Harbour Münster Quiz - Beginner
Münster Harbour -Quiz - Beginner
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1. Münster Harbour is located near the ______.
city center
a) river
b) city center
c) airport
d) train station
2. The harbour is along the ______ Canal.
a) Berlin-Water
b) Dortmund-Ems
c) Rhine-Main
d) Kiel
3. The harbour was built over ______ years ago.
a) 50
b) 100
c) 200
d) 150
4. Originally, the harbour was used for shipping ______.
a) tourists
b) goods
c) pets
d) vehicles
5. Today, it is a popular place for ______.
a) students
b) researchers
c) visitors
d) fishermen
6. Many old warehouses are now ______.
a) libraries
b) museums
c) restaurants
d) gyms
7. There are bars and ______ along the water.
a) cafés
b) theaters
c) clubs
d) hotels
8. You can find ______ galleries here.
a) art
b) music
c) science
d) photo
9. People come to enjoy the ______.
a) food
b) views
c) books
d) games
10. There is a path for ______ and biking.
a) driving
b) walking
c) rollerblading
d) skateboarding
11. The harbour has a ______ atmosphere.
a) busy
b) formal
c) relaxed
d) tense
12. Boats still use the ______ sometimes.
a) river
b) road
c) canal
d) lake
13. Münster Harbour has many colorful ______.
a) flowers
b) murals
c) flags
d) bridges
14. Artists often display their ______ here.
a) tools
b) photos
c) work
d) awards
15. There is a popular weekly ______ nearby.
a) lecture
b) play
c) market
d) contest
16. The harbour hosts outdoor ______.
a) classes
b) events
c) workshops
d) meetings
17. In summer, open-air ______ are held.
a) speeches
b) concerts
c) meetings
d) marathons
18. There is a film ______ in the harbour area.
a) showing
b) premiere
c) festival
d) night
19. The harbour has a large ______ basin.
a) sports
b) water
c) plant
d) fish
20. The harbour is surrounded by ______ buildings.
a) modern
b) ancient
c) medieval
d) futuristic
21. The area attracts ______ and locals.
a) tourists
b) businesspeople
c) students
d) officials
22. Many tech companies have ______ here.
a) buildings
b) parks
c) homes
d) offices
23. It is a trendy place for ______.
young people
a) young people
b) families
c) seniors
d) tourists
24. You can see boats ______ at the docks.
a) floating
b) moored
c) sailing
d) parked
25. The harbour has a unique ______ feel.
a) rural
b) quiet
c) industrial
d) urban
26. There is an old ______ by the water.
a) fountain
b) bridge
c) crane
d) lighthouse
27. The area is busy in the ______.
a) mornings
b) afternoons
c) evenings
d) nights
28. Visitors enjoy watching the ______.
a) sunrise
b) boats
c) sunset
d) waves
29. Public ______ adds character to the harbour.
a) lighting
b) landscaping
c) art
d) signage
30. Münster Harbour blends history with ______.
modern life
a) business
b) nature
c) tradition
d) modern life
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