Haemophilia 2

Haemophilia 2

Haemophilia 2 | Sprachschule Münster

Diese Übungen sind dazu gedacht, Lernenden dabei zu helfen, ihre Grammatik und ihren Wortschatz zu verbessern. Während der Großteil des Inhalts korrekt ist, kann es gelegentlich Fehler geben. Ich übernehme jedoch keine Verantwortung für etwaige Ungenauigkeiten. Wie bereits erwähnt, dienen diese Übungen ausschließlich dem Erlernen der englischen Grammatik und des Wortschatzes.

These exercises are designed to help learners improve their grammar and vocabulary. While most of the content is correct, there may be occasional errors. However, I assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies. As stated, these exercises are intended solely for learning English grammar and vocabulary.

Haemophilia 2

Hemophilia Vocabulary Exercise Part 2

Hemophilia Vocabulary Exercise Part 2

21. In some patients, ________ make clotting factor treatments less effective.
a) inhibitors (Inhibitoren)
b) platelets (Thrombozyten)
c) antibodies (Antikörper)
22. An ________ to clotting factor may cause itching or breathing issues.
a) allergic reaction (allergische Reaktion)
b) infusion reaction (Infusionsreaktion)
c) side effect (Nebenwirkung)
23. A ________ is used to make frequent infusions easier.
a) venous access device (Venenzugang)
b) inhaler (Inhalator)
c) stent (Stent)
24. A ________ is placed in a large vein for regular treatments.
a) central line (Zentraler Zugang)
b) syringe (Spritze)
c) blood tube (Blutröhre)
25. ________ is important for managing joint pain in hemophilia.
a) pain management (Schmerztherapie)
b) exercise (Übung)
c) antibiotics (Antibiotika)
26. ________ helps reduce swelling in a bleeding joint.
a) cold compression (Kältekompression)
b) hot pad (Wärmepad)
c) exercise (Übung)
27. Keeping an injured joint still is called ________.
a) immobilization (Immobilisierung)
b) circulation (Zirkulation)
c) stretching (Dehnung)
28. ________ help keep joints flexible after a bleed.
a) range of motion exercises (Beweglichkeitsübungen)
b) strengthening exercises (Kräftigungsübungen)
c) endurance exercises (Ausdauerübungen)
29. Preventive treatment to reduce bleeding risk is called ________.
a) prophylaxis (Prophylaxe)
b) diagnosis (Diagnose)
c) hydration (Hydration)
30. A ________ can tell emergency responders that a person has hemophilia.
a) medical alert bracelet (Medizinisches Armband)
b) wristwatch (Armbanduhr)
c) ID card (Personalausweis)
31. ________ exercises, like swimming, are safer for people with hemophilia.
a) low-impact (Niedrige Belastung)
b) high-impact (Hohe Belastung)
c) weightlifting (Gewichtheben)
32. ________ helps strengthen muscles and protect joints.
a) physical therapy (Physiotherapie)
b) chemotherapy (Chemotherapie)
c) surgery (Operation)
33. Taking extra care to avoid injuries is known as ________.
a) bleeding precautions (Blutungsprävention)
b) dietary precautions (Diätprävention)
c) exercise precautions (Übungsvorsichtsmaßnahmen)
34. The ________ test measures how long it takes blood to clot.
a) PTT (partielle Thromboplastinzeit)
b) blood sugar (Blutzucker)
c) cholesterol (Cholesterin)
35. A ________ test shows the levels of red and white blood cells.
a) blood count (Blutbild)
b) allergy test (Allergietest)
c) urinalysis (Urinanalyse)
36. A ________ checks for joint damage in hemophilia patients.
a) joint health assessment (Gelenkbewertung)
b) eye test (Sehtest)
c) hearing test (Hörtest)
37. ________ is the chance that the immune system will react to treatment.
a) immunogenicity (Immunogenität)
b) infection rate (Infektionsrate)
c) hydration (Hydration)
38. ________ is joint damage from repeated bleeding episodes.
a) hemophilic arthropathy (hämophile Arthropathie)
b) osteoporosis (Osteoporose)
c) arthritis (Arthritis)
Haemophilia 2

Haemophilia 2

Haemophilia 2 | Sprachschule Münster