Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 4

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 4

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 4 | Sprachschule Münster

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 4

Medical Equipment Quiz

61. Which tool safely removes scalpel blades? ______.
a) Blade removers (Klingenentferner)
b) Sterile containers (Sterile Behälter)
c) Glove dispensers (Handschuhspender)

62. Which gowns can be reused in sterile environments? ______.
a) Disposable scalpels (Einwegskalpelle)
b) Reusable isolation gowns (Wiederverwendbare Isolationskittel)
c) Surgical drapes (Operationsabdecktücher)

63. Which masks are worn during surgeries? ______.
a) Surgical masks (Operationsmasken)
b) Tracheostomy care trays (Tracheostomieversorgungstabletts)
c) Endoscope drying cabinets (Endoskop-Trocknungsschränke)

64. What equipment protects the face during procedures? ______.
a) Face shields (Gesichtsschutz)
b) Mask dispensers (Maskenspender)
c) High-level disinfectants (Hochleistungsdesinfektionsmittel)

65. Which bins are used for sorting medical waste? ______.
a) Biohazard bags (Biogefahr-Beutel)
b) Waste segregation bins (Abfalltrennbehälter)
c) Instrument trays (Instrumententabletts)

66. Which stands hold bowls during surgical procedures? ______.
a) Bowl stands (Schalenständer)
b) Instrument organization racks (Instrumenten-Organisationsregale)
c) Washer-disinfectors (Reinigungs-Desinfektionsgeräte)

67. Which sets contain sterile tubing? ______.
a) Self-sealing sterilization pouches (Selbstklebende Sterilisationsbeutel)
b) Sterile tubing sets (Sterile Schlauchsets)
c) Tracheostomy care trays (Tracheostomieversorgungstabletts)

68. Which bowls are commonly used in surgical settings? ______.
a) Stainless steel bowls (Edelstahlschalen)
b) Bowl stands (Schalenständer)
c) Speculums (Spekula)

69. Which trolleys carry anesthesia supplies? ______.
a) Anesthesia carts (Anästhesiewagen)
b) Sterile procedure packs (Sterile Eingriffsets)
c) Pack check indicators (Packungskontroll-Indikatoren)

70. What items are used to organize sterilized instruments? ______.
a) Organizers for sterilized instruments (Organizer für sterilisierte Instrumente)
b) Instrument lubricants (Instrumenten-Schmiermittel)
c) Enzyme sprays (Enzymsprays)

71. Which tubes are used for infusions in medical care? ______.
a) Cannulae (Kanülen)
b) Glove dispensers (Handschuhspender)
c) Scrub sinks (OP-Waschbecken)

72. What devices help position patients during surgery? ______.
a) Decontamination workstations (Dekontaminations-Arbeitsstationen)
b) Patient positioning devices (Patientenlagerungsgeräte)
c) Sterilization wraps (Sterilisationsverpackungen)

73. Which kits contain tools for starting intravenous lines? ______.
a) IV start kits (IV-Start-Sets)
b) Instrument trays (Instrumententabletts)
c) High-level disinfectants (Hochleistungsdesinfektionsmittel)

74. What bags collect fluids from patients? ______.
a) Drain bags (Drainagebeutel)
b) Waste segregation bins (Abfalltrennbehälter)
c) Disposable scalpels (Einwegskalpelle)

75. Which tables hold surgical tools and are easily moved? ______.
a) Bowl stands (Schalenständer)
b) Mayo stands (Mayo-Tische)
c) Sealing machines (Verschließmaschinen)

76. Which trolleys hold emergency medical supplies? ______.
a) Emergency crash carts (Notfallwagen)
b) Instrument trays (Instrumententabletts)
c) Sterile gauze (Sterile Gaze)

77. What systems help track the location of instruments? ______.
a) Organizers for sterilized instruments (Organizer für sterilisierte Instrumente)
b) Instrument tracking systems (Instrumenten-Nachverfolgungssysteme)
c) Chemical indicators (Chemische Indikatoren)

78. Which liners are placed in trays for cleanliness? ______.
a) Tray liners (Schalenunterlagen)
b) Surgical masks (Operationsmasken)
c) Sterile containers (Sterile Behälter)

79. Which pumps regulate the flow of fluids to patients? ______.
a) Cautery pens (Kauter-Stifte)
b) Infusion pumps (Infusionspumpen)
c) Enzyme sprays (Enzymsprays)

80. Which tables are mobile and hold instruments during surgery? ______.
a) Mobile instrument tables (Mobile Instrumententische)
b) Scrub sinks (OP-Waschbecken)
c) Speculums (Spekula)

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 4

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 4

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 4 | Sprachschule Münster