Simple Present, Past, Perfect 1

Simple Present, Past, Perfect 1

Simple Present, Past, Perfect 1 | Sprachschule Münster

1. Simple Present (Einfache Gegenwart)

  • Form: Grundform des Verbs (bei der 3. Person Singular wird -s oder -es angehängt).

  • Verwendung: Beschreibt Gewohnheiten, Routinen, allgemeine Wahrheiten oder Fakten.

  • Erkennungsmerkmale:

      • Time expressions like: every day, often, always, usually (Zeitangaben wie: jeden Tag, oft, immer, nie, normalerweise)
    • Beispiel: She walks to the park daily. (Sie geht täglich in den Park.)

    • Das Verb steht in der Grundform (oder bei he/she/it mit -s/-es).

2. Present Perfect (Perfekt)

  • Form: has/have + past participle (3. Verbform).

  • Verwendung: Beschreibt Handlungen oder Erfahrungen, die zu einem unbestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit passiert sind oder bis in die Gegenwart andauern.

  • Erkennungsmerkmale:

    • Zeitangaben wie: already, ever, never, so far, yet, just, since, for (schon, jemals, niemals, bisher, noch nicht, gerade, seit, für).

    • Beispiel: She has read two books this week. (Sie hat diese Woche zwei Bücher gelesen.)

    • Suche nach den Hilfsverben has/have, gefolgt vom Partizip Perfekt des Hauptverbs (written, eaten, played).


Simple Present, Past, Perfect 1

Simple Present, Past, Perfect 1

Practice Present Simple, Past Simple, and Present Perfect Tenses

Click on the blanks to reveal the correct answers.

Present Simple

1. 3D printers ______ objects layer by layer. But it works very slowly.
a) create
b) created
c) have created

2. People ______ 3D printers for rapid prototyping. It saves time.
a) use
b) used
c) have used

3. The printer ______ the design from a digital file. The file is important.
a) reads
b) read
c) has read

4. Engineers ______ models using this technology daily. They work every day.
a) build
b) built
c) have built

5. It ______ objects using materials like plastic and metal. Many materials are possible.
a) prints
b) printed
c) has printed

6. 3D printers ______ doctors make custom prosthetics. They help many patients.
a) help
b) helped
c) have helped

7. They ______ complex shapes that traditional methods cannot. The shapes are amazing.
a) produce
b) produced
c) have produced

8. This printer ______ proper maintenance to function well. You must clean it.
a) requires
b) required
c) has required

9. 3D printing ______ material waste in production. It saves resources.
a) reduces
b) reduced
c) has reduced

10. Many schools ______ students how to use 3D printers. Students enjoy learning.
a) teach
b) taught
c) have taught

Past Simple

1. The team ______ a model of a bridge yesterday. It looked realistic.
a) printed
b) prints
c) has printed

2. They ______ the 3D printer to create medical implants last week. Doctors liked them.
a) used
b) use
c) have used

3. I ______ a small figurine with the printer last month. It was colorful.
a) built
b) build
c) have built

4. The company ______ new materials for their printers last year. They tested many types.
a) tested
b) tests
c) has tested

5. A designer ______ several prototypes for a car part. The prototypes worked well.
a) created
b) creates
c) has created

6. The printer ______ during the project. They had to fix it.
a) malfunctioned
b) malfunctions
c) has malfunctioned

7. He ______ the machine in the afternoon. It worked again.
a) repaired
b) repairs
c) has repaired

8. They ______ a working prototype of the drone on Monday. The drone flew well.
a) printed
b) prints
c) has printed

9. We ______ with different printing techniques last semester. We learned a lot.
a) experimented
b) experiment
c) have experimented

10. A student ______ a robot arm for a science fair project. It could move objects.
a) designed
b) designs
c) has designed

Present Perfect

1. The 3D printer ______ the manufacturing process. Factories use it now.
a) has revolutionized
b) revolutionized
c) revolutionizes

2. Many industries ______ 3D printing in the last decade. It is everywhere now.
a) have adopted
b) adopted
c) adopt

3. He ______ numerous prototypes using this technology. His ideas are impressive.
a) has created
b) created
c) creates

4. They ______ production time significantly with 3D printing. Things are faster now.
a) have reduced
b) reduced
c) reduces

5. Engineers ______ new materials for more durable prints. The materials last longer.
a) have developed
b) developed
c) develop

6. The printer ______ minor errors during several projects. The errors were fixed.
a) has experienced
b) experienced
c) experiences

7. She ______ custom jewelry for several clients this year. The jewelry looks pretty.
a) has printed
b) printed
c) prints

8. 3D printers ______ since their invention. They are more advanced.
a) have improved
b) improved
c) improve

9. Researchers ______ new applications for 3D printers. Many fields now benefit.
a) have found
b) found
c) find

10. I ______ 3D printers to design functional parts for my projects. They helped me a lot.
a) have used
b) used
c) use

Simple Present, Past, Perfect 1

Simple Present, Past, Perfect 1

Simple Present, Past, Perfect 1 | Sprachschule Münster