Merlin 1

Merlin 1

Merlin 1 | Sprachschule Münster

Past Perfect & 3rd Conditional

Past Perfect & Third Conditional

1. By the time we arrived, the movie ______.
a) had started (hat begonnen)
b) started (begann)

2. She ______ her homework before dinner.
a) finished (beendete)
b) had finished (hatte beendet)

3. He ______ the report before the meeting started.
a) wrote (schrieb)
b) had written (hatte geschrieben)

4. They ______ all the food before the guests arrived.
a) prepared (bereiteten vor)
b) had prepared (hatten vorbereitet)

5. If she ______ more, she would have passed the test.
a) studied (lernte)
b) had studied (hätte gelernt)

6. If we ______ the train earlier, we wouldn't have been late.
a) had taken (hätten genommen)
b) took (nahmen)

7. If he ______ for the interview, he might have gotten the job.
a) had prepared (hätte sich vorbereitet)
b) prepared (bereitete sich vor)

8. If they ______ the weather forecast, they wouldn't have gone hiking.
a) checked (prüften)
b) had checked (hätten geprüft)

9. If they ______ the weather forecast, they wouldn't have gone hiking.
a) checked (prüften)
b) had checked (hätten geprüft)

10. If I ______ more time, I would have finished the project.
a) had (hatte)
b) had had (hätte gehabt)

Past Perfect & Third Conditional

1. By the time the concert began, everyone ______.
a) had taken their seats
b) took their seats

2. She ______ Spanish before moving to Spain.
a) had learned
b) learned

3. The sun ______ before we reached the beach.
a) had set
b) set

4. She ______ already left when I arrived.
a) had
b) has

5. He ______ in the company for five years before he quit.
a) had worked
b) worked

6. If we had booked the hotel earlier, we ______ a discount.
a) would have gotten
b) will get

7. If I had known about the event, I ______.
a) would have attended
b) will attend

8. If they had saved more money, they ______ a house.
a) could have bought
b) can buy

9. If you had called me, I ______ you.
a) would have helped
b) will help

10. If we had checked the weather, we ______ an umbrella.
a) would have brought
b) will bring

Past Perfect & Third Conditional

1. By the time we got there, the movie ______.
a) had started (hat begonnen)
b) started (begann)

2. The train ______ before we reached the platform.
a) had left (war abgefahren)
b) left (fuhr ab)

3. He ______ such a big waterfall before his trip.
a) had never seen (hatte noch nie gesehen)
b) never saw (sah nie)

4. We ______ that museum before, so we skipped it.
a) had visited (hatten besucht)
b) visited (besuchten)

The Body-1

The Body-1

The Body-1 | Sprachschule Münster