Pferde Englisch Quiz 1
Pferde Englisch Quiz 1 | Sprachschule Münster
Tennis Quiz
Test your knowledge of tennis with these interactive exercises. Click on the blanks to reveal the correct answers.
1. Tennis is played on a (1)______court.
a) field (Feld)
b) court (Platz)
c) pitch (Spielfeld)
2. Players use (2)______rackets to hit the ball.
a) rackets (Schläger)
b) bats (Schläger)
c) clubs (Schläger)
3. The game starts with a (3)______serve.
a) serve (Aufschlag)
b) shot (Schuss)
c) toss (Wurf)
4. The ball must land inside the (4)______service box.
a) baseline (Grundlinie)
b) service box (Aufschlagfeld)
c) sideline (Seitenlinie)
5. Tennis can be played as (5)______singles or doubles.
a) singles or doubles (Einzel oder Doppel)
b) triples or pairs (Dreier oder Paare)
c) teams or solos (Teams oder Solos)
6. A match has (6)______sets and games.
a) rounds (Runden)
b) sets (Sätze)
c) points (Punkte)
7. A tennis ball is (7)______small and yellow.
a) big and white (groß und weiß)
b) small and yellow (klein und gelb)
c) large and green (groß und grün)
8. Players must not touch the (8)______net.
a) ball (Ball)
b) net (Netz)
c) baseline (Grundlinie)
9. Grass, clay, and (9)______hard courts are common.
a) soft (weich)
b) hard (hart)
c) wooden (holz)
10. Wimbledon is a famous tennis (10)______tournament.
a) competition (Wettbewerb)
b) tournament (Turnier)
c) event (Veranstaltung)
11. A match can last for (11)______hours.
a) hours (Stunden)
b) minutes (Minuten)
c) seconds (Sekunden)
12. Players take turns (12)______serving.
a) serving (aufschlagen)
b) scoring (punkten)
c) hitting (schlagen)
13. The scoring starts at (13)______love.
a) zero (null)
b) love (null)
c) 15 (fünfzehn)
14. A deuce happens at (14)______40-40.
a) 15-15 (fünfzehn-fünfzehn)
b) 40-40 (vierzig-vierzig)
c) 30-30 (dreißig-dreißig)
15. The US Open is played on (15)______hard courts.
a) clay (Sand)
b) grass (Rasen)
c) hard (Hartplatz)
16. The French Open is played on (16)______clay courts.
a) clay (Sand)
b) grass (Rasen)
c) hard (Hartplatz)
17. A (17)______two-point lead is required to win a game after deuce.
a) one-point lead (Ein-Punkt-Vorsprung)
b) two-point lead (Zwei-Punkte-Vorsprung)
c) tie-breaker (Tie-Break)
18. Players must stay behind the (18)______baseline to serve.
a) sideline (Seitenlinie)
b) service box (Aufschlagfeld)
c) baseline (Grundlinie)
19. Roger Federer is a (19)______famous tennis player.
a) famous (berühmt)
b) new (neu)
c) retired (pensioniert)
20. Serena Williams has won many (20)______titles.
a) games (Spiele)
b) titles (Titel)
c) sets (Sätze)
Tennis Quiz
Click on the blanks to reveal the correct answers.
Text 1: The Basics
Tennis is played on a ______. court
Players use ______ to hit the ball. rackets
The game starts with a ______. serve
The ball must land inside the ______. service box
Text 2: Scoring and Gameplay
Tennis can be played as ______. singles or doubles
A match has ______ and games. sets
The scoring starts at ______. love
A deuce happens at ______. 40-40
A ______ is required to win a game after deuce. two-point lead
Text 3: Courts and Tournaments
Grass, clay, and ______ courts are common. hard
Wimbledon is a famous tennis ______. tournament
The US Open is played on ______ courts. hard
The French Open is played on ______ courts. clay
Text 4: Players and Skills
Roger Federer is a ______ tennis player. famous
Serena Williams has won many ______. titles
Players need good ______ to succeed. hand-eye coordination
Text 5: Tennis Scoring and Match Play
A match can last for ______.
a) hours (Stunden)
b) minutes (Minuten)
c) seconds (Sekunden)
Players take turns ______.
a) serving (aufschlagen)
b) scoring (punkten)
c) hitting (schlagen)
The scoring starts at ______.
a) zero (null)
b) love (null)
c) 15 (fünfzehn)
Text 6: Tennis Techniques and Strategies
A deuce happens at ______.
a) 15-15 (fünfzehn-fünfzehn)
b) 40-40 (vierzig-vierzig)
c) 30-30 (dreißig-dreißig)
A ______ is required to win a game after deuce.
