Merlin 2

Merlin 2

Merlin 2 | Sprachschule Münster

King Arthur & Merlin Vocabulary Exercises

King Arthur & Merlin Vocabulary Exercises

King Arthur & Merlin Vocabulary Exercises

1. The ______ of Excalibur made Arthur a legend.
a) downfall (Untergang)
b) myth (Mythos)

2. Merlin’s magic was full of ______.
a) mystery (Geheimnis)
b) weakness (Schwäche)

3. Arthur’s knights ______ the kingdom into regions.
a) united (vereint)
b) divided (geteilt)

4. The final battle led to a tragic ______ of Camelot.
a) division (Teilung)
b) celebration (Feier)

5. Merlin often stood ______ Arthur and his knights.
a) among (unter)
b) outside (außerhalb)

6. Merlin ______ the prophecy of Arthur’s fate.
a) forgot (vergaß)
b) retold (wiedererzählt)

7. Arthur ______ Excalibur from the stone.
a) lifts (hebt)
b) drops (fallen lässt)

8. Betrayal was the ______ of Camelot’s fall.
a) cause (Ursache)
b) victory (Sieg)

9. Merlin’s magic was ______ and unpredictable.
a) elusive (schwer fassbar)
b) common (gewöhnlich)

10. The knights were ______ by the vision of the Holy Grail.
a) astounded (verblüfft)
b) bored (gelangweilt)

11. Merlin is part of the ______ of King Arthur.
a) truth (Wahrheit)
b) myth (Mythos)

12. His powers remain a ______ to this day.
a) mystery (Geheimnis)
b) fact (Tatsache)

13. Some say he ______ his magic between good and evil.
a) divided (geteilt)
b) kept (behalten)

14. There was a ______ between those who feared and those who trusted him.
a) division (Teilung)
b) unity (Einheit)

15. His story has been ______ in many books and movies.
a) retold (wiedererzählt)
b) forgotten (vergessen)

16. Merlin could ______ objects with his magic.
a) drop (fallen lassen)
b) lift (heben)

17. His spells ______ strange things to happen.
a) caused (verursacht)
b) stopped (gestoppt)

18. Many legends about him have been ______ over time.
a) hidden (versteckt)
b) published (veröffentlicht)

19. Some believe he is buried under a small ______ in the forest.
a) hump (Hügel)
b) tree (Baum)

20. His true origins are ______ and unknown.
a) clear (klar)
b) elusive (schwer zu fassen)

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The Body-1 | Sprachschule Münster