The Body-4

The Body-4

The Body-4 | Sprachschule Münster

The Body-4

The Body 4

Body Parts and Organs Practice Exercise

1. The doctor examined her ______ for signs of infection.
a) larynx (Kehlkopf)
b) sinus (Nasennebenhöhle)
c) trachea (Luftröhre)

2. He felt pain in his ______ after a long run.
a) calf (Wade)
b) shin (Schienbein)
c) thigh (Oberschenkel)

3. The surgeon operated on her ______ to improve breathing.
a) larynx (Kehlkopf)
b) trachea (Luftröhre)
c) diaphragm (Zwerchfell)

4. He held his ______ after slipping on the ice.
a) pelvis (Becken)
b) hip (Hüfte)
c) thigh (Oberschenkel)

5. She could feel the food moving down her ______.
a) trachea (Luftröhre)
b) esophagus (Speiseröhre)
c) larynx (Kehlkopf)

6. He pressed his ______ against the door to push it open.
a) wrist (Handgelenk)
b) elbow (Ellbogen)
c) knuckle (Knöchel)

7. She felt her ______ expand as she took a deep breath.
a) diaphragm (Zwerchfell)
b) lung (Lunge)
c) heart (Herz)

8. He injured his ______ while running downhill.
a) shin (Schienbein)
b) ankle (Knöchel)
c) heel (Ferse)

9. She placed her hand over her ______ to feel its steady rhythm.
a) stomach (Magen)
b) liver (Leber)
c) heart (Herz)

10. He rested his hands on his ______ while stretching.
a) calf (Wade)
b) thigh (Oberschenkel)
c) shin (Schienbein)

11. The disease affected his ______, causing difficulty breathing.
a) pancreas (Bauchspeicheldrüse)
b) lung (Lunge)
c) spleen (Milz)

12. He felt a sharp pain in his ______ after drinking too much water.
a) kidney (Niere)
b) bladder (Blase)
c) urethra (Harnröhre)

13. The boxer landed a punch near his opponent’s ______.
a) wrist (Handgelenk)
b) fingertip (Fingerspitze)
c) knuckle (Knöchel)

14. The patient reported pain in the lower part of their ______.
a) spine (Wirbelsäule)
b) pelvis (Becken)
c) hip (Hüfte)

15. She felt discomfort in her ______ after eating spicy food.
a) intestine (Darm)
b) stomach (Magen)
c) liver (Leber)

16. The child poked his ______ into the cake frosting.
a) knuckle (Knöchel)
b) fingertip (Fingerspitze)
c) wrist (Handgelenk)

17. The injury affected her ______, making it difficult to stand.
a) heel (Ferse)
b) calf (Wade)
c) shin (Schienbein)

18. He felt sharp pain in his ______ when climbing the stairs.
a) spleen (Milz)
b) pancreas (Bauchspeicheldrüse)
c) diaphragm (Zwerchfell)

19. She felt a dull ache in her ______ during the cold weather.
a) kidney (Niere)
b) bladder (Blase)
c) liver (Leber)

20. The infection spread to the ______, causing discomfort when urinating.
a) bladder (Blase)
b) urethra (Harnröhre)
c) kidney (Niere)

The Body-4

The Body-4

The Body-4 | Sprachschule Münster