Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 2

Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 2

Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 2 | Sprachschule Münster

Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 2

Respiratory System Vocabulary - Part 3

Respiratory System - Vocabulary Exercise (Part 3)

21. Breathing exercises help strengthen the ______.
a) heart (Herz)
b) lungs (Lungen)

22. Some children may need supplemental ______.
a) oxygen (Sauerstoff)
b) nitrogen (Stickstoff)

23. Mucus in the airways can make ______ hard.
a) breathing (Atmung)
b) speaking (Sprechen)

24. Infections like pneumonia can damage ______ tissue.
a) lung (Lungen)
b) kidney (Nieren)

25. Chest X-rays show problems in the ______.
a) lungs (Lungen)
b) heart (Herz)

26. Acid-base balance in the blood is ______.
a) optional (optional)
b) essential (essentiell)

27. Respiratory therapists assist with ______ care.
a) lung (Lungen)
b) kidney (Nieren)

28. Radiotherapy may cause ______ in the lungs.
a) inflammation (Entzündung)
b) infection (Infektion)

29. Spirometry measures ______ function in patients.
a) lung (Lungen)
b) heart (Herz)

30. A child with respiratory distress needs ______ care.
a) routine (routinemäßige)
b) urgent (dringende)

31. Alveolar gas exchange is critical for maintaining ______.
a) oxygenation (Sauerstoffversorgung)
b) homeostasis (Homöostase)

32. Pulmonary fibrosis is a potential side effect of ______.
a) chemotherapy (Chemotherapie)
b) radiation (Strahlentherapie)

33. Hypoxia occurs when the body doesn’t get enough ______.
a) oxygen (Sauerstoff)
b) carbon dioxide (Kohlendioxid)

34. Nurses use incentive spirometers to encourage ______ breathing.
a) shallow (flach)
b) deep (tief)

35. Hypercapnia results from excess ______ in the blood.
a) carbon dioxide (Kohlendioxid)
b) oxygen (Sauerstoff)

36. Immunosuppression increases the risk of ______ infections.
a) respiratory (Atmungs-)
b) digestive (Verdauungs-)

37. Pleural effusion can cause fluid buildup around the ______.
a) lungs (Lungen)
b) heart (Herz)

38. Bronchodilators help open ______ airways.
a) constricted (verengte)
b) normal (normale)

39. Pediatric patients may develop chemotherapy-induced ______.
a) pneumonitis (Lungenentzündung)
b) fibrosis (Fibrose)

40. Intubation may be required in severe respiratory ______.
a) distress (Notfall)
b) relaxation (Entspannung)

Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 2

Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 2

Respiratory System Challenges in Paediatric Cancer Care 2 | Sprachschule Münster