Haemophilia Exercise 1
Haemophilia Exercise 1 | Sprachschule Münster
Diese Übungen sind dazu gedacht, Lernenden dabei zu helfen, ihre Grammatik und ihren Wortschatz zu verbessern. Während der Großteil des Inhalts korrekt ist, kann es gelegentlich Fehler geben. Ich übernehme jedoch keine Verantwortung für etwaige Ungenauigkeiten. Wie bereits erwähnt, dienen diese Übungen ausschließlich dem Erlernen der englischen Grammatik und des Wortschatzes.
These exercises are designed to help learners improve their grammar and vocabulary. While most of the content is correct, there may be occasional errors. However, I assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies. As stated, these exercises are intended solely for learning English grammar and vocabulary.
Haemophilia Exercise 1
Hemophilia Vocabulary Exercise
1. ________ is a disorder where the blood doesn't clot properly, leading to excessive bleeding.
a) Hemophilia (Hämophilie)
b) Platelets (Thrombozyten)
c) Anemia (Anämie)
a) Hemophilia (Hämophilie)
b) Platelets (Thrombozyten)
c) Anemia (Anämie)
2. ________ is the process that helps stop bleeding by forming a plug in the blood.
a) Coagulation (Gerinnung)
b) Clotting (Blutgerinnung)
c) Inhibitors (Inhibitoren)
a) Coagulation (Gerinnung)
b) Clotting (Blutgerinnung)
c) Inhibitors (Inhibitoren)
3. Hemophilia is a ________ disorder, meaning it's passed down from parents to children.
a) hereditary (erblich)
b) genetic (genetisch)
c) environmental (umweltbedingt)
a) hereditary (erblich)
b) genetic (genetisch)
c) environmental (umweltbedingt)
4. ________ factors are proteins in the blood that are essential for forming clots.
a) Clotting (Gerinnung)
b) Blood (Blut)
c) Platelets (Thrombozyten)
a) Clotting (Gerinnung)
b) Blood (Blut)
c) Platelets (Thrombozyten)
5. In Hemophilia A, the body lacks enough ________.
Factor VIII
a) Factor VIII (Faktor VIII)
b) Platelets (Thrombozyten)
c) Antibodies (Antikörper)
a) Factor VIII (Faktor VIII)
b) Platelets (Thrombozyten)
c) Antibodies (Antikörper)
6. Hemophilia B is caused by a deficiency of ________.
Factor IX
a) Factor VIII (Faktor VIII)
b) Factor IX (Faktor IX)
c) Red cells (Rote Blutzellen)
a) Factor VIII (Faktor VIII)
b) Factor IX (Faktor IX)
c) Red cells (Rote Blutzellen)
7. ________ are tiny cells that help form blood clots.
a) Platelets (Thrombozyten)
b) Plasma (Plasma)
c) White cells (Weiße Blutzellen)
a) Platelets (Thrombozyten)
b) Plasma (Plasma)
c) White cells (Weiße Blutzellen)
8. Another word for clotting is ________.
a) Clotting (Gerinnung)
b) Coagulation (Koagulation)
c) Thrombosis (Thrombose)
a) Clotting (Gerinnung)
b) Coagulation (Koagulation)
c) Thrombosis (Thrombose)
9. A person with hemophilia might have a ________ from a small injury.
a) bleed (Blutung)
b) cough (Husten)
c) swelling (Schwellung)
a) bleed (Blutung)
b) cough (Husten)
c) swelling (Schwellung)
10. Bleeding into a joint is called ________.
a) hematoma (Hämatom)
b) hemarthrosis (Hämarthrose)
c) hemolysis (Hämolyse)
a) hematoma (Hämatom)
b) hemarthrosis (Hämarthrose)
c) hemolysis (Hämolyse)
11. ________ bleeding is very serious as it happens inside the skull.
a) Intracranial (intrakraniell)
b) Internal (intern)
c) External (extern)
a) Intracranial (intrakraniell)
b) Internal (intern)
c) External (extern)
12. A ________ is a collection of blood outside a blood vessel.
a) hematoma (Hämatom)
b) hemorrhage (Blutung)
c) anemia (Anämie)
a) hematoma (Hämatom)
b) hemorrhage (Blutung)
c) anemia (Anämie)
13. ________ is a condition where the blood lacks enough red cells, often due to bleeding.
a) Anemia (Anämie)
b) Inhibitor (Inhibitor)
c) Immune reaction (Immunreaktion)
a) Anemia (Anämie)
b) Inhibitor (Inhibitor)
c) Immune reaction (Immunreaktion)
14. ________ therapy gives patients the clotting factors they need.
Factor replacement
a) Factor replacement (Faktorenersatz)
b) Immune therapy (Immuntherapie)
c) Antibiotic (Antibiotikum)
a) Factor replacement (Faktorenersatz)
b) Immune therapy (Immuntherapie)
c) Antibiotic (Antibiotikum)
15. ________ factor is a clotting factor made in a lab, not from human blood.
a) Recombinant (Rekombinant)
b) Plasma-derived (Plasma-gewonnen)
c) Transfusion (Transfusion)
a) Recombinant (Rekombinant)
b) Plasma-derived (Plasma-gewonnen)
c) Transfusion (Transfusion)
16. ________ factor is made from donated blood.
a) Plasma-derived (Plasma-gewonnen)
b) Synthetic (Synthetisch)
c) Biologic (Biologisch)
a) Plasma-derived (Plasma-gewonnen)
b) Synthetic (Synthetisch)
c) Biologic (Biologisch)
17. A ________ agent is used when regular treatment isn't working because of inhibitors.
a) bypassing (Bypassing)
b) coagulant (Koagulant)
c) antiseptic (Antiseptisch)
a) bypassing (Bypassing)
b) coagulant (Koagulant)
c) antiseptic (Antiseptisch)
18. ________ is a medicine that helps release more clotting factor in mild cases.
Desmopressin (DDAVP)
a) Desmopressin (DDAVP) (Desmopressin)
b) Paracetamol (Paracetamol)
c) Factor VIII (Faktor VIII)
a) Desmopressin (DDAVP) (Desmopressin)
b) Paracetamol (Paracetamol)
c) Factor VIII (Faktor VIII)
19. An ________ helps prevent clots from breaking down too quickly.
antifibrinolytic agent
a) antifibrinolytic agent (Antifibrinolytikum)
b) anticoagulant (Antikoagulans)
c) antibiotic (Antibiotikum)
a) antifibrinolytic agent (Antifibrinolytikum)
b) anticoagulant (Antikoagulans)
c) antibiotic (Antibiotikum)
20. ________ is when medicine is given directly into the bloodstream.
a) infusion (Infusion)
b) injection (Injektion)
c) medication (Medikation)
a) infusion (Infusion)
b) injection (Injektion)
c) medication (Medikation)