Haemophilia - Past and Simple Perfect Exercise
Haemophilia - Past and Simple Perfect Exercise | Sprachschule Münster
1st and 2nd Conditional - Leisure Topics
Diese Übungen sind dazu gedacht, Lernenden dabei zu helfen, ihre Grammatik und ihren Wortschatz zu verbessern. Während der Großteil des Inhalts korrekt ist, kann es gelegentlich Fehler geben. Ich übernehme jedoch keine Verantwortung für etwaige Ungenauigkeiten. Wie bereits erwähnt, dienen diese Übungen ausschließlich dem Erlernen der englischen Grammatik und des Wortschatzes.
These exercises are designed to help learners improve their grammar and vocabulary. While most of the content is correct, there may be occasional errors. However, I assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies. As stated, these exercises are intended solely for learning English grammar and vocabulary.
1. If horses are hungry, they
______ hay and grass in the field.
a) will eat (werden fressen)
b) would eat (würden fressen)
2. If a horse starts running, it
______ up to 55 miles per hour.
a) would reach (würde erreichen)
b) will reach (wird erreichen)
3. If people see a baby horse, they
______ it a foal.
a) will call (werden nennen)
b) would call (würden nennen)
4. If horses were fed only once a day, they
______ weak.
a) will likely become (werden wahrscheinlich)
b) would likely become (würden wahrscheinlich werden)
5. If a horse feels safe, it
______ standing up.
a) would sleep (würde schlafen)
b) will sleep (wird schlafen)
6. If a horse didn’t have access to hay and grass, it
______ to stay healthy.
a) would struggle (würde kämpfen)
b) will struggle (wird kämpfen)
7. If tennis players want to play doubles, each team
______ two players.
a) will need (wird brauchen)
b) would need (würde brauchen)
8. If the tennis players are competing officially, they
______ on a court.
a) will play (werden spielen)
b) would play (würden spielen)
9. If you hit the tennis ball where your opponent can’t reach it, you
______ a point.
a) will win (werden gewinnen)
b) would win (würden gewinnen)
10. If both tennis players have won three points each, the score
______ “deuce.”
a) will be (wird sein)
b) would be (würde sein)
11. If it’s a standard match, a tennis game
______ three to five sets.
a) will have (wird haben)
b) would have (würde haben)
12. If there weren’t two players per team, a doubles tennis game
______ impossible.
a) will be (wird sein)
b) would be (würde sein)
13. If you plan to hike in rough terrain, you
______ sturdy boots and a map.
a) will need (wirst brauchen)
b) would need (würdest brauchen)
14. If you don’t take water on a hike, you
______ dehydrated.
a) will likely become (wirst wahrscheinlich werden)
b) would likely become (würdest wahrscheinlich werden)
15. If you got lost on a hike, you
______ to stay calm to find your way back.
a) will need (wirst brauchen)
b) would need (würdest brauchen)
16. If you hike regularly, you
______ your endurance and strength.
a) will improve (wirst verbessern)
b) would improve (würdest verbessern)
17. If you didn’t have sturdy boots, you
______ hiking on rocky terrain very difficult.
a) will find (wirst finden)
b) would find (würdest finden)
18. If you wait until spring, it
______ the best season for planting flowers.
a) will be (wird sein)
b) would be (wäre)
19. If you don’t water your plants regularly, they
a) will dry out (werden austrocknen)
b) would dry out (würden austrocknen)
20. If you were to plant in the garden, you
______ a shovel.
a) will use (wirst benutzen)
b) would use (würdest benutzen)
21. If plants don’t get sunlight, they
______ well.
a) will not grow (werden nicht wachsen)
b) would not grow (würden nicht wachsen)
22. If spring weren’t the best season for planting flowers, gardeners
______ them in the fall.
a) will plant (werden pflanzen)
b) would plant (würden pflanzen)
23. If I make pasta this weekend, I
______ my favorite food.
a) will enjoy (werde genießen)
b) would enjoy (würde genießen)
24. If I want to eat healthier, I
______ home-cooked meals on weekends.
a) will prefer (werde bevorzugen)
b) would prefer (würde bevorzugen)
25. If we go on a picnic, sandwiches and fruit
______ the best foods.
a) will be (werden sein)
b) would be (wären)
26. If I feel like a snack this weekend, I
______ nuts and fruit.
a) will choose (werde auswählen)
b) would choose (würde auswählen)
27. If I have time this weekend, I
______ a new smoothie recipe.
a) will try (werde probieren)
b) would try (würde probieren)
28. If I didn’t enjoy cooking, I
______ takeout every weekend.
a) will order (werde bestellen)
b) would order (würde bestellen)
29. If the weather is nice, I
______ hiking this weekend.
a) will go (werde gehen)
b) would go (würde gehen)
30. If it’s sunny, I
______ my weekend outdoors.
a) will spend (werde verbringen)
b) would spend (würde verbringen)
31. If I have some free time, I
______ a book to relax this weekend.
a) will read (werde lesen)
b) would read (würde lesen)
32. If I had more time, I
______ playing the guitar more often.
a) will enjoy (werde genießen)
b) would enjoy (würde genießen)
33. If something interesting comes up, I
______ my weekend flexible.
a) will keep (werde behalten)
b) would keep (würde behalten)
34. If I didn’t keep my weekends flexible, I
______ to enjoy spontaneous activities.
a) won’t be able (werde nicht in der Lage sein)
b) wouldn’t be able (würde nicht in der Lage sein)