Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 3

Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 3

Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 3 | Sprachschule Münster

Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 3

Advanced Respiratory System Vocabulary

Advanced Respiratory System - Vocabulary Exercise

41. Obstructive and restrictive lung diseases differ in their ______.
a) effects (Auswirkungen)
b) origins (Ursprünge)

42. Arterial blood gas analysis measures ______ levels.
a) oxygen and CO₂ (Sauerstoff und CO₂)
b) nitrogen and oxygen (Stickstoff und Sauerstoff)

43. Nebulized medications are often used in ______ respiratory care.
a) geriatric (geriatrischen)
b) pediatric (pädiatrischen)

44. Atelectasis refers to ______, reducing lung capacity.
a) collapsed alveoli (kollabierte Alveolen)
b) inflamed bronchi (entzündete Bronchien)

45. Doctors may recommend corticosteroids for ______.
a) lung inflammation (Lungenentzündung)
b) lung fibrosis (Lungenfibrose)

46. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is used to maintain airway ______.
a) patency (Durchgängigkeit)
b) obstruction (Obstruktion)

47. Ventilation-perfusion mismatch impairs ______ gas exchange.
a) efficient (effizienten)
b) partial (teilweisen)

48. Cytotoxic drugs can induce ______ lung disease.
a) interstitial (interstitielle)
b) obstructive (obstruktive)

49. Pulmonary edema presents as fluid accumulation in the ______ spaces.
a) pleural (pleuralen)
b) alveolar (alveolären)

50. Tumor lysis syndrome can exacerbate ______ complications.
a) respiratory (Atemwegs-)
b) circulatory (Kreislauf-)

51. Low tidal volume ventilation reduces ______ risk.
a) barotrauma (Barotrauma)
b) hypoxia (Hypoxie)

52. Bronchoscopy allows visualization of the ______ and bronchi.
a) alveoli (Alveolen)
b) trachea (Luftröhre)

53. Prolonged immunosuppression may lead to ______ infections.
a) opportunistic (opportunistische)
b) chronic (chronische)

54. Peribronchial thickening on imaging suggests ______.
a) chronic inflammation (chronische Entzündung)
b) acute infection (akute Infektion)

55. Differential diagnosis includes viral, bacterial, and ______ pneumonias.
a) fungal (pilzliche)
b) chemical (chemische)

56. Pulmonary hypertension secondary to ______ treatment can occur.
a) oncologic (onkologische)
b) respiratory (atmungsbezogene)

57. Respiratory alkalosis develops from hyperventilation during ______.
a) anxiety (Angst)
b) exercise (Bewegung)

58. Pediatric thoracentesis may be performed to drain ______ effusions.
a) pleural (pleurale)
b) pericardial (perikardiale)

59. Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation supports ______ in critical cases.
a) weaning (Entwöhnung)
b) sedation (Sedierung)

60. The multidisciplinary team evaluates long-term ______ in cancer survivors.
a) cardiac effects (kardiale Auswirkungen)
b) pulmonary sequelae (pulmonale Folgeerscheinungen)

Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 3

Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 3

Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 3 | Sprachschule Münster