. Move your feet ______ like you’re gliding on ice.
a) smoothly (sanft)
b) roughly (grob)

43. Imagine ______ on one leg to explore balance.
a) balancing (balancieren)
b) collapsing (einstürzen)

44. Let the rhythm of the ______ guide your feet.
a) music (Musik)
b) silence (Stille)

45. Swing your arms ______ as if you’re flying.
a) freely (frei)
b) tightly (eng)

46. Twist and ______ your hips in circular motions.
a) rotate (drehen)
b) freeze (einfrieren)

47. Shift your ______ smoothly as you step forward.
a) weight (Gewicht)
b) height (Höhe)

48. Use your ______ to guide your leaps.
a) arms (Arme)
b) feet (Füße)

49. Travel across the room with ______ movements.
a) dynamic (dynamisch)
b) rigid (steif)

50. End your improvisation with a long, ______ stretch.
a) calming (beruhigend)
b) jerky (ruckartig)

Impro Dance 1

Impro Dance 1

Impro Dance 1 | Sprachschule Münster