Illnesses | Sprachschule Münster
1. Head: Migraine - a severe ______ often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.
a) headache (Kopfschmerzen)
b) conjunctivitis (Bindehautentzündung)
c) otitis media (Mittelohrentzündung)
2. Eyes: ______ (Pink Eye) - an infection causing redness, itching, and discharge.
a) conjunctivitis (Bindehautentzündung)
b) migraine (Migräne)
c) sinusitis (Sinusitis)
3. Ears: ______ - an infection of the middle ear causing pain and sometimes fever.
otitis media
a) arthritis (Arthritis)
b) otitis media (Mittelohrentzündung)
c) eczema (Ekzem)
4. Nose: ______ - inflammation of the sinuses causing congestion, pain, and mucus buildup.
a) sinusitis (Sinusitis)
b) pneumonia (Lungenentzündung)
c) pancreatitis (Pankreatitis)
5. Mouth: ______ - inflammation of the gums causing redness, swelling, and bleeding.
a) gingivitis (Gingivitis)
b) nephritis (Nephritis)
c) myopathy (Myopathie)
6. Throat: ______ - a bacterial infection causing pain, swelling, and difficulty swallowing.
strep throat
a) strep throat (Mandelentzündung)
b) coronary artery disease (Koronare Herzkrankheit)
c) cystitis (Blasenentzündung)
7. Lungs: ______ - an infection causing inflammation of the air sacs, leading to coughing, fever, and difficulty breathing.
a) pneumonia (Lungenentzündung)
b) gastritis (Gastritis)
c) hepatitis (Hepatitis)
8. Heart: ______ - a condition where the arteries supplying blood to the heart become hardened and narrowed.
coronary artery disease
a) coronary artery disease (Koronare Herzkrankheit)
b) pancreatitis (Pankreatitis)
c) irritable bowel syndrome (Reizdarmsyndrom)
9. Stomach: ______ - inflammation of the stomach lining causing pain, nausea, and vomiting.
a) gastritis (Gastritis)
b) eczema (Ekzem)
c) osteoporosis (Osteoporose)
10. Liver: ______ - inflammation of the liver causing jaundice, fatigue, and abdominal pain.
a) hepatitis (Hepatitis)
b) arthritis (Arthritis)
c) myopathy (Myopathie)
11. Pancreas: ______ - inflammation of the pancreas causing severe abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.
a) pancreatitis (Pankreatitis)
b) sinusitis (Sinusitis)
c) nephritis (Nephritis)
12. Intestines: ______ (IBS) - a disorder causing abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits.
irritable bowel syndrome
a) irritable bowel syndrome (Reizdarmsyndrom)
b) migraine (Migräne)
c) carpal tunnel syndrome (Karpaltunnelsyndrom)
13. Kidneys: ______ - inflammation of the kidneys causing pain, swelling, and changes in urine output.
a) nephritis (Nephritis)
b) osteoporosis (Osteoporose)
c) pneumonia (Lungenentzündung)
14. Bladder: ______ - inflammation of the bladder causing frequent, painful urination.
a) cystitis (Blasenentzündung)
b) eczema (Ekzem)
c) arthritis (Arthritis)
15. Skin: ______ - a condition causing itchy, inflamed, and sometimes cracked skin.
a) eczema (Ekzem)
b) headache (Kopfschmerzen)
c) strep throat (Mandelentzündung)
16. Bones: ______ - a condition where bones become weak and brittle, increasing the risk of fractures.
a) osteoporosis (Osteoporose)
b) heart problems (Herzleiden)
c) carpal tunnel syndrome (Karpaltunnelsyndrom)
17. Muscles:
______ - muscle disease causing weakness and degeneration.
a) myopathy (Myopathie)
b) nephritis (Nephritis)
c) gingivitis (Gingivitis)
18. Joints: ______ - inflammation of the joints causing pain, stiffness, and swelling.
a) arthritis (Arthritis)
b) sinusitis (Sinusitis)
c) gastritis (Gastritis)
19. Hands: ______ - a condition causing numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand.
carpal tunnel syndrome
a) carpal tunnel syndrome (Karpaltunnelsyndrom)
b) migraine (Migräne)
c) pneumonia (Lungenentzündung)
20. Feet: ______ - inflammation of the plantar fascia causing heel pain.
plantar fasciitis
a) plantar fasciitis (Fersensporn)
b) strep throat (Mandelentzündung)
c) osteoporosis (Osteoporose)
21. Back: ______ - a condition where a disc in the spine presses on nerves causing pain and numbness.
herniated disc
a) herniated disc (Bandscheibenvorfall)
b) gingivitis (Gingivitis)
c) cystitis (Blasenentzündung)
22. Neck: ______ - age-related wear and tear affecting the spinal disks in the neck causing pain and stiffness.
cervical spondylosis
a) cervical spondylosis (Halswirbelsäulenarthrose)
b) pancreatitis (Pankreatitis)
c) irritable bowel syndrome (Reizdarmsyndrom)