Future Tenses Practice

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

1. Sherlock Holmes' profession is a ______.
a) doctor (Arzt)
b) detective (Detektiv)
c) lawyer (Anwalt)

2. Holmes' best friend and assistant is ______.
a) Dr. John Watson (Dr. John Watson)
b) Professor Moriarty (Professor Moriarty)
c) Mycroft Holmes (Mycroft Holmes)

3. Sherlock Holmes lives at ______.
a) 10 Downing Street (10 Downing Street)
b) 221B Baker Street (221B Baker Street)
c) Fleet Street (Fleet Street)

4. The first Sherlock Holmes story is called ______.
a) The Sign of Four (Das Zeichen der Vier)
b) A Study in Scarlet (Eine Studie in Scharlachrot)
c) The Hound of the Baskervilles (Der Hund von Baskerville)

5. The arch-nemesis of Sherlock Holmes is ______.
a) Inspector Lestrade (Inspektor Lestrade)
b) Professor Moriarty (Professor Moriarty)
c) Irene Adler (Irene Adler)

6. Holmes often says ______ when explaining a case.
a) "It's obvious, Watson!" (Es ist offensichtlich, Watson!)
b) "Elementary, my dear Watson" (Elementar, mein lieber Watson)
c) "A mystery remains!" (Ein Rätsel bleibt!)

7. The famous detective from Scotland Yard who consults Holmes is ______.
a) Inspector Lestrade (Inspektor Lestrade)
b) Sergeant Gregson (Sergeant Gregson)
c) Colonel Moran (Colonel Moran)

10. The title of the novel where Sherlock Holmes encounters a deadly hound is ______.
a) The Sign of Four (Das Zeichen der Vier)
b) The Hound of the Baskervilles (Der Hund von Baskerville)
c) A Study in Scarlet (Eine Studie in Scharlachrot)

11. In which story does Sherlock Holmes supposedly die? ______.
a) The Adventure of the Empty House (Das Abenteuer des leeren Hauses)
b) The Adventure of the Speckled Band (Das Abenteuer des gesprenkelten Bandes)
c) The Final Problem (Das letzte Problem)

12. The title of the story in which a mysterious speckled band plays a role is ______.
a) The Adventure of the Speckled Band (Das Abenteuer des gesprenkelten Bandes)
b) The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle (Das Abenteuer des blauen Karfunkels)
c) The Adventure of the Red-Headed League (Das Abenteuer der Rothaarigen Liga)

13. The name of the group of street boys who help Sherlock Holmes is ______.
a) The London Street Gang (Die Londoner Straßengang)
b) The Baker Street Irregulars (Die Baker Street Irregulars)
c) The Young Detectives (Die jungen Detektive)

14. In which story does Dr. Watson get married? ______.
a) The Sign of Four (Das Zeichen der Vier)
b) A Study in Scarlet (Eine Studie in Scharlachrot)
c) The Hound of the Baskervilles (Der Hund von Baskerville)

15. The name of the woman Sherlock Holmes admires is ______.
a) Mary Morstan (Mary Morstan)
b) Mrs. Hudson (Mrs. Hudson)
c) Irene Adler (Irene Adler)

16. The name of Professor Moriarty’s right-hand man is ______.
a) Inspector Lestrade (Inspektor Lestrade)
b) Colonel Sebastian Moran (Colonel Sebastian Moran)
c) Mycroft Holmes (Mycroft Holmes)

17. The name of the king who asks Holmes for help in "A Scandal in Bohemia" is ______.
a) The King of England (Der König von England)
b) The King of Bohemia (Der König von Böhmen)
c) The King of France (Der König von Frankreich)

18. The drug Sherlock Holmes occasionally uses is ______.
a) Cocaine (Kokain)
b) Opium (Opium)
c) Morphine (Morphin)

19. The method Sherlock Holmes uses to solve cases is ______.
a) Intuition (Intuition)
b) Deductive reasoning (Deduktives Denken)
c) Guesswork (Raten)

20. What does Holmes use to disguise himself when investigating? ______.
a) A mask (Eine Maske)
b) Costumes and makeup (Kostüme und Schminke)
c) A voice changer (Ein Stimmverzerrer)

21. What does Holmes usually wear on his head in illustrations? ______.
a) A top hat (Ein Zylinder)
b) A bowler hat (Ein Melone)
c) A deerstalker hat (Ein Jagdhut)

22. What kind of dog is featured in "The Hound of the Baskervilles"? ______.
a) A small terrier (Ein kleiner Terrier)
b) A large, spectral hound (Ein großer, gespenstischer Hund)
c) A greyhound (Ein Windhund)

23. What was Dr. Watson’s former profession before becoming a detective’s assistant? ______.
a) A lawyer (Ein Anwalt)
b) A journalist (Ein Journalist)
c) A doctor and military surgeon (Ein Arzt und Militärchirurg)

24. In which war did Dr. Watson serve? ______.
a) The Second Anglo-Afghan War (Der Zweite Anglo-Afghanische Krieg)
b) World War I (Der Erste Weltkrieg)
c) The Crimean War (Der Krimkrieg)

25. What does Sherlock Holmes believe about emotions and reasoning? ______.
a) He believes emotions enhance reasoning (Er glaubt, dass Emotionen das Denken verbessern)
b) He believes emotions interfere with logical reasoning (Er glaubt, dass Emotionen das logische Denken stören)
c) He believes emotions are irrelevant (Er glaubt, dass Emotionen irrelevant sind)

26. What phrase does Dr. Watson often use when amazed by Holmes’ deductions? ______.
a) "That’s incredible!" ("Das ist unglaublich!")
b) "How did you know?" ("Woher wussten Sie das?")
c) "By Jove!" or "You amaze me, Holmes!" ("Bei Gott!" oder "Sie verblüffen mich, Holmes!")

27. What is the name of Holmes’ landlady? ______.
a) Mrs. Watson (Mrs. Watson)
b) Mrs. Adler (Mrs. Adler)
c) Mrs. Hudson (Mrs. Hudson)

28. What is the name of the famous waterfall where Holmes and Moriarty fight? ______.
a) Niagara Falls (Niagarafälle)
b) Reichenbach Falls (Reichenbachfälle)
c) Victoria Falls (Victoriafälle)

29. What is the name of the story where Holmes returns after being presumed dead? ______.
a) The Adventure of the Final Problem (Das Abenteuer des letzten Problems)
b) The Adventure of the Dying Detective (Das Abenteuer des sterbenden Detektivs)
c) The Adventure of the Empty House (Das Abenteuer des leeren Hauses)

30. What is the name of the famous detective who is often compared to Sherlock Holmes? ______.
a) Miss Marple (Miss Marple)
b) Hercule Poirot (Hercule Poirot)
c) Philip Marlowe (Philip Marlowe)

Sherlock Holmes Tense Exercises

Sherlock Holmes

Tense Exercises | read the first and the second sentence before choosing your answer

1. Sherlock Holmes ______ at 221B Baker Street. It is a famous address in London.
a) lived
b) lives
c) has lived

2. He ______ many mysteries. His brilliant mind helped him find the truth.
a) solves
b) has solved
c) solved

3. He ______ Dr. Watson through a mutual friend. They soon became close companions.
a) meets
b) met
c) has met

4. In the films and series Holmes ______ deductive reasoning to solve cases. He notices small details others miss.
a) used
b) uses
c) has used

5. He ______ his death at the Reichenbach Falls. Everyone believed he was gone.
a) once faked
b) has faked
c) fakes

6. He ______ many real-life detectives. His methods are still studied today.
a) inspires
b) has inspired
c) inspired

7. He ______ the violin to relax after cases. Music helped him think clearly.
a) plays
b) played
c) has played

8. He always ______ himself in many different roles. This helped him gather information.
a) disguises
b) has disguised
c) disguised

9. In films and series Holmes often ______ himself to gather information. He is a master of deception.
a) disguises
b) has disguised
c) disguised

10. In films he ______ Scotland Yard solve many cases. They often rely on his expertise.
a) helped
b) helps
c) has helped

11. He once ______ Professor Moriarty in their final battle. It was a deadly confrontation.
a) fights
b) fought
c) has fought

12. He ______ himself in martial arts. This made him a skilled fighter.
a) trains
b) has trained
c) trained

13. He ______ as a consulting detective. People sought his advice on tough cases.
a) worked
b) works
c) has worked

14. He ______ a famous detective for over a century. Readers still love his stories.
a) is
b) has been
c) was

15. In all of his films and series Dr. John Watson ______ him in his investigations. He documents their adventures.
a) helped
b) helps
c) has helped

16.Over the course of time he ______ several criminals using his intelligence. His logic is still unmatched.
a) defeats
b) has defeated
c) defeated

17. He ______ scientific papers on fingerprints. His research was ahead of its time.
a) writes
b) wrote
c) has written

18. In illustrations he often ______ a deerstalker hat. It is now his signature look.
a) wore
b) wears
c) has worn

19. He ______ to different countries during investigations. His cases took him around the wolrd.
a) travels
b) has traveled
c) traveled

20. His methods ______ modern forensics. Many techniques are still in use.
a) influence
b) have influenced
c) influenced

21. The Sherlock Holmes character on TV rarely ______ emotions. He prefers logic over feelings.
a) showed
b) shows
c) has shown

22. Until now he ______ in movies, TV shows, and books worldwide. His character is legendary.
a) appears
b) has appeared
c) appeared

23. On TV he ______ with Scotland Yard many times. They respect his abilities.
a) works
b) has worked
c) worked

24. He ______ the violin when he needed to think. Music helped him concentrate.
a) plays
b) played
c) has played

25. Until now he ______ readers for generations. His stories never grow old.
a) amazes
b) has amazed
c) amazed

26. He ______ many scientific papers. His work was highly detailed.
a) writes
b) wrote
c) has written

27. Until this day he ______ modern forensic methods. His techniques improved investigations.
a) influences
b) has influenced
c) influenced

28. He ______ a pipe while thinking. It became one of his trademarks.
a) smokes
b) smoked
c) has smoked

29. On TV he ______ in many disguises. This made him hard to recognize.
a) appears
b) has appeared
c) appeared

30. On TV he ______ Scotland Yard solve numerous cases. They trust his expertise.
a) helped
b) helps
c) has helped

Simple Facts About Sherlock Holmes

  1. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created Sherlock Holmes.
  2. Sherlock Holmes' best friend is Dr. John Watson.

  3. Sherlock Holmes lives at 221B Baker Street.

  4. Most of his adventures take place in London.

  5. He works as a consulting detective.

  6. He plays the violin.

  7. His landlady is Mrs. Hudson.

  8. His brother’s name is Mycroft Holmes.

  1. Sherlock Holmes' greatest enemy is Professor Moriarty.
  2. The first story about him is A Study in Scarlet.

  3. The Hound of the Baskervilles features a deadly hound.

  4. He supposedly dies in The Final Problem.

  5. Inspector Lestrade often asks Holmes for help.

  6. The Adventure of the Speckled Band involves a strange snake.

  7. The Baker Street Irregulars are street boys who help Holmes.

  8. Dr. Watson gets married in The Sign of Four.

  1. Sherlock Holmes admires Irene Adler.
  2. Moriarty’s right-hand man is Colonel Sebastian Moran.

  3. A king asks Holmes for help in A Scandal in Bohemia.

  4. Holmes sometimes uses cocaine.

  5. He solves cases with deductive reasoning.

  6. He wears disguises to investigate.

  7. He is often shown wearing a deerstalker hat.

  8. Dr. Watson was a doctor and a soldier.

Simple Present, Past, Perfect 1

Crime Vocabulary 2

Crime Vocabulary 2 | Sprachschule Münster