

Illnesses | Sprachschule Münster

Medical Conditions Practice Exercise

1. Head: Migraine - a severe ______ often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.
a) headache (Kopfschmerzen)
b) conjunctivitis (Bindehautentzündung)
c) otitis media (Mittelohrentzündung)

2. Eyes: ______ (Pink Eye) - an infection causing redness, itching, and discharge.
a) conjunctivitis (Bindehautentzündung)
b) migraine (Migräne)
c) sinusitis (Sinusitis)

3. Ears: ______ - an infection of the middle ear causing pain and sometimes fever.
a) arthritis (Arthritis)
b) otitis media (Mittelohrentzündung)
c) eczema (Ekzem)

4. Nose: ______ - inflammation of the sinuses causing congestion, pain, and mucus buildup.
a) sinusitis (Sinusitis)
b) pneumonia (Lungenentzündung)
c) pancreatitis (Pankreatitis)

5. Mouth: ______ - inflammation of the gums causing redness, swelling, and bleeding.
a) gingivitis (Gingivitis)
b) nephritis (Nephritis)
c) myopathy (Myopathie)

6. Throat: ______ - a bacterial infection causing pain, swelling, and difficulty swallowing.
a) strep throat (Mandelentzündung)
b) coronary artery disease (Koronare Herzkrankheit)
c) cystitis (Blasenentzündung)

7. Lungs: ______ - an infection causing inflammation of the air sacs, leading to coughing, fever, and difficulty breathing.
a) pneumonia (Lungenentzündung)
b) gastritis (Gastritis)
c) hepatitis (Hepatitis)

8. Heart: ______ - a condition where the arteries supplying blood to the heart become hardened and narrowed.
a) coronary artery disease (Koronare Herzkrankheit)
b) pancreatitis (Pankreatitis)
c) irritable bowel syndrome (Reizdarmsyndrom)

9. Stomach: ______ - inflammation of the stomach lining causing pain, nausea, and vomiting.
a) gastritis (Gastritis)
b) eczema (Ekzem)
c) osteoporosis (Osteoporose)

10. Liver: ______ - inflammation of the liver causing jaundice, fatigue, and abdominal pain.
a) hepatitis (Hepatitis)
b) arthritis (Arthritis)
c) myopathy (Myopathie)

11. Pancreas: ______ - inflammation of the pancreas causing severe abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.
a) pancreatitis (Pankreatitis)
b) sinusitis (Sinusitis)
c) nephritis (Nephritis)

12. Intestines: ______ (IBS) - a disorder causing abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits.
a) irritable bowel syndrome (Reizdarmsyndrom)
b) migraine (Migräne)
c) carpal tunnel syndrome (Karpaltunnelsyndrom)

13. Kidneys: ______ - inflammation of the kidneys causing pain, swelling, and changes in urine output.
a) nephritis (Nephritis)
b) osteoporosis (Osteoporose)
c) pneumonia (Lungenentzündung)

14. Bladder: ______ - inflammation of the bladder causing frequent, painful urination.
a) cystitis (Blasenentzündung)
b) eczema (Ekzem)
c) arthritis (Arthritis)

15. Skin: ______ - a condition causing itchy, inflamed, and sometimes cracked skin.
a) eczema (Ekzem)
b) headache (Kopfschmerzen)
c) strep throat (Mandelentzündung)

16. Bones: ______ - a condition where bones become weak and brittle, increasing the risk of fractures.
a) osteoporosis (Osteoporose)
b) heart problems (Herzleiden)
c) carpal tunnel syndrome (Karpaltunnelsyndrom)

17. Muscles: ______ - muscle disease causing weakness and degeneration.
a) myopathy (Myopathie)
b) nephritis (Nephritis)
c) gingivitis (Gingivitis)

18. Joints: ______ - inflammation of the joints causing pain, stiffness, and swelling.
a) arthritis (Arthritis)
b) sinusitis (Sinusitis)
c) gastritis (Gastritis)

19. Hands: ______ - a condition causing numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand.
a) carpal tunnel syndrome (Karpaltunnelsyndrom)
b) migraine (Migräne)
c) pneumonia (Lungenentzündung)

20. Feet: ______ - inflammation of the plantar fascia causing heel pain.
a) plantar fasciitis (Fersensporn)
b) strep throat (Mandelentzündung)
c) osteoporosis (Osteoporose)

21. Back: ______ - a condition where a disc in the spine presses on nerves causing pain and numbness.
a) herniated disc (Bandscheibenvorfall)
b) gingivitis (Gingivitis)
c) cystitis (Blasenentzündung)

22. Neck: ______ - age-related wear and tear affecting the spinal disks in the neck causing pain and stiffness.
a) cervical spondylosis (Halswirbelsäulenarthrose)
b) pancreatitis (Pankreatitis)
c) irritable bowel syndrome (Reizdarmsyndrom)


Illnesses | Sprachschule Münster