two-point lead
a) one-point lead (Ein-Punkt-Vorsprung)
b) two-point lead (Zwei-Punkte-Vorsprung)
c) tie-breaker (Tie-Break)
Players must stay behind the ______ to serve.
a) sideline (Seitenlinie)
b) service box (Aufschlagfeld)
c) baseline (Grundlinie)
Text 7: Famous Tennis Players
Roger Federer is a ______ tennis player.
a) famous (berühmt)
b) new (neu)
c) retired (pensioniert)
Serena Williams has won many ______.
a) games (Spiele)
b) titles (Titel)
c) sets (Sätze)
Players need good ______ to succeed.
hand-eye coordination
a) hand-eye coordination (Hand-Auge-Koordination)
b) listening skills (Zuhörfähigkeiten)
c) patience (Geduld)
Text 8: Tennis Tournaments and Surfaces
Wimbledon is played on ______ courts.
a) grass (Rasen)
b) clay (Sand)
c) hard (Hartplatz)
The net is placed in the ______ of the court.
a) middle (Mitte)
b) side (Seite)
c) back (hinten)
The ______ ensures fair play.
a) coach (Trainer)
b) umpire (Schiedsrichter)
c) spectator (Zuschauer)
Text 9: Tennis as a Sport
The game can be ______.
a) slow-paced (langsam)
b) fast-paced (schnell)
c) predictable (vorhersehbar)
A professional tennis match can attract ______.
millions of viewers
a) a few hundred spectators (ein paar hundert Zuschauer)
b) thousands of fans (Tausende von Fans)
c) millions of viewers (Millionen von Zuschauern)
Tennis is an ______ sport.
a) individual (Einzel)
b) Olympic (olympisch)
c) casual (locker)
Text 10: Tennis Practice and Skills
Players often practice for ______ daily.
a) minutes (Minuten)
b) hours (Stunden)
c) days (Tage)
Ball boys and girls assist during ______.
a) practice (Training)
b) warm-ups (Aufwärmen)
c) matches (Spiele)
Doubles matches require good ______.
a) focus (Fokus)
b) teamwork (Teamarbeit)
c) speed (Geschwindigkeit)
Text 11: Tennis Rules and Techniques
The player wins a point if the opponent ______.
a) misses (verfehlt)
b) serves (aufschlägt)
c) scores (punkten)
The ball must go ______ the net.
a) under (unter)
b) over (über)
c) around (um)
Spin can affect how the ball ______.
a) moves (bewegt)
b) bounces (springt)
c) rolls (rollt)
Text 12: Tennis Serving and Scoring
The player serving must stand behind the ______.
a) net (Netz)
b) baseline (Grundlinie)
c) sideline (Seitenlinie)
A break point is a chance to win the opponent's ______.
a) set (Satz)
b) serve (Aufschlag)
c) match (Spiel)
The score at the start of a game is ______.
a) zero (null)
b) love (null)
c) fifteen (fünfzehn)
Text 13: Tennis for Fun and Fitness
Tennis is often played for ______.
a) fun (Spaß)
b) stress (Stress)
c) fame (Ruhm)
Coaches help players ______.
a) improve (verbessern)
b) relax (entspannen)
c) rest (ausruhen)
The Australian Open is played on ______ courts.
a) clay (Sand)
b) hard (Hartplatz)
c) grass (Rasen)
Text 14: Professional Tennis
Professional tennis players often travel ______.
a) locally (lokal)
b) regionally (regional)
c) worldwide (weltweit)
A rally is a long exchange of ______.
a) serves (Aufschläge)
b) shots (Schläge)
c) points (Punkte)
Good ______ is important in tennis.
a) speed (Geschwindigkeit)
b) sportsmanship (Sportlichkeit)
c) accuracy (Genauigkeit)
Text 15: Tennis Match Play
Players should stay ______ during a match.
a) nervous (nervös)
b) focused (konzentriert)
c) tired (müde)
Tennis can be played ______.
indoors or outdoors
a) on water (auf Wasser)
b) indoors or outdoors (drinnen oder draußen)
c) underground (unterirdisch)
The serve must land inside the ______.
service box
a) service box (Aufschlagfeld)
b) net (Netz)
c) baseline (Grundlinie)
Text 16: Tennis Court Surfaces
Grass courts are ______.
a) slow (langsam)
b) fast (schnell)
c) unpredictable (unvorhersehbar)
Players need ______ to play well.
a) patience (Geduld)
b) stamina (Ausdauer)
c) luck (Glück)
Tennis matches are played in ______.
a) halves (Hälften)
b) sets (Sätze)
c) rounds (Runden)
Text 17: Benefits of Tennis
Tennis is great for ______.