Medical Instruments 1
Medical Instruments 1 | Sprachschule Münster
Medical Instruments 1
1. Surgeons need various ______ for operations.
surgical instruments
a) Surgical instruments (Chirurgische Instrumente)
b) Diagnostic instruments (Diagnostische Instrumente)
2. A ______ is a small knife used in surgeries.
a) Scalpel (Skalpell)
b) Scissors (Schere)
3. ______ are used for cutting tissues.
a) Scissors (Schere)
b) Forceps (Pinzette)
4. ______ are special scissors for soft tissue.
Metzenbaum scissors
a) Metzenbaum scissors (Metzenbaum-Schere)
b) Mayo scissors (Mayo-Schere)
5. ______ are heavy-duty scissors used in surgery.
Mayo scissors
a) Mayo scissors (Mayo-Schere)
b) Iris scissors (Iris-Schere)
6. ______ are small and sharp for precise cuts.
Iris scissors
a) Iris scissors (Iris-Schere)
b) Forceps (Pinzette)
7. ______ are used to grip tissues during surgery.
a) Forceps (Pinzette)
b) Scissors (Schere)
8. ______ help control bleeding by clamping vessels.
hemostatic forceps
a) Hemostatic forceps (Hämostatische Pinzette)
b) Tissue forceps (Gewebepinzette)
9. ______ are forceps specifically for tissue.
tissue forceps
a) Tissue forceps (Gewebepinzette)
b) Adson forceps (Adson-Pinzette)
10. ______ are fine-tipped for grasping delicate tissues.
Adson forceps
a) Adson forceps (Adson-Pinzette)
b) Mayo scissors (Mayo-Schere)
11. Surgeons use ______ to secure blood vessels.
a) Clamps (Klemmen)
b) Forceps (Pinzette)
12. A ______ is a type of clamp for medium vessels.
Kelly clamp
a) Kelly clamp (Kelly-Klemme)
b) Mosquito clamp (Moskitoklemme)
13. ______ are small clamps used for fine blood vessels.
mosquito clamps
a) Mosquito clamps (Moskitoklemme)
b) Pean clamps (Pean-Klemme)
14. ______ are large clamps for thicker tissues.
Pean clamps
a) Pean clamps (Pean-Klemme)
b) Kelly clamps (Kelly-Klemme)
15. ______ are used to hold needles during suturing.
needle holders
a) Needle holders (Nadelhalter)
b) Hemostatic forceps (Hämostatische Pinzette)
16. Different types of ______ are used for various cuts.
a) Scissors (Scheren)
b) Clamps (Klemmen)
17. A ______ is used to cut and coagulate tissues.
a) Bovie (Bovie)
b) Scalpel (Skalpell)
18. ______ help clear blood from the surgical site.
suction devices
a) Suction devices (Absauggeräte)
b) Hemostatic agents (Hämostatika)
19. Various ______ are designed for suture cutting.
a) Scissors (Scheren)
b) Forceps (Pinzette)
20. ______ are used to control bleeding.
hemostatic agents
a) Hemostatic agents (Hämostatika)
b) Clamps (Klemmen)
21. Doctors rely on ______ to assess health.
diagnostic instruments
a) Diagnostic instruments (Diagnostische Instrumente)
b) Surgical instruments (Chirurgische Instrumente)
22. A ______ is used to listen to heart sounds.
a) Stethoscope (Stethoskop)
b) Otoscope (Otoskop)
23. A ______ measures blood pressure.
a) Sphygmomanometer (Blutdruckmessgerät)
b) Thermometer (Thermometer)
24. ______ are used to examine ears.
a) Otoscopes (Otoskope)
b) Stethoscopes (Stethoskope)
25. An ______ allows for eye examination.
a) Ophthalmoscope (Ophthalmoskop)
b) Otoscope (Otoskop)
26. A ______ measures body temperature.
a) Thermometer (Thermometer)
b) Glucose meter (Blutzuckermessgerät)
27. A ______ measures blood glucose levels.
glucose meter
a) Glucose meter (Blutzuckermessgerät)
b) Sphygmomanometer (Blutdruckmessgerät)
28. A ______ assesses lung function.
a) Spirometer (Spirometer)
b) Stethoscope (Stethoskop)
29. The ______ measures heart electrical activity.
a) Electrocardiogram (EKG-Maschine)
b) Thermometer (Thermometer)
30. An ______ provides images of internal structures.
X-ray machine
a) X-ray machine (Röntgengerät)
b) Glucose meter (Blutzuckermessgerät)
31. ______ are essential for anesthesia administration.
anesthesia instruments
a) Anesthesia instruments (Anästhesieinstrumente)
b) Diagnostic instruments (Diagnostische Instrumente)
32. An ______ delivers anesthetic gases.
anesthesia machine
a) Anesthesia machine (Anästhesiegerät)
b) Spirometer (Spirometer)
33. An ______ is used to secure the airway.
endotracheal tube
a) Endotracheal tube (Endotrachealtubus)
b) Laryngoscope (Laryngoskop)
34. The ______ helps view vocal cords for intubation.
a) Laryngoscope (Laryngoskop)
b) Otoscope (Otoskop)
35. A ______ administers anesthesia at a steady rate.
syringe pump
a) Syringe pump (Spritzenpumpe)
b) Infusion pump (Infusionspumpe)
36. A ______ measures blood oxygen and carbon dioxide.
blood gas analyzer
a) Blood gas analyzer (Blutgasanalysegerät)
b) Thermometer (Thermometer)
37. ______ are essential for patient vitals monitoring.
monitoring instruments
a) Monitoring instruments (Überwachungsgeräte)
b) Laboratory instruments (Laborinstrumente)
38. A ______ measures blood oxygen saturation.
pulse oximeter
a) Pulse oximeter (Pulsoximeter)
b) Capnometer (Kapnometer)
39. A ______ continuously monitors heart activity.
cardiac monitor
a) Cardiac monitor (Herzmonitor)
b) Glucose meter (Blutzuckermessgerät)
40. An ______ delivers fluids during surgery.
infusion pump
a) Infusion pump (Infusionspumpe)
b) Blood gas analyzer (Blutgasanalysegerät)
41. A ______ measures exhaled carbon dioxide.
a) Capnometer (Kapnometer)
b) Pulse oximeter (Pulsoximeter)
42. ______ are used for analyzing lab samples.
laboratory instruments
a) Laboratory instruments (Laborinstrumente)
b) Monitoring instruments (Überwachungsgeräte)
43. A ______ helps examine small specimens.
a) Microscope (Mikroskop)
b) Incubator (Inkubator)
44. A ______ separates blood components.
a) Centrifuge (Zentrifuge)
b) Chemistry analyzer (Chemie-Analysator)
45. A ______ is used for storing biological samples.
a) Refrigerator (Kühlschrank)
b) Incubator (Inkubator)
46. An ______ is used for culturing specimens.
a) Incubator (Inkubator)
b) Microscope (Mikroskop)
47. A ______ measures hemoglobin levels in blood.
a) Hemoglobinometer (Hämoglobinometer)
b) Glucose meter (Blutzuckermessgerät)
48. A ______ performs blood chemistry tests.
chemistry analyzer
a) Chemistry analyzer (Chemie-Analysator)
b) Centrifuge (Zentrifuge)
49. ______ are used in wound treatment.
wound care instruments
a) Wound care instruments (Wundversorgungsinstrumente)
b) Monitoring instruments (Überwachungsgeräte)
50. ______ are used to apply dressings to wounds.
dressing forceps
a) Dressing forceps (Verbandszange)
b) Scalpel (Skalpell)