Diese Übungen sind dazu gedacht, Lernenden dabei zu helfen, ihre Grammatik und ihren Wortschatz zu verbessern. Während der Großteil des Inhalts korrekt ist, kann es gelegentlich Fehler geben. Ich übernehme jedoch keine Verantwortung für etwaige Ungenauigkeiten. Wie bereits erwähnt, dienen diese Übungen ausschließlich dem Erlernen der englischen Grammatik und des Wortschatzes.

These exercises are designed to help learners improve their grammar and vocabulary. While most of the content is correct, there may be occasional errors. However, I assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies. As stated, these exercises are intended solely for learning English grammar and vocabulary.

Cancer Vocabulary 4



Illnesses | Sprachschule Münster

Cancer Vocabular-1

1. The doctor administered ______ to kill the cancer cells.
a) Chemotherapy (Chemotherapie)
b) Radiation therapy (Strahlentherapie)

2. To monitor the tumor’s size, the doctor used a ______.
a) Endoscope (Endoskop)
b) CT scanner (CT-Scanner)

3. The nurse used a ______ to check the patient’s oxygen levels.
a) Pulse oximeter (Pulsoximeter)
b) Blood glucose monitor (Blutzuckermessgerät)

4. During the biopsy, the technician used a ______ to remove a sample of tissue.
a) Infusion pump (Infusionspumpe)
b) Biopsy needle (Biopsienadel)

5. Patients with breathing difficulties are often treated with a ______.
a) Nebulizer (Vernebler)
b) Stoma care kit (Stomaversorgungssatz)

6. A ______ is used to administer medications over time.
a) Infusion pump (Infusionspumpe)
b) Nebulizer (Vernebler)

7. To deliver chemotherapy safely, the nurse used a ______.
a) Port access kit (Portzugangssatz)
b) Radiation shield (Strahlenschutz)

8. The patient uses a ______ to control pain.
a) PCA pump (Patientenkontrollierte Analgesiepumpe)
b) Biopsy needle (Biopsienadel)

9. A ______ monitors blood pressure, pulse, and other vitals.
a) Vital signs monitor (Vitalzeichenmonitor)
b) Central line catheter (Zentraler Venenkatheter)

10. To stabilize oxygen levels, the doctor used a ______.
a) Portable oxygen tank (Tragbarer Sauerstofftank)
b) Blood glucose monitor (Blutzuckermessgerät)

11. A ______ helps monitor heart rhythms during treatment.
a) Telemetry monitor (Telemetrie-Monitor)
b) CT scanner (CT-Scanner)

12. The nurse used a ______ to help clear the patient’s airway.
a) Suction machine (Absauggerät)
b) Pulse oximeter (Pulsoximeter)

13. To monitor bone health, the doctor recommended a ______.
a) Bone density scanner (Knochendichtemessgerät)
b) Endoscope (Endoskop)

14. A ______ allows doctors to access veins directly.
a) Central line catheter (Zentraler Venenkatheter)
b) Infusion pump (Infusionspumpe)

15. The ______ allows radiologists to target tumors accurately.
a) Radiation therapy machine (Strahlentherapiegerät)
b) Ultrasound machine (Ultraschallgerät)

16. After surgery, a ______ was used to monitor respiratory gases.
a) Blood gas analyzer (Blutgasanalysator)
b) Telemetry monitor (Telemetrie-Monitor)

17. A ______ is used to help diagnose abnormal cells.
a) PET scanner (Positronenemissionstomographie)
b) Stoma care kit (Stomaversorgungssatz)

18. The technician used a ______ to see inside the patient’s organs.
a) Endoscope (Endoskop)
b) Ultrasound machine (Ultraschallgerät)

19. To manage a patient’s wound after surgery, the nurse used a ______.
a) Wound dressing kit (Wundversorgungsset)
b) Biopsy needle (Biopsienadel)

20. The doctor used a ______ to guide a biopsy.
a) Ultrasound machine (Ultraschallgerät)
b) Pulse oximeter (Pulsoximeter)

21. For patients with respiratory issues, the nurse used a ______.
a) Respiratory therapy device (Atemtherapiegerät)
b) Feeding pump (Ernährungspumpe)

22. To prevent blood clots, the doctor recommended using ______.
a) Thrombosis prevention devices (Thromboseprophylaxe-Geräte)
b) Endoscope (Endoskop)

23. The patient used a ______ for enteral nutrition.
a) Feeding pump (Ernährungspumpe)
b) Wound dressing kit (Wundversorgungsset)

24. The doctor performed a ______ to take a sample from the bone marrow.
a) Bone marrow biopsy (Knochenmarkbiopsie)
b) Cryotherapy device (Kryotherapiegerät)

25. A ______ helps monitor blood sugar levels.
a) Blood glucose monitor (Blutzuckermessgerät)
b) Infusion pump (Infusionspumpe)

26. To monitor respiratory gases, the nurse used a ______.
a) Blood gas analyzer (Blutgasanalysator)
b) Vital signs monitor (Vitalzeichenmonitor)

27. For long-term medication, the patient had a ______ placed.
a) Central line catheter (Zentraler Venenkatheter)
b) Telemetry monitor (Telemetrie-Monitor)

28. To warm blood before transfusion, the technician used a ______.
a) Blood warmer (Blutwärmer)
b) Cryotherapy device (Kryotherapiegerät)

29. A ______ was used to administer saline and medications.
a) IV pole (Infusionsständer)
b) Stoma care kit (Stomaversorgungssatz)

30. The nurse recommended using a ______ to reduce hair loss from chemotherapy.
a) Scalp cooling cap (Kühlkappe)
b) Vital signs monitor (Vitalzeichenmonitor)

31. For pain relief, the nurse suggested ______.
a) Heat therapy (Wärmetherapie)
b) Cryotherapy (Kryotherapie)

32. The technician performed a biopsy with a ______.
a) Biopsy needle (Biopsienadel)
b) Cryotherapy device (Kryotherapiegerät)

33. The hospital uses ______ for continuous heart monitoring.
a) Telemetry monitors (Telemetrie-Monitore)
b) Central line catheters (Zentrale Venenkatheter)

34. To prevent infection, the doctor recommended using a ______.
a) Stoma care kit (Stomaversorgungssatz)
b) Feeding pump (Ernährungspumpe)

35. The patient uses ______ for lymphedema management.
a) Compression sleeves (Kompressionsärmel)
b) Pulse oximeter (Pulsoximeter)

36. A ______ helps keep track of respiratory and pulse rates.
a) Vital signs monitor (Vitalzeichenmonitor)
b) Bone density scanner (Knochendichtemessgerät)

37. To check oxygen levels, the patient used a ______.
a) Pulse oximeter (Pulsoximeter)
b) Endoscope (Endoskop)

38. The technician placed a ______ in the patient’s chest for medication.
a) Port access kit (Portzugangssatz)
b) Bone density scanner (Knochendichtemessgerät)

39. The doctor suggested a ______ for soft tissue imaging.
a) MRI machine (MRT-Gerät)
b) Telemetry monitor (Telemetrie-Monitor)

40. The patient wears ______ to protect from radiation exposure.
a) Radiation shielding garments (Strahlenschutzkleidung)
b) Compression sleeves (Kompressionsärmel)

41. To manage fluid intake, the nurse uses a ______.
a) Hydration therapy set (Hydratationskit)
b) Blood gas analyzer (Blutgasanalysator)

42. For mobility, patients often use ______.
a) Walkers or wheelchairs (Gehhilfen oder Rollstühle)
b) Defibrillators (Defibrillatoren)

43. The doctor used a ______ for internal imaging.
a) CT scanner (CT-Scanner)
b) IV pole (Infusionsständer)

44. The hospital keeps a ______ for emergency cardiac care.
a) Defibrillator (Defibrillator)
b) Cryotherapy device (Kryotherapiegerät)

45. To handle medical waste, the staff uses ______.
a) Waste disposal units (Abfallentsorgungsgeräte)
b) Compression sleeves (Kompressionsärmel)

46. A ______ is essential for storing blood products.
a) Platelet infusion set (Thrombozyteninfusionsset)
b) Feeding pump (Ernährungspumpe)

47. The hospital provides ______ for patients experiencing dry mouth.
a) Artificial saliva products (Künstliche Speichelprodukte)
b) Blood warmer (Blutwärmer)

48. Nurses use ______ to separate blood components in the lab.
a) Centrifuges (Zentrifugen)
b) Cryotherapy devices (Kryotherapiegeräte)

49. Patients are provided ______ for protection during imaging.
a) Radiation shielding garments (Strahlenschutzkleidung)
b) Scalp cooling caps (Kühlkappen)

50. The technician sets up a ______ for patients in chemotherapy.
a) Chemotherapy chair (Chemotherapie-Stuhl)
b) IV pole (Infusionsständer)


Illnesses | Sprachschule Münster
