Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 4

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 4

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 4 | Sprachschule Münster

Diese Übungen sind dazu gedacht, Lernenden dabei zu helfen, ihre Grammatik und ihren Wortschatz zu verbessern. Während der Großteil des Inhalts korrekt ist, kann es gelegentlich Fehler geben. Ich übernehme jedoch keine Verantwortung für etwaige Ungenauigkeiten. Wie bereits erwähnt, dienen diese Übungen ausschließlich dem Erlernen der englischen Grammatik und des Wortschatzes.

These exercises are designed to help learners improve their grammar and vocabulary. While most of the content is correct, there may be occasional errors. However, I assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies. As stated, these exercises are intended solely for learning English grammar and vocabulary.

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 4

Medical Equipment Quiz

61. Which tool safely removes scalpel blades? ______.
a) Blade removers (Klingenentferner)
b) Sterile containers (Sterile Behälter)
c) Glove dispensers (Handschuhspender)

62. Which gowns can be reused in sterile environments? ______.
a) Disposable scalpels (Einwegskalpelle)
b) Reusable isolation gowns (Wiederverwendbare Isolationskittel)
c) Surgical drapes (Operationsabdecktücher)

63. Which masks are worn during surgeries? ______.
a) Surgical masks (Operationsmasken)
b) Tracheostomy care trays (Tracheostomieversorgungstabletts)
c) Endoscope drying cabinets (Endoskop-Trocknungsschränke)

64. What equipment protects the face during procedures? ______.
a) Face shields (Gesichtsschutz)
b) Mask dispensers (Maskenspender)
c) High-level disinfectants (Hochleistungsdesinfektionsmittel)

65. Which bins are used for sorting medical waste? ______.
a) Biohazard bags (Biogefahr-Beutel)
b) Waste segregation bins (Abfalltrennbehälter)
c) Instrument trays (Instrumententabletts)

66. Which stands hold bowls during surgical procedures? ______.
a) Bowl stands (Schalenständer)
b) Instrument organization racks (Instrumenten-Organisationsregale)
c) Washer-disinfectors (Reinigungs-Desinfektionsgeräte)

67. Which sets contain sterile tubing? ______.
a) Self-sealing sterilization pouches (Selbstklebende Sterilisationsbeutel)
b) Sterile tubing sets (Sterile Schlauchsets)
c) Tracheostomy care trays (Tracheostomieversorgungstabletts)

68. Which bowls are commonly used in surgical settings? ______.
a) Stainless steel bowls (Edelstahlschalen)
b) Bowl stands (Schalenständer)
c) Speculums (Spekula)

69. Which trolleys carry anesthesia supplies? ______.
a) Anesthesia carts (Anästhesiewagen)
b) Sterile procedure packs (Sterile Eingriffsets)
c) Pack check indicators (Packungskontroll-Indikatoren)

70. What items are used to organize sterilized instruments? ______.
a) Organizers for sterilized instruments (Organizer für sterilisierte Instrumente)
b) Instrument lubricants (Instrumenten-Schmiermittel)
c) Enzyme sprays (Enzymsprays)

71. Which tubes are used for infusions in medical care? ______.
a) Cannulae (Kanülen)
b) Glove dispensers (Handschuhspender)
c) Scrub sinks (OP-Waschbecken)

72. What devices help position patients during surgery? ______.
a) Decontamination workstations (Dekontaminations-Arbeitsstationen)
b) Patient positioning devices (Patientenlagerungsgeräte)
c) Sterilization wraps (Sterilisationsverpackungen)

73. Which kits contain tools for starting intravenous lines? ______.
a) IV start kits (IV-Start-Sets)
b) Instrument trays (Instrumententabletts)
c) High-level disinfectants (Hochleistungsdesinfektionsmittel)

74. What bags collect fluids from patients? ______.
a) Drain bags (Drainagebeutel)
b) Waste segregation bins (Abfalltrennbehälter)
c) Disposable scalpels (Einwegskalpelle)

75. Which tables hold surgical tools and are easily moved? ______.
a) Bowl stands (Schalenständer)
b) Mayo stands (Mayo-Tische)
c) Sealing machines (Verschließmaschinen)

76. Which trolleys hold emergency medical supplies? ______.
a) Emergency crash carts (Notfallwagen)
b) Instrument trays (Instrumententabletts)
c) Sterile gauze (Sterile Gaze)

77. What systems help track the location of instruments? ______.
a) Organizers for sterilized instruments (Organizer für sterilisierte Instrumente)
b) Instrument tracking systems (Instrumenten-Nachverfolgungssysteme)
c) Chemical indicators (Chemische Indikatoren)

78. Which liners are placed in trays for cleanliness? ______.
a) Tray liners (Schalenunterlagen)
b) Surgical masks (Operationsmasken)
c) Sterile containers (Sterile Behälter)

79. Which pumps regulate the flow of fluids to patients? ______.
a) Cautery pens (Kauter-Stifte)
b) Infusion pumps (Infusionspumpen)
c) Enzyme sprays (Enzymsprays)

80. Which tables are mobile and hold instruments during surgery? ______.
a) Mobile instrument tables (Mobile Instrumententische)
b) Scrub sinks (OP-Waschbecken)
c) Speculums (Spekula)

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 4

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 4

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 4 | Sprachschule Münster