Present Past Prefect Progressive 1

Present Past Prefect Progressive 1

Present Past Prefect Progressive 1 | Sprachschule Münster

Key Features:

  1. First Sentence:

    • Includes a time indicator (e.g., "Right now," "In the 1980s," "For years") to clarify the tense.

    • Example: "Right now people are recycling plastics more than before."

  2. Tense Indicators:

    • Present Progressive: "Right now," "At this moment."

    • Past Progressive: "In the 1980s," "20 years ago."

    • Perfect Progressive: "For years," "For decades."

      • "Recently (kürzlich, vor kurzem, in letzte Zeit, letztens, )".

Progressive Tenses Quiz

Progressive Tenses Quiz

Practice Present, Past, and Perfect Progressive Tenses

Click on the blanks to reveal the correct answers.

Present Progressive

1. Right now, I ______ up at 7 a.m.
a) am waking (wache gerade auf)
b) was waking (wachte gerade auf)
c) have been waking (bin am Aufwachen)

2. At this moment, she ______ coffee in the morning.
a) is drinking (trinkt gerade)
b) was drinking (trank gerade)
c) has been drinking (hat getrunken)

3. Right now, they ______ to school by bus.
a) are going (fahren gerade)
b) were going (fuhren gerade)
c) have been going (sind gefahren)

4. At this moment, he ______ at a bank.
a) is working (arbeitet gerade)
b) was working (arbeitete gerade)
c) has been working (hat gearbeitet)

5. Right now, we ______ dinner at 6 p.m.
a) are eating (essen gerade)
b) were eating (aßen gerade)
c) have been eating (haben gegessen)

6. At this moment, the sun ______ in the east.
a) is rising ( a) is rising (geht gerade auf)
b) was rising (ging gerade auf)
c) has been rising (ist aufgegangen)

7. Right now, I ______ a book.
a) am reading (lese gerade)
b) was reading (las gerade)
c) have been reading (habe gelesen)

8. At this moment, she ______ the piano beautifully.
a) is playing (spielt gerade)
b) was playing (spielte gerade)
c) has been playing (hat gespielt)

9. Right now, they ______ TV in the evening.
a) are watching (schauen gerade)
b) were watching (schauten gerade)
c) have been watching (haben geschaut)

10. At this moment, he ______ his dog every afternoon.
a) is walking (geht gerade spazieren)
b) was walking (ging gerade spazieren)
c) has been walking (ist spazieren gegangen)

11. Right now, we ______ the house on weekends.
a) are cleaning (putzen gerade)
b) were cleaning (putzten gerade)
c) have been cleaning (haben geputzt)

12. At this moment, the children ______ in the park.
a) are playing (spielen gerade)
b) were playing (spielten gerade)
c) have been playing (haben gespielt)

13. Right now, I ______ my teeth before bed.
a) am brushing (putze gerade)
b) was brushing (putzte gerade)
c) have been brushing (habe geputzt)

14. At this moment, she ______ to music while cooking.
a) is listening (hört gerade zu)
b) was listening (hörte gerade zu)
c) has been listening (hat zugehört)

15. Right now, it ______ a lot in April.
a) is raining (regnet gerade)
b) was raining (regnete gerade)
c) has been raining (hat geregnet)

Past Progressive

16. In the 1980s, I ______ up late every day.
a) am waking (wache gerade auf)
b) was waking (wachte gerade auf)
c) have been waking (bin am Aufwachen)

17. 20 years ago, she ______ tea instead of coffee.
a) is drinking (trinkt gerade)
b) was drinking (trank gerade)
c) has been drinking (hat getrunken)

18. In the 1980s, they ______ to the beach every weekend.
a) are going (fahren gerade)
b) were going (fuhren gerade)
c) have been going (sind gefahren)

19. 20 years ago, he ______ late every night.
a) is working (arbeitet gerade)
b) was working (arbeitete gerade)
c) has been working (hat gearbeitet)

20. In the 1980s, we ______ pizza for dinner often.
a) are eating (essen gerade)
b) were eating (aßen gerade)
c) have been eating (haben gegessen)

21. 20 years ago, the sun ______ at 7 p.m. every day.
a) is setting (geht gerade unter)
b) was setting (ging gerade unter)
c) has been setting (ist untergegangen)

22. In the 1980s, I ______ books every night.
a) am reading (lese gerade)
b) was reading (las gerade)
c) have been reading (habe gelesen)

23. 20 years ago, she ______ soccer with her friends.
a) is playing (spielt gerade)
b) was playing (spielte gerade)
c) has been playing (hat gespielt)

24. In the 1980s, they ______ movies every weekend.
a) are watching (schauen gerade)
b) were watching (schauten gerade)
c) have been watching (haben geschaut)

25. 20 years ago, he ______ to the store every morning.
a) is walking (geht gerade spazieren)
b) was walking (ging gerade spazieren)
c) has been walking (ist spazieren gegangen)

26. In the 1980s, we ______ the car every week.
a) are cleaning (putzen gerade)
b) were cleaning (putzten gerade)
c) have been cleaning (haben geputzt)

27. 20 years ago, the children ______ outside all day.
a) are playing (spielen gerade)
b) were playing (spielten gerade)
c) have been playing (haben gespielt)

28. In the 1980s, I ______ my teeth before going to bed.
a) am brushing (putze gerade)
b) was brushing (putzte gerade)
c) have been brushing (habe geputzt)

29. 20 years ago, she ______ podcasts every day.
a) is listening (hört gerade zu)
b) was listening (hörte gerade zu)
c) has been listening (hat zugehört)

30. In the 1980s, it ______ heavily every night.
a) is raining (regnet gerade)
b) was raining (regnete gerade)
c) has been raining (hat geregnet)

Perfect Progressive

31. For years, I ______ up at 7 a.m.
a) am waking (wache gerade auf)
b) was waking (wachte gerade auf)
c) have been waking (bin am Aufwachen)

32. For decades, she ______ coffee in the morning.
a) is drinking (trinkt gerade)
b) was drinking (trank gerade)
c) has been drinking (hat getrunken)

33. For years, they ______ to school by bus.
a) are going (fahren gerade)
b) were going (fuhren gerade)
c) have been going (sind gefahren)

34. For decades, he ______ at a bank.
a) is working (arbeitet gerade)
b) was working (arbeitete gerade)
c) has been working (hat gearbeitet)

35. For years, we ______ dinner at 6 p.m.
a) are eating (essen gerade)
b) were eating (aßen gerade)
c) have been eating (haben gegessen)

36. For decades, the sun ______ in the east.
a) is rising (geht gerade auf)
b) was rising (ging gerade auf)
c) has been rising (ist aufgegangen)

37. For years, I ______ books.
a) am reading (lese gerade)
b) was reading (las gerade)
c) have been reading (habe gelesen)

38. For decades, she ______ the piano beautifully.
a) is playing (spielt gerade)
b) was playing (spielte gerade)
c) has been playing (hat gespielt)

39. For years, they ______ TV in the evening.
a) are watching (schauen gerade)
b) were watching (schauten gerade)
c) have been watching (haben geschaut)

40. For decades, he ______ his dog every afternoon.
a) is walking (geht gerade spazieren)
b) was walking (ging gerade spazieren)
c) has been walking (ist spazieren gegangen)

41. For years, we ______ the house on weekends.
a) are cleaning (putzen gerade)
b) were cleaning (putzten gerade)
c) have been cleaning (haben geputzt)

42. For decades, the children ______ in the park.
a) are playing (spielen gerade)
b) were playing (spielten gerade)
c) have been playing (haben gespielt)

43. For years, I ______ my teeth before bed.
a) am brushing (putze gerade)
b) was brushing (putzte gerade)
c) have been brushing (habe geputzt)

44. For decades, she ______ to music while cooking.
a) is listening (hört gerade zu)
b) was listening (hörte gerade zu)
c) has been listening (hat zugehört)

45. For years, it ______ a lot in April.
a) is raining (regnet gerade)
b) was raining (regnete gerade)
c) has been raining (hat geregnet)

46. For decades, I ______ my homework on time.
a) am finishing (beende gerade)
b) was finishing (beendete gerade)
c) have been finishing (habe beendet)

47. For years, she ______ Paris regularly.
a) is visiting (besucht gerade)
b) was visiting (besuchte gerade)
c) has been visiting (hat besucht)

48. For decades, they ______ new cars frequently.
a) are buying (kaufen gerade)
b) were buying (kauften gerade)
c) have been buying (haben gekauft)

49. For years, he ______ dinner for us.
a) is cooking (kocht gerade)
b) was cooking (kochte gerade)
c) has been cooking (hat gekocht)

50. For decades, we ______ to five countries every year.
a) are traveling (reisen gerade)
b) were traveling (reisten gerade)
c) have been traveling (haben gereist)

The Heart 2

The Heart 2

The Heart 2 | Sprachschule Münster