The Heart 1

The Heart 1

The Heart 1 | Sprachschule Münster

Heart Facts Exercise

Heart Facts Exercise

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1. The heart is a ______ organ.
a) powerful (kraftvoll)
b) muscular (muskulös)
c) fragile (zerbrechlich)

2. It is located in the ______, slightly to the left.
a) chest (Brust)
b) abdomen (Bauch)
c) back (Rücken)

3. The heart pumps ______ throughout the body.
a) water (Wasser)
b) blood (Blut)
c) oxygen (Sauerstoff)

4. It is about the size of a ______.
a) fist (Faust)
b) head (Kopf)
c) foot (Fuß)

5. The heart has ______ chambers.
a) three (drei)
b) four (vier)
c) five (fünf)

6. The upper chambers are called ______.
a) atria (Vorhöfe)
b) ventricles (Herzkammern)
c) veins (Venen)

7. The lower chambers are called ______.
a) ventricles (Herzkammern)
b) arteries (Arterien)
c) atria (Vorhöfe)

8. The left side of the heart pumps ______-rich blood.
a) oxygen (Sauerstoff)
b) carbon dioxide (Kohlendioxid)
c) nitrogen (Stickstoff)

9. The right side of the heart pumps ______-poor blood.
a) oxygen (Sauerstoff)
b) water (Wasser)
c) carbon dioxide (Kohlendioxid)

10. The heart beats about ______ times per minute at rest.
a) 40-50 (vierzig bis fünfzig)
b) 60-100 (sechzig bis hundert)
c) 110-150 (einhundertzehn bis einhundertfünfzig)

11. The heart pumps blood through ______.
a) veins (Venen)
b) arteries (Arterien)
c) capillaries (Kapillaren)

12. ______ carry blood back to the heart.
a) Arteries (Arterien)
b) Veins (Venen)
c) Capillaries (Kapillaren)

13. The heart's walls are made of ______ tissue.
a) muscle (Muskel)
b) bone (Knochen)
c) fat (Fett)

14. The heart has ______ that prevent blood from flowing backward.
a) valves (Klappen)
b) pumps (Pumpen)
c) filters (Filter)

15. The ______ valve controls blood flow out of the heart.
a) aortic (Aorten-)
b) mitral (Mitral-)
c) pulmonary (Lungen-)

16. The ______ valve is located between the left atrium and ventricle.
a) mitral (Mitral-)
b) tricuspid (Trikuspidal-)
c) pulmonary (Lungen-)

17. The ______ valve is between the right atrium and ventricle.
a) mitral (Mitral-)
b) tricuspid (Trikuspidal-)
c) aortic (Aorten-)

18. The ______ valve leads to the lungs.
a) aortic (Aorten-)
b) pulmonary (Lungen-)
c) mitral (Mitral-)

19. The heart gets oxygen from ______ arteries.
a) coronary (Herzkranz-)
b) pulmonary (Lungen-)
c) renal (Nieren-)

20. The heart is part of the ______ system.
a) digestive (Verdauungs-)
b) circulatory (Kreislauf-)
c) nervous (Nerven-)

21. The heart works ______, even during sleep.
a) continuously (ununterbrochen)
b) occasionally (gelegentlich)
c) rarely (selten)

22. The average heart beats about ______ times a day.
a) 50,000 (fünfzigtausend)
b) 100,000 (hunderttausend)
c) 200,000 (zweihunderttausend)

23. It pumps around ______ liters of blood per minute.
a) 3 (drei)
b) 5 (fünf)
c) 7 (sieben)

24. ______ strengthens the heart.
a) Exercise (Bewegung)
b) Sleep (Schlaf)
c) Stress (Stress)

25. The heart's rhythm is controlled by ______ signals.
a) chemical (chemische)
b) electrical (elektrische)
c) mechanical (mechanische)

26. The ______ node is the heart's natural pacemaker.
a) sinoatrial (SA) (Sinusknoten)
b) atrioventricular (AV) (Atrioventrikularknoten)
c) Purkinje (Purkinje-Fasern)

27. The heart needs ______ to function properly.
a) oxygen (Sauerstoff)
b) carbon dioxide (Kohlendioxid)
c) nitrogen (Stickstoff)

28. High blood pressure can ______ the heart.
a) strengthen (stärken)
b) strain (belasten)
c) repair (reparieren)

29. Smoking damages the heart and ______ vessels.
a) blood (Blut-)
b) lymph (Lymph-)
c) nerve (Nerven-)

30. A healthy diet helps maintain ______ health.
a) heart (Herz-)
b) lung (Lungen-)
c) liver (Leber-)

31. Too much cholesterol can block ______ flow to the heart.
a) blood (Blut-)
b) oxygen (Sauerstoff-)
c) water (Wasser-)

32. Stress can affect ______ health.
a) heart (Herz-)
b) brain (Gehirn-)
c) skin (Haut-)

33. The heart is protected by the ______ cage.
a) rib (Rippen-)
b) bone (Knochen-)
c) muscle (Muskel-)

34. The ______ is a sac that surrounds the heart.
a) pericardium (Herzbeutel)
b) myocardium (Herzmuskel)
c) endocardium (Herzinnenhaut)

35. The heart beats faster during ______.
a) exercise (Bewegung)
b) sleep (Schlaf)
c) rest (Ruhe)

36. Resting ______ the heart rate.
a) slows (verlangsamt)
b) increases (erhöht)
c) stops (stoppt)

37. Dehydration can affect the heart's ______.
a) efficiency (Effizienz)
b) size (Größe)
c) color (Farbe)

38. Blood pressure measures the force of blood in the ______.
a) arteries (Arterien)
b) veins (Venen)
c) capillaries (Kapillaren)

39. The systolic number is the pressure during ______.
a) heartbeats (Herzschläge)
b) relaxation (Entspannung)
c) sleep (Schlaf)

40. The diastolic number is the pressure between ______.
a) heartbeats (Herzschläge)
b) breaths (Atemzüge)
c) meals (Mahlzeiten)

41. The heart can develop problems like ______.
a) arrhythmias (Herzrhythmusstörungen)
b) infections (Infektionen)
c) fractures (Brüche)

42. Heart attacks occur when blood flow to the heart is ______.
a) blocked (blockiert)
b) increased (erhöht)
c) slowed (verlangsamt)

43. The heart muscle can be damaged by a lack of ______.
a) oxygen (Sauerstoff)
b) water (Wasser)
c) sugar (Zucker)

44. Regular check-ups help monitor ______ health.
a) heart (Herz-)
b) lung (Lungen-)
c) kidney (Nieren-)

45. Genetics can influence ______ health.
a) heart (Herz-)
b) brain (Gehirn-)
c) skin (Haut-)

46. Women and men may have different ______ attack symptoms.
a) heart (Herz-)
b) lung (Lungen-)
c) brain (Gehirn-)

47. The heart develops early in an ______.
a) embryo (Embryo)
b) adult (Erwachsener)
c) child (Kind)

48. The heart stops beating when a person ______.
a) dies (stirbt)
b) sleeps (schläft)
c) exercises (sich bewegt)

49. Artificial hearts can temporarily ______ the heart.
a) replace (ersetzen)
b) repair (reparieren)
c) strengthen (stärken)

50. Keeping active helps the heart stay ______.
a) healthy (gesund)
b) weak (schwach)
c) tired (müde)

The Heart 1

The Heart 1

The Heart 1 | Sprachschule Münster