English Quiz: New Year in Irland
English Quiz: New Year in Irland | Sprachschule Münster
English Quiz: New Year in Irland
1. What is the Irish word for New Year’s Eve?
Oíche Chinn Bliana
a) Nollaig na mBan (Frauenweihnacht)
b) Oíche Chinn Bliana (Silvesterabend)
c) Lá Fhéile Pádraig (St. Patrick's Day)
2. What do people in Ireland traditionally open at midnight to let the old year out?
A door
a) A door (Eine Tür)
b) A window (Ein Fenster)
c) A cupboard (Ein Schrank)
3. What food is traditionally placed outside Irish homes for good luck in the New Year?
a) Bread (Brot)
b) Milk (Milch)
c) Apples (Äpfel)
4. What is believed to bring bad luck in Ireland on New Year’s Day?
Cleaning the house
a) Cleaning the house (Das Haus putzen)
b) Spending money (Geld ausgeben)
c) Eating meat (Fleisch essen)
5. What drink is most commonly associated with Irish New Year celebrations?
a) Guinness (Guinness)
b) Whisky (Whisky)
c) Mead (Met)
6. What is traditionally sung at Irish New Year celebrations?
"Auld Lang Syne"
a) "Danny Boy" ("Danny Boy")
b) "Auld Lang Syne" ("Auld Lang Syne")
c) "Molly Malone" ("Molly Malone")
7. What is the name of the Irish festival marking the transition to a new year?
Oíche Chinn Bliana
a) Imbolc (Imbolc)
b) Samhain (Samhain)
c) Oíche Chinn Bliana (Silvesterabend)
8. What do Irish people often eat on New Year’s Day for good fortune?
Cabbage and Bacon
a) Cabbage and Bacon (Kohl und Speck)
b) Potatoes and Fish (Kartoffeln und Fisch)
c) Stew (Eintopf)
9. What color is traditionally associated with New Year’s luck in Ireland?
a) Green (Grün)
b) Gold (Gold)
c) White (Weiß)
10. What is the traditional Irish custom of "First Footing" called?
Fáilte Bliana Nua
a) Fáilte Bliana Nua (Willkommen neues Jahr)
b) Fáinne Geal (Fáinne Geal)
c) Céad Céim (Erster Schritt)
11. Where in Ireland do people gather to watch fireworks on New Year’s Eve?
a) Dublin (Dublin)
b) Cork (Cork)
c) Galway (Galway)
12. What Irish dance is often performed during New Year’s celebrations?
a) Riverdance (Riverdance)
b) Sean-nós (Sean-nós)
c) Ceili (Ceili)
13. What Irish instrument is often played during New Year festivities?
a) Tin Whistle (Tin Whistle)
b) Harp (Harfe)
c) Fiddle (Geige)
14. What is placed under the pillow for good dreams in Irish New Year traditions?
a) Bread (Brot)
b) Holly (Stechpalme)
c) A Bible (Eine Bibel)
15. What do Irish families often make on New Year’s Eve to symbolize their hopes for the new year?
A wish box
a) A cross (Ein Kreuz)
b) A wreath (Ein Kranz)
c) A wish box (Eine Wunschkiste)