Diese Übungen sind dazu gedacht, Lernenden dabei zu helfen, ihre Grammatik und ihren Wortschatz zu verbessern. Während der Großteil des Inhalts korrekt ist, kann es gelegentlich Fehler geben. Ich übernehme jedoch keine Verantwortung für etwaige Ungenauigkeiten. Wie bereits erwähnt, dienen diese Übungen ausschließlich dem Erlernen der englischen Grammatik und des Wortschatzes.

These exercises are designed to help learners improve their grammar and vocabulary. While most of the content is correct, there may be occasional errors. However, I assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies. As stated, these exercises are intended solely for learning English grammar and vocabulary.

Injury Vocabulary Practice

Injury Vocabulary Practice

Common Injuries in Various Activities

Click on the blanks to reveal the correct answers.

Tennis 🎾

1. He suffered a ______ while playing tennis.
a) Sprained ankle (Verstauchter Knöchel)
b) Tennis elbow (Tennisarm / Epicondylitis)
c) Rotator cuff tear (Rotatorenmanschettenriss)

2. She has been diagnosed with ______ after years of playing tennis.
a) Rotator cuff tear (Rotatorenmanschettenriss)
b) Wrist strain (Handgelenkszerrung)
c) Tennis elbow (Tennisarm / Epicondylitis)

Sailing ⛵

3. He was at risk of ______ during the cold weather conditions while sailing.
a) Sunburn (Sonnenbrand)
b) Drowning risk (Ertrinkungsgefahr)
c) Hypothermia (Unterkühlung)

4. She suffered from ______ due to extended exposure to the sun while sailing.
a) Rope burns (Seilverbrennungen)
b) Broken ribs from falling (Gebrochene Rippen durch Sturz)
c) Sunburn (Sonnenbrand)

Horse Riding 🐎

5. He broke several bones from ______ while horse riding.
a) falling (Knochenbrüche durch Sturz)
b) concussion (Gehirnerschütterung)
c) spinal injuries (Wirbelsäulenverletzungen)

6. She experienced a ______ after falling off the horse.
a) concussion (Gehirnerschütterung)
b) dislocated shoulder (Ausgerenkte Schulter)
c) torn ligaments (Bänderriss)

Dancing 💃🕺

7. He suffered an ______ during an intense dance practice.
a) Achilles tendon rupture (Achillessehnenriss)
b) stress fractures in feet (Ermüdungsbrüche in den Füßen)
c) knee injuries (ACL tear) (Knieverletzungen, Kreuzbandriss)

8. She developed ______ after months of rigorous dance training.
a) Sprained ankle (Verstauchter Knöchel)
b) Lower back pain (Rückenschmerzen im unteren Bereich)
c) Stress fractures in feet (Ermüdungsbrüche in den Füßen)

Hiking 🥾

9. He twisted his ______ while hiking on a rocky trail.
a) ankle (Umgeknickter Knöchel)
b) knee (Knieverletzungen, Bänderriss)
c) wrist (Handgelenk)

10. She suffered from ______ after hiking for hours without enough water.
a) Blisters (Blasen an den Füßen)
b) Dehydration (Dehydrierung)
c) Hypothermia (Unterkühlung)

Playing Music 🎻🎸🎹

11. He developed ______ after playing the guitar for long hours.
a) Carpal tunnel syndrome (Karpaltunnelsyndrom)
b) Tendonitis (Sehnenentzündung)
c) Back and neck strain (Rücken- und Nackenverspannungen)

12. She experienced ______ from playing the piano for extended periods.
a) Hearing loss (from loud music) (Hörverlust durch laute Musik)
b) Repetitive strain injury (RSI) (Belastungsschäden durch wiederholte Bewegungen)
c) Tendonitis (Sehnenentzündung)

Injury Vocabulary Exercise

Injury Vocabulary Practice

Common Injuries in Different Activities

Click on the blanks to reveal the correct answers.

1. After playing tennis for hours, she developed a painful condition in her elbow called ______.
a) tennis elbow (Tennisarm / Epicondylitis)
b) shin splints (Schienbeinkantensyndrom)
c) concussion (Gehirnerschütterung)

2. While sailing, it is important to protect yourself from extreme cold, otherwise you could suffer from ______.
a) sunburn (Sonnenbrand)
b) hypothermia (Unterkühlung)
c) repetitive strain injury (Belastungsschäden durch wiederholte Bewegungen)

3. A common injury in horse riding, caused by a sudden fall, is a ______.
a) blisters (Blasen an den Füßen)
b) broken bone (Knochenbruch durch Sturz)
c) hearing loss (Hörverlust durch laute Musik)

4. A dancer must be careful while jumping, as sudden movements can lead to a ______.
a) sprained ankle (Verstauchter Knöchel)
b) rope burns (Seilverbrennungen)
c) dehydration (Dehydrierung)

5. Hikers often get painful fluid-filled spots on their feet, known as ______.
a) blisters (Blasen an den Füßen)
b) carpal tunnel syndrome (Karpaltunnelsyndrom)
c) torn ligaments (Bänderriss)

6. Musicians who play for long hours may experience pain and numbness in their hands due to ______.
a) heatstroke (Hitzeschlag)
b) carpal tunnel syndrome (Karpaltunnelsyndrom)
c) spinal injuries (Wirbelsäulenverletzungen)

7. While hiking in hot weather, a lack of water can lead to severe ______.
a) dehydration (Dehydrierung)
b) head injury (Kopfverletzung durch den Baum)
c) ACL tear (Kreuzbandriss)

8. If a horse kicks a rider, they may suffer from serious ______.
a) seasickness (Seekrankheit)
b) broken ribs (Gebrochene Rippen durch Sturz)
c) wrist strain (Handgelenkszerrung)

Injury Vocabulary Exercise

Sprachschule Münster