The Body-2
The Body-2 | Sprachschule Münster
Diese Übungen sind dazu gedacht, Lernenden dabei zu helfen, ihre Grammatik und ihren Wortschatz zu verbessern. Während der Großteil des Inhalts korrekt ist, kann es gelegentlich Fehler geben. Ich übernehme jedoch keine Verantwortung für etwaige Ungenauigkeiten. Wie bereits erwähnt, dienen diese Übungen ausschließlich dem Erlernen der englischen Grammatik und des Wortschatzes.
These exercises are designed to help learners improve their grammar and vocabulary. While most of the content is correct, there may be occasional errors. However, I assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies. As stated, these exercises are intended solely for learning English grammar and vocabulary.
The Body-2
1. A tension headache makes your ______ hurt.
a) head (Kopf)
b) arm (Arm)
c) foot (Fuß)
d) neck (Nacken)
2. Meningitis is a serious infection of the ______.
a) brain (Gehirn)
b) hand (Hand)
c) toe (Zeh)
d) shoulder (Schulter)
3. A skull fracture is a broken bone in the ______.
a) skull (Schädel)
b) knee (Knie)
c) wrist (Handgelenk)
d) rib (Rippe)
4. Bell's palsy makes one side of your ______ weak.
a) face (Gesicht)
b) ankle (Knöchel)
c) thigh (Oberschenkel)
d) heel (Ferse)
5. Conjunctivitis makes your ______ red and itchy.
a) eye (Auge)
b) hand (Hand)
c) nose (Nase)
d) mouth (Mund)
6. An ear infection makes your ______ hurt.
a) ear (Ohr)
b) toe (Zeh)
c) back (Rücken)
d) finger (Finger)
7. Sinusitis makes your ______ stuffy and painful.
a) nose (Nase)
b) knee (Knie)
c) chest (Brust)
d) pelvis (Becken)
8. Oral thrush causes white spots in your ______.
a) mouth (Mund)
b) leg (Bein)
c) neck (Nacken)
d) thumb (Daumen)
9. A cold sore is a painful blister on your ______.
a) tooth (Zahn)
b) lip (Lippe)
c) tongue (Zunge)
d) ear (Ohr)
10. A cavity is a hole in your ______.
a) wrist (Handgelenk)
b) tooth (Zahn)
c) forearm (Unterarm)
d) back (Rücken)
11. A canker sore is a small, painful spot on your ______.
a) tongue (Zunge)
b) rib (Rippe)
c) elbow (Ellbogen)
d) thumb (Daumen)
12. A sore throat makes it hurt to ______.
a) swallow (Schlucken)
b) walk (Gehen)
c) write (Schreiben)
d) hear (Hören)
13. Neck strain makes your neck feel ______ and painful.
a) weak (Schwach)
b) hot (Heiß)
c) stiff (Steif)
d) swollen (Geschwollen)
14. A rotator cuff injury makes it hard to move your ______.
a) knee (Knie)
b) shoulder (Schulter)
c) wrist (Handgelenk)
d) hip (Hüfte)
15. Tendonitis makes your ______ hurt and hard to move.
a) arm (Arm)
b) neck (Nacken)
c) leg (Bein)
d) ear (Ohr)
16. Tennis elbow makes your ______ painful and weak.
a) elbow (Ellbogen)
b) nose (Nase)
c) foot (Fuß)
d) hip (Hüfte)
17. A forearm fracture is a broken bone in your ______.
lower arm
a) lower arm (Unterarm)
b) upper arm (Oberarm)
c) thigh (Oberschenkel
d) shoulder (Schulter)
18. Carpal tunnel syndrome makes your ______ tingle or hurt.
a) ankle (Knöchel)
b) wrist (Handgelenk)
c) back (Rücken)
d) heart (Herz)
19. Arthritis makes your ______ joints painful and stiff.
a) foot (Fuß)
b) head (Kopf)
c) hand (Hand)
d) neck (Nacken)
20. A finger sprain makes your ______ hurt and swell.
a) finger (Finger)
b) hip (Hüfte)
c) chest (Brust)
d) toe (Zeh)
21. De Quervain's tenosynovitis makes your ______ and wrist painful.
a) thumb (Daumen)
b) heel (Ferse)
c) knee (Knie)
d) ear (Ohr)
22. Costochondritis makes your ______ hurt.
a) calf (Wade)
b) hand (Hand)
c) chest (Brust)
d) neck (Nacken)
23. Mastitis is an infection in the ______, often during breastfeeding.
a) breast (Brust)
b) leg (Bein)
c) foot (Fuß)
d) nose (Nase)
