Diese Übungen sind dazu gedacht, Lernenden dabei zu helfen, ihre Grammatik und ihren Wortschatz zu verbessern. Während der Großteil des Inhalts korrekt ist, kann es gelegentlich Fehler geben. Ich übernehme jedoch keine Verantwortung für etwaige Ungenauigkeiten. Wie bereits erwähnt, dienen diese Übungen ausschließlich dem Erlernen der englischen Grammatik und des Wortschatzes.

These exercises are designed to help learners improve their grammar and vocabulary. While most of the content is correct, there may be occasional errors. However, I assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies. As stated, these exercises are intended solely for learning English grammar and vocabulary.

Everyday Situations - Exercise

Everyday Situations: Pick the Best Response

1. You forget your wallet while shopping.

a) Apologize, leave the items, and return later.
b) Ask to take the items and pay later.
c) Walk out and hope no one notices.

2. A friend always talks about their problems but never listens to yours.

a) Tell them how you feel and ask for balance.
b) Stop talking to them without explanation.
c) Accept it and never share your problems.

3. You’re late for a job interview because of transport issues.

a) Rush in without explaining.
b) Apologize briefly and focus on the interview.
c) Blame public transport and complain.