Small Word Exercise

Small Word Exercise

Small Word Exercise | Sprachschule Münster

Small Word Exercise

English Adjectives Exercise: Feelings and Emotions

English Adjectives Exercise: Feelings and Emotions

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Positive Feelings & Emotions

1. I feel ______ today. I have a big smile on my face.
a) sad (traurig)
b) happy (glücklich)
c) angry (wütend)

2. She looks so ______. She has a bright expression and laughs a lot.
a) miserable (elend)
b) joyful (fröhlich)
c) nervous (nervös)

3. The kids are ______ for the trip. They can't wait to go.
a) excited (aufgeregt)
b) bored (gelangweilt)
c) tired (müde)

4. He is always ______. He smiles even in difficult situations.
a) cheerful (heiter)
b) sad (traurig)
c) angry (wütend)

5. I feel ______ after my meal. I am not hungry anymore.
a) content (zufrieden)
b) hungry (hungrig)
c) tired (müde)

6. We are ______ about the future. We believe good things will happen.
a) hopeful (hoffnungsvoll)
b) hopeless (hoffnungslos)
c) anxious (ängstlich)

7. I am ______ for your help. I really appreciate what you did for me.
a) sad (traurig)
b) angry (wütend)
c) grateful (dankbar)

8. He was ______ of his work. He felt good about what he achieved.
a) proud (stolz)
b) ashamed (beschämt)
c) nervous (nervös)

9. She feels ______ about the exam. She believes she will do well.
a) confident (selbstbewusst)
b) nervous (nervös)
c) scared (erschrocken)

10. They are ______ about the concert. They have been waiting for this for months.
a) enthusiastic (begeistert)
b) bored (gelangweilt)
c) tired (müde)

Negative Feelings & Emotions

11. He looks ______. His face shows sadness.
a) sad (traurig)
b) happy (glücklich)
c) excited (aufgeregt)

12. She felt ______ all day. She had no energy and was unhappy.
a) peaceful (friedlich)
b) joyful (fröhlich)
c) miserable (elend)

13. He was ______ after moving. He had no friends in the new city.
a) hopeful (hoffnungsvoll)
b) excited (aufgeregt)
c) lonely (einsam)

14. The news made her ______. She lost all hope for the future.
a) hopeless (hoffnungslos)
b) hopeful (hoffnungsvoll)
c) happy (glücklich)

15. He was ______ for weeks. He lost interest in everything.
a) depressed (deprimiert)
b) cheerful (heiter)
c) excited (aufgeregt)

16. She was ______ at him. She shouted and looked very upset.
a) happy (glücklich)
b) angry (wütend)
c) calm (ruhig)

17. He felt ______ by the noise. It was too loud and disturbing.
a) relaxed (entspannt)
b) annoyed (genervt)
c) excited (aufgeregt)

18. She is ______ with the slow progress. She wanted things to move faster.
a) frustrated (frustriert)
b) satisfied (zufrieden)
c) happy (glücklich)

19. He looked ______ with the results. He expected something better.
a) disappointed (enttäuscht)
b) proud (stolz)
c) excited (aufgeregt)

20. She felt ______ after the argument. She could not forgive what was said.
a) happy (glücklich)
b) forgiving (vergebend)
c) resentful (nachtragend)

Fear & Uncertainty

21. The child was ______ of the dark. She didn't want to turn off the light.
a) afraid (ängstlich)
b) confident (selbstbewusst)
c) relaxed (entspannt)

22. She looked ______ in the haunted house. Her hands were shaking.
a) joyful (fröhlich)
b) scared (erschrocken)

c) peaceful (friedlich)

23. He was ______ of heights. He refused to go near the edge.
a) terrified (verängstigt)
b) excited (aufgeregt)
c) calm (ruhig)

24. She felt ______ before the test. Her heart was beating fast.
a) panicked (panisch)
b) relaxed (entspannt)
c) confident (selbstbewusst)

25. His voice was ______ during the speech. It was not steady.
a) calm (ruhig)
b) strong (stark)
c) shaky (zitternd)

26. She was ______ about her exam. She kept thinking about all the possible mistakes.
a) excited (aufgeregt)
b) confident (selbstbewusst)
c) worried (besorgt)

27. He felt ______ about the situation. Something didn’t feel right.
a) uneasy (unwohl)
b) calm (ruhig)
c) happy (glücklich)

28. She was ______ to speak. She hesitated before saying anything.
a) hesitant (zögerlich)
b) confident (selbstbewusst)
c) excited (aufgeregt)

29. He looked ______ about the idea. He wasn't sure if it was good or bad.
a) doubtful (zweifelnd)
b) certain (sicher)
c) excited (aufgeregt)

30. She was ______ before the trip. She was unsure and nervous about traveling.
a) apprehensive (besorgt)
b) excited (aufgeregt)
c) calm (ruhig)

Small Word Exercise

Small Word Exercise

Small Word Exercise | Sprachschule Münster