King Arthur

King Arthur is a legendary ruler of Britain, known for his bravery, wisdom, and leadership. According to the stories, he became king after pulling the magical sword Excalibur from a stone. He ruled from Camelot, where he gathered the Knights of the Round Table to fight for justice and peace.

Arthur defended Britain from invaders, including the Saxons, and sought the Holy Grail, a sacred object of great power. He was guided by the wizard Merlin and supported by his knights, such as LancelotGawain, and Percival.

In the end, Arthur was wounded in battle and taken to Avalon, a magical island, where legends say he rests until Britain needs him again. His story is a mix of history and myth, making him one of the most famous kings in literature.

King Arthur

King Arthur

King Arthur

King Arthur | Sprachschule Münster

1. Avalon was a mysterious island beyond the ______ of Camelot.
a) border (Grenze)
b) center (Zentrum)

2. No army ever ______ Avalon.
a) invaded (invadierte)
b) protected (beschützte)

3. The ______ of Britain did not affect Avalon.
a) celebration (Feier)
b) invasion (Invasion)

4. Many warriors ______ to Avalon after battles.
a) marched (marschierten)
b) fled (flohen)

5. No one ______ Avalon; it was a place of peace.
a) ruled (regierte)
b) abandoned (verließ)

6. The people did not ______ leaders; they followed wise women.
a) elect (wählen)
b) banish (verbannen)

7. There were no ______ in Avalon.
a) elections (Wahlen)
b) celebrations (Feiern)

8. Avalon was hidden to ______ invaders.
a) avoid (vermeiden)
b) attract (anziehen)

9. Its ______ with Camelot was secret.
a) relationship (Beziehung)
b) conflict (Konflikt)

10. No one had a ______ when they left Avalon.
a) scratch (Kratzer)
b) scar (Narbe)

11. Many believe Avalon is only a ______.
a) legend (Legende)
b) fact (Tatsache)

12. Swords were not ______ in Avalon.
a) needed (gebraucht)
b) broken (zerbrochen)

13. The spirit of ______ filled Avalon.
a) healing (Heilung)
b) war (Krieg)

14. The ______ mist made it hard to find.
a) surrounding (umgebenden)
b) distant (entfernten)

15. It was ______ by water and magic.
a) surrounded (umgeben)
b) abandoned (verlassen)

16. The ______ of Avalon were peaceful.
a) surroundings (Umgebung)
b) enemies (Feinde)

17. No ______ existed there.
a) graveyard (Friedhof)
b) library (Bibliothek)

18. There were no ______ in Avalon.
a) graves (Gräber)
b) homes (Häuser)

19. Magic left ______ in the stones of Avalon.
a) grooves (Rillen)
b) marks (Markierungen)

20. A space ______ would never find Avalon.
a) probe (Sonde)
b) ship (Schiff)

21. No one was ever ______ there.
a) punished (bestraft)
b) rewarded (belohnt)

22. There was no ______ for outsiders.
a) punishment (Strafe)
b) reward (Belohnung)

23. Some believed Avalon had ______ powers.
a) supernatural (übernatürliche)
b) ordinary (gewöhnliche)

24. Arthur’s wounds were ______ in Avalon.
a) healed (geheilt)
b) worsened (verschlimmert)

25. The women of Avalon never ______ their secrets.
a) betrayed (verrieten)
b) shared (teilten)

The Body-1

The Body-1

The Body-1 | Sprachschule Münster