Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 3

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 3

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 3 | Sprachschule Münster

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 3

Medical Equipment Quiz

41. Which cabinets are designed to dry endoscopes? ______.
a) Endoscope drying cabinets (Endoskop-Trocknungsschränke)
b) Washer-disinfectors (Reinigungs-Desinfektionsgeräte)
c) Autoclaves (Autoklaven)

42. What trays are used for soaking instruments before sterilization? ______.
a) Packing tables (Packtische)
b) Soaking trays (Einweichschalen)
c) Sterile containers (Sterile Behälter)

43. Which indicators confirm chemical exposure during sterilization? ______.
a) Chemical indicators (Chemische Indikatoren)
b) Instrument washers (Instrumentenwaschanlagen)
c) CSSD trolleys (Zentral-Sterilisationsabteilungswagen)

44. Which indicators confirm biological effectiveness of sterilization? ______.
a) Pack check indicators (Packungskontroll-Indikatoren)
b) Biological indicators (Biologische Indikatoren)
c) Indicator tape (Indikatorband)

45. Which racks help organize instruments in storage? ______.
a) Instrument organization racks (Instrumenten-Organisationsregale)
b) Packing tables (Packtische)
c) Sealing machines (Verschließmaschinen)

46. What trays are used to count instruments accurately? ______.
a) Sterile containers (Sterile Behälter)
b) Counting trays (Zähltabletts)
c) Washer-disinfectors (Reinigungs-Desinfektionsgeräte)

47. Which substances keep instruments functioning smoothly? ______.
a) Instrument lubricants (Instrumenten-Schmiermittel)
b) Instrument washers (Instrumentenwaschanlagen)
c) High-level disinfectants (Hochleistungsdesinfektionsmittel)

48. What dispensers provide access to protective equipment? ______.
a) PPE dispensers (PSA-Spender)
b) Mask dispensers (Maskenspender)
c) Glove dispensers (Handschuhspender)

49. Which pouches are used for sterilizing small items? ______.
a) Self-sealing sterilization pouches (Selbstklebende Sterilisationsbeutel)
b) Sterile peel pouches (Sterile Peel-Beutel)
c) Sterilization wraps (Sterilisationsverpackungen)

50. Which pouches self-seal for sterilizing instruments? ______.
a) Self-sealing sterilization pouches (Selbstklebende Sterilisationsbeutel)
b) Sterilization baskets (Sterilisationskörbe)
c) Soaking trays (Einweichschalen)

51. Which rolls are used for wrapping items before sterilization? ______.
a) Sterile packaging rolls (Sterilverpackungsrollen)
b) Glove dispensers (Handschuhspender)
c) Chemical indicators (Chemische Indikatoren)

52. What trays contain supplies for tracheostomy care? ______.
a) Counting trays (Zähltabletts)
b) Tracheostomy care trays (Tracheostomieversorgungstabletts)
c) Sealing machines (Verschließmaschinen)

53. Which kits include tools for suturing? ______.
a) PPE dispensers (PSA-Spender)
b) Suture kits (Naht-Sets)
c) Biological indicators (Biologische Indikatoren)

54. Which staplers are used in surgeries? ______.
a) Instrument trays (Instrumententabletts)
b) Surgical staplers (Chirurgische Klammergeräte)
c) Needle holders (Nadelhalter)

55. Which containers safely dispose of used syringes? ______.
a) Biohazard bags (Biogefahr-Beutel)
b) Syringe disposal boxes (Spritzen-Abwurfbehälter)
c) Self-sealing sterilization pouches (Selbstklebende Sterilisationsbeutel)

56. Which sinks are used for handwashing in sterile areas? ______.
a) Scrub sinks (OP-Waschbecken)
b) Enzyme sprays (Enzymsprays)
c) Washer-disinfectors (Reinigungs-Desinfektionsgeräte)

57. Which workstations are used for cleaning instruments? ______.
a) Washer-disinfectors (Reinigungs-Desinfektionsgeräte)
b) Decontamination workstations (Dekontaminations-Arbeitsstationen)
c) Soaking trays (Einweichschalen)

58. What tool is used for cauterizing tissue? ______.
a) Needle holders (Nadelhalter)
b) Cautery pens (Kauter-Stifte)
c) Tracheostomy care trays (Tracheostomieversorgungstabletts)

59. Which gowns can be used repeatedly in sterile environments? ______.
a) Disposable scalpels (Einwegskalpelle)
b) Reusable sterile gowns (Wiederverwendbare sterile Kittel)
c) Surgical drapes (Operationsabdecktücher)

60. Which packs are prepared with sterile supplies for procedures? ______.
a) Sterile procedure packs (Sterile Eingriffsets)
b) Biohazard bags (Biogefahr-Beutel)
c) Mask dispensers (Maskenspender)

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 3

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 3

Vocabulary | Sterilisation Instruments 3 | Sprachschule Münster