24. A rib fracture is a broken ______ bone.
a) rib (Rippe)
b) ear (Ohr)
c) nose (Nase)
d) tooth (Zahn)
25. A heart attack happens when blood flow to the ______ is blocked.
a) heart (Herz)
b) stomach (Magen)
c) eye (Auge)
d) hand (Hand)
26. Pneumonia is an infection in the ______.
a) liver (Leber)
b) kidney (Niere)
c) lungs (Lunge)
d) arm (Arm)
27. A diaphragmatic hernia occurs when part of the ______ pushes into the chest.
a) stomach (Magen)
b) bladder (Blase)
c) brain (Gehirn)
d) foot (Fuß)
28. Gastroenteritis is an infection that causes stomach pain and ______.
a) coughing (Husten)
b) sneezing (Niesen)
c) diarrhea (Durchfall)
d) sweating (Schwitzen)
29. Hip bursitis makes your ______ painful and swollen.
a) hip (Hüfte)
b) head (Kopf)
c) nose (Nase)
d) foot (Fuß)
30. A herniated disc causes ______ pain and leg pain.
a) head (Kopf)
b) stomach (Bauch)
c) back (Rücken)
d) arm (Arm)
31. Scoliosis makes the ______ curve sideways.
a) arm (Arm)
b) hand (Hand)
c) spine (Wirbelsäule)
d) nose (Nase)
32. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection in the ______ area.
a) pelvis (Becken)
b) ear (Ohr)
c) eye (Auge)
d) shoulder (Schulter)
33. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot in the ______.
a) leg (Bein)
b) neck (Nacken)
c) ear (Ohr)
d) hand (Hand)
34. A hamstring strain makes the back of your ______ hurt.
a) thigh (Oberschenkel)
b) foot (Fuß)
c) chest (Brust)
d) wrist (Handgelenk)
35. Knee arthritis makes your ______ joint hurt and stiff.
a) knee (Knie)
b) elbow (Ellbogen)
c) shoulder (Schulter)
d) ankle (Knöchel)
36. A calf strain makes the back of your lower ______ hurt.
a) hand (Hand)
b) back (Rücken)
c) neck (Nacken)
d) leg (Bein)
37. A sprained ankle makes your ______ painful and swollen.
a) wrist (Handgelenk)
b) elbow (Ellbogen)
c) ankle (Knöchel)
d) hip (Hüfte)
38. Plantar fasciitis makes your ______ hurt, especially in the morning.
a) back (Rücken)
b) hand (Hand)
c) foot (Fuß)
d) ear (Ohr)
39. Achilles tendinitis makes your ______ hurt and swell.
a) shoulder (Schulter)
b) knee (Knie)
c) heel (Ferse)
d) wrist (Handgelenk)
40. An ingrown toenail makes your ______ hurt and swell.
a) ear (Ohr)
b) nose (Nase)
c) toe (Zeh)
d) neck (Nacken)
41. Eczema makes your ______ itchy and red.
a) hair (Haar)
b) skin (Haut)
c) vein (Vene)
d) artery (Arterie)
42. A muscle strain makes your ______ hurt.
a) muscle (Muskel)
b) nail (Nagel)
c) nerve (Nerv)
d) heart (Herz)
43. Osteoporosis makes your ______ weak and break easily.
a) bones (Knochen)
b) muscles (Muskeln)
c) nails (Nägel)
d) nerves (Nerven)
44. Arthritis makes your ______ hurt and stiff.
a) veins (Venen)
b) muscles (Muskeln)
c) joints (Gelenke)
d) arteries (Arterien)
45. Varicose veins make your ______ swollen and twisted.
a) veins (Venen)
b) bones (Knochen)
c) muscles (Muskeln)
d) skin (Haut)
46. Arteriosclerosis makes your ______ hard and narrow.
a) veins (Venen)
b) bones (Knochen)
c) muscles (Muskeln)
d) arteries (Arterien)
47. Anemia means your ______ has too few red blood cells.
a) skin (Haut)
b) heart (Herz)
c) blood (Blut)
d) nails (Nägel)
48. Neuropathy makes your ______ painful and numb.
a) nerves (Nerven)
b) veins (Venen)
c) skin (Haut)
d) muscles (Muskeln)
49. Dandruff causes flakes of skin in your ______.
a) hair (Haar)
b) teeth (Zähne)
c) bones (Knochen)
d) arteries (Arterien)
50. Nail fungus makes your ______ yellow and thick.
a) nails (Nägel)
b) muscles (Muskeln)
c) skin (Haut)
d) veins (Venen)