Merlin 1

Merlin 1

Merlin 1 | Sprachschule Münster


Merlin is a famous wizard from the legends of King Arthur. He was a wise magician, a prophet, and Arthur’s trusted advisor. According to the stories, Merlin used magic to help Arthur become king and guided him throughout his reign.

Merlin is known for his supernatural powers, such as seeing the futurecasting spells, and shapeshifting. He is often connected to mystical places like Avalon and enchanted forests.

In some legends, Merlin falls in love with a sorceress, Morgan le Fay or Nimue, who later traps or betrays him, causing his disappearance. Despite this, he remains one of the most famous wizards in history and a symbol of wisdom and magic.

Merlin Vocabulary Exercise

Merlin Vocabulary Exercise

1. Merlin lived near the ______ of Camelot.
a) border (Grenze)
b) center (Zentrum)

2. He used magic to stop invaders from ______.
a) invading (eindringen)
b) retreating (zurückziehen)

3. He predicted the Saxon ______.
a) celebration (Feier)
b) invasion (Invasion)

4. Merlin fled to the forest when he was ______.
a) old (alt)
b) young (jung)

5. He never ruled, but kings ______ to him.
a) ignored (ignorierten)
b) listened (hörten)

6. No one could ______ a wizard.
a) elect (wählen)
b) banish (verbannen)

7. There was no ______ to choose him.
a) election (Wahl)
b) coronation (Krönung)

8. He could ______ danger with his magic.
a) avoid (vermeiden)
b) cause (verursachen)

9. His relationship with Arthur was ______.
a) special (besonders)
b) ordinary (gewöhnlich)

10. Merlin had a long ______ on his staff.
a) scratch (Kratzer)
b) engraving (Gravur)

11. Many say he was just a ______.
a) legend (Legende)
b) fact (Tatsache)

12. He ______ Arthur’s sword.
a) enchanted (verzauberte)
b) broke (zerbrach)

13. His spirit was wise and ______.
a) mysterious (geheimnisvoll)
b) ordinary (gewöhnlich)

14. He lived in the ______ woods.
a) surrounding (umgebenden)
b) distant (entfernten)

15. The knights ______ him for advice.
a) surrounded (umgaben)
b) avoided (mieden)

16. His ______ were always magical.
a) surroundings (Umgebung)
b) enemies (Feinde)

17. He had a hidden ______ for his studies.
a) graveyard (Friedhof)
b) library (Bibliothek)

18. No one knew where his ______ was.
a) grave (Grab)
b) home (Zuhause)

19. He left secret ______ in ancient stones.
a) grooves (Rillen)
b) marks (Markierungen)

20. He dreamed of sending a space ______ into the future.
a) probe (Sonde)
b) ship (Schiff)

21. Merlin never punished the ______.
a) innocent (Unschuldigen)
b) guilty (Schuldigen)

22. His greatest ______ was to lose his freedom.
a) punishment (Strafe)
b) reward (Belohnung)

23. Some believed Merlin had ______ origins.
a) supernatural (übernatürliche)
b) ordinary (gewöhnliche)

24. He was ______ in a magical duel.
a) wounded (verwundet)
b) healed (geheilt)

25. A sorceress ______ Merlin’s trust.
a) betrayed (verriet)
b) honored (ehrte)

The Body-1

The Body-1

The Body-1 | Sprachschule Münster