Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 2
Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 2 | Sprachschule Münster
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These exercises are designed to help learners improve their grammar and vocabulary. While most of the content is correct, there may be occasional errors. However, I assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies. As stated, these exercises are intended solely for learning English grammar and vocabulary.
Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 2
21. Which tool is used to clamp blood vessels?
a) Hemostats (Klemmen für Hämostase)
b) Needle holders (Nadelhalter)
c) Sterile forceps (Sterile Pinzetten)
22. Which instrument holds surgical needles?
Needle holders
a) Retractors (Retraktoren)
b) Needle holders (Nadelhalter)
c) Sterile gauze (Sterile Gaze)
23. Which tool is used to hold back tissue during surgery?
a) Surgical drapes (Operationsabdecktücher)
b) Retractors (Retraktoren)
c) Instrument trays (Instrumententabletts)
24. Which instrument is used to examine body cavities?
a) Sterile containers (Sterile Behälter)
b) Speculums (Spekula)
c) Cleanroom carts (Reinraumwagen)
25. Where are surgical instruments placed for procedures?
Surgical trays
a) Surgical trays (Operationsschalen)
b) Mask dispensers (Maskenspender)
c) Instrument washers (Instrumentenwaschanlagen)
26. Which handle is used to attach scalpel blades?
Scalpel handles
a) Scalpel handles (Skalpellhalter)
b) Retractors (Retraktoren)
c) Packing tables (Packtische)
27. What device sterilizes instruments at high temperatures?
Instrument sterilizers
a) Indicator tape (Indikatorband)
b) Instrument sterilizers (Instrumentensterilisatoren)
c) Washer-disinfectors (Reinigungs-Desinfektionsgeräte)
28. Which item is used to cover wounds?
Wound dressings
a) Sterile forceps (Sterile Pinzetten)
b) Wound dressings (Wundauflagen)
c) Speculums (Spekula)
29. What sterile material is used for bandaging wounds?
Sterile gauze
a) Surgical trays (Operationsschalen)
b) Speculums (Spekula)
c) Sterile gauze (Sterile Gaze)
30. Which bag is used for disposing of hazardous materials?
Biohazard bags
a) Biohazard bags (Biogefahr-Beutel)
b) Instrument trays (Instrumententabletts)
c) Enzyme sprays (Enzymsprays)
31. What container is used for disposing sharp objects safely?
Sharps containers
a) Biohazard bags (Biogefahr-Beutel)
b) Sharps containers (Abwurfbehälter für scharfe Gegenstände)
c) CSSD trolleys (Zentral-Sterilisationsabteilungswagen)
32. Which trolley is used for collecting medical waste?
Medical waste trolleys
a) Medical waste trolleys (Medizinische Abfallwagen)
b) Instrument sterilizers (Instrumentensterilisatoren)
c) Autoclaves (Autoklaven)
33. What rack is used to dry instruments after washing?
Instrument drying racks
a) Packing tables (Packtische)
b) Instrument drying racks (Instrumententrocknungsgestelle)
c) Sealing machines (Verschließmaschinen)
34. Which device quickly sterilizes items in emergencies?
Flash sterilizers
a) Flash sterilizers (Schnellsterilisatoren)
b) Ultrasonic cleaners (Ultraschallreiniger)
c) Instrument trays (Instrumententabletts)
35. Which sinks are used in sterile processing areas?
Sterile processing sinks
a) Packing tables (Packtische)
b) Sterile processing sinks (Steril-Spülbecken)
c) Washer-disinfectors (Reinigungs-Desinfektionsgeräte)
36. What is sprayed on tools to remove biological matter?
Enzyme sprays
a) Sealing machines (Verschließmaschinen)
b) Indicator tape (Indikatorband)
c) Enzyme sprays (Enzymsprays)
37. What disinfectant is used for high-level sterilization?
High-level disinfectants
a) High-level disinfectants (Hochleistungsdesinfektionsmittel)
b) Chemical indicators (Chemische Indikatoren)
c) Washer-disinfectors (Reinigungs-Desinfektionsgeräte)
38. Which lights help in the inspection of instruments?
Instrument inspection lights
a) Instrument inspection lights (Instrumenten-Inspektionslichter)
b) Indicator tape (Indikatorband)
c) Sealing machines (Verschließmaschinen)
39. Which indicators confirm that a package is sterilized?
Pack check indicators
a) Pack check indicators (Packungskontroll-Indikatoren)
b) Sterilization baskets (Sterilisationskörbe)
c) Mask dispensers (Maskenspender)
40. Which cabinets are used to store endoscopes safely?
Scope storage cabinets
a) Scope storage cabinets (Endoskop-Aufbewahrungsschränke)
b) Medical waste trolleys (Medizinische Abfallwagen)
c) Autoclaves (Autoklaven)