Unusual Taxes
Unusual Taxes | Sprachschule Münster
Here is a quiz about unusual taxes of the world
Münster Quiz-2 Intermediate
1. Tsar Peter the Great imposed a tax (Russia, 1705) on ______ to encourage men to adopt Western European customs, including shaving. Those who wanted to keep their beards had to pay for a token.
a) Teapots (Teekannen)
b) Beards (Barte)
c) Woolly hats (Wollmützen)
2. From 1696 to 1851, the British government imposed a tax on ______. Homeowners began bricking up windows to avoid the tax, leading to poor ventilation in homes.
a) Doors (Türen)
b) Windows (Fenster)
c) Floors (Böden)
3. The Roman Emperor Vespasian introduced a tax on ______ in the 1st century AD, as it was used in tanning leather and cleaning clothes.
a) Urine (Urin)
b) Salt (Salz)
c) Wine (Wein)
4. The British government introduced a tax on ______ from 1784 to 1811 based on the price and material, creating a black market in counterfeit tax stamps.
a) Hats (Hüte)
b) Shoes (Schuhe)
c) Gloves (Handschuhe)
5. Salt was taxed in various countries, such as India, France, and China. In India, the British salt tax led to Gandhi’s famous ______ in 1930 as part of the independence movement.
Salt March
a) Salt (Salz)
b) Salt March (Salzmarsch)
c) Tea (Tee)
6. In Ancient Egypt, households were taxed on the amount of ______ they consumed, and citizens were forbidden from reusing old oil to ensure proper payment.
cooking oil
a) Bread (Brot)
b) Cooking oil (Speiseöl)
c) Wine (Wein)
7. In 1993, Venice introduced a "shadow tax" on cafes and businesses whose outdoor umbrellas cast a ______ on public land.
a) Shadow (Schatten)
b) Reflection (Reflexion)
c) Footprint (Fußabdruck)
8. In Denmark (2009), the government considered taxing ______ to address environmental concerns about methane emissions from livestock.
cow flatulence
a) Cow flatulence (Kuhblähungen)
b) Car emissions (Autoabgase)
c) Electricity (Elektrizität)
9. In the U.S. (2009), some states taxed ______ without flour, while candy containing flour, such as KitKats, was considered food and exempt from the tax.
a) Candy (Süßigkeiten)
b) Bread (Brot)
c) Cereal (Müsli)
10. In 18th-century England, a tax was imposed on ______, which made fashionable headwear a symbol of status due to the added expense.
a) Shoes (Schuhe)
b) Wigs (Perücken)
c) Gloves (Handschuhe)
11. In Ancient Rome, Emperor Augustus imposed a tax on unmarried men, known as the ______, to encourage marriage and procreation.
bachelor tax
a) Bachelor tax (Junggesellensteuer)
b) Property tax (Grundsteuer)
c) War tax (Kriegssteuer)
12. In 1712, England introduced a tax on ______. People avoided this tax by purchasing plain wallpaper and painting designs on it themselves.
a) Windows (Fenster)
b) Wallpaper (Tapeten)
c) Doors (Türen)
13. In Newfoundland, Canada (19th century), there was a tax specifically on ______, which was a staple of the local economy.
salted fish
a) Wool (Wolle)
b) Salted fish (Gesalzener Fisch)
c) Corn (Mais)
14. In France, during the 14th century, there was a tax on ______, similar to the English window tax, which led many people to seal off their fireplaces to avoid payment.
a) Fireplaces (Kamine)
b) Floors (Böden)
c) Roofs (Dächer)
15. In the 1980s, Kenya introduced a tax specifically on ______, making it a strange part of their tax code.
blue eye shadow
a) Blue eye shadow (Blaue Lidschatten)
b) Shoes (Schuhe)
c) Jewelry (Schmuck)
16. In Alabama, U.S., there is a tax on ______ containing fewer than 54 cards, targeting games like Poker or Bridge.
card games
a) Dice (Würfel)
b) Card games (Kartenspiele)
c) Board games (Brettspiele)
17. Italy, in the 1800s, introduced a tax on ______Here’s the continuation of the list as requested:
17. Italy, in the 1800s, introduced a tax on ______. This led to people using open fires outside their homes to avoid the tax.
cooking chimneys
a) Cooking chimneys (Kochkamine)
b) Stoves (Öfen)
c) Firewood (Brennholz)
18. In Ancient Greece, there was a tax called "Eisphora" that was levied on the ______ in times of war to help fund military expenses.
a) Poor (Arme)
b) Rich (Reiche)
c) Slaves (Sklaven)
19. In Germany during the 19th century, a tax on ______ was introduced. Some cities still have a version of this tax today, based on the size and breed of the animal.
a) Cats (Katzen)
b) Dogs (Hunde)
c) Horses (Pferde)
20. In the Netherlands (16th century), a tax was imposed on ______. To avoid this, some people lived on boats or built floating homes.
land ownership
a) Windows (Fenster)
b) Land ownership (Landbesitz)
c) Roofs (Dächer)