Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 3
Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 3 | Sprachschule Münster
Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 3
Diese Übungen sind dazu gedacht, Lernenden dabei zu helfen, ihre Grammatik und ihren Wortschatz zu verbessern. Während der Großteil des Inhalts korrekt ist, kann es gelegentlich Fehler geben. Ich übernehme jedoch keine Verantwortung für etwaige Ungenauigkeiten. Wie bereits erwähnt, dienen diese Übungen ausschließlich dem Erlernen der englischen Grammatik und des Wortschatzes.
These exercises are designed to help learners improve their grammar and vocabulary. While most of the content is correct, there may be occasional errors. However, I assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies. As stated, these exercises are intended solely for learning English grammar and vocabulary.
Advanced Respiratory System - Vocabulary Exercise
41. Obstructive and restrictive lung diseases differ in their ______.
a) effects (Auswirkungen)
b) origins (Ursprünge)
42. Arterial blood gas analysis measures ______ levels.
oxygen and CO₂
a) oxygen and CO₂ (Sauerstoff und CO₂)
b) nitrogen and oxygen (Stickstoff und Sauerstoff)
43. Nebulized medications are often used in ______ respiratory care.
a) geriatric (geriatrischen)
b) pediatric (pädiatrischen)
44. Atelectasis refers to ______, reducing lung capacity.
collapsed alveoli
a) collapsed alveoli (kollabierte Alveolen)
b) inflamed bronchi (entzündete Bronchien)
45. Doctors may recommend corticosteroids for ______.
lung inflammation
a) lung inflammation (Lungenentzündung)
b) lung fibrosis (Lungenfibrose)
46. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is used to maintain airway ______.
a) patency (Durchgängigkeit)
b) obstruction (Obstruktion)
47. Ventilation-perfusion mismatch impairs ______ gas exchange.
a) efficient (effizienten)
b) partial (teilweisen)
48. Cytotoxic drugs can induce ______ lung disease.
a) interstitial (interstitielle)
b) obstructive (obstruktive)
49. Pulmonary edema presents as fluid accumulation in the ______ spaces.
a) pleural (pleuralen)
b) alveolar (alveolären)
50. Tumor lysis syndrome can exacerbate ______ complications.
a) respiratory (Atemwegs-)
b) circulatory (Kreislauf-)
51. Low tidal volume ventilation reduces ______ risk.
a) barotrauma (Barotrauma)
b) hypoxia (Hypoxie)
52. Bronchoscopy allows visualization of the ______ and bronchi.
a) alveoli (Alveolen)
b) trachea (Luftröhre)
53. Prolonged immunosuppression may lead to ______ infections.
a) opportunistic (opportunistische)
b) chronic (chronische)
54. Peribronchial thickening on imaging suggests ______.
chronic inflammation
a) chronic inflammation (chronische Entzündung)
b) acute infection (akute Infektion)
55. Differential diagnosis includes viral, bacterial, and ______ pneumonias.
a) fungal (pilzliche)
b) chemical (chemische)
56. Pulmonary hypertension secondary to ______ treatment can occur.
a) oncologic (onkologische)
b) respiratory (atmungsbezogene)
57. Respiratory alkalosis develops from hyperventilation during ______.
a) anxiety (Angst)
b) exercise (Bewegung)
58. Pediatric thoracentesis may be performed to drain ______ effusions.
a) pleural (pleurale)
b) pericardial (perikardiale)
59. Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation supports ______ in critical cases.
a) weaning (Entwöhnung)
b) sedation (Sedierung)
60. The multidisciplinary team evaluates long-term ______ in cancer survivors.
pulmonary sequelae
a) cardiac effects (kardiale Auswirkungen)
b) pulmonary sequelae (pulmonale Folgeerscheinungen